2024 Easter Egg Hunt (3/30/24)

Posted by on Feb 21, 2024 in EventAnnouncement, Friends & Fellowship, kids, Mission: AroundTowns, SS-kids | 0 comments

Easter eggs… Really?

Eggs represent life, and new life comes from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  So we’re going to use the symbol of Easter Eggs to help teach our children about the true meaning of Easter… and to have a little fun while we’re at it!

Let’s make some joyful noise on “Silent Saturday!”  On Saturday, March 30, we will host our 15th annual Easter Egg Hunt. 

Here are the details…

2024 Easter Egg Hunt

WHEN:   Saturday March 30, 2024

TIME:     Starts at 11:00 AM. Ends when all of the eggs have been gathered! (1 ‘ish)

WHERE:  Pitman United Methodist Church (indoors and on our south lawn)

WHO:      Ages 0 through  ??? (there will be goodies for the grownups too!)

RAIN OR SHINE:  We’ll move inside if a major storm comes up

COST:     You’ve gotta be kidding!!! Absolutely free!

For directions to PUMC, click this button: Directions   

Don’t worry… it’s rain, shine, or Snow (but we fully expect March 30 to be a sunny warm spring day!)



A Tradition Continues…

This is PUMC’s 15th annual Easter Egg hunt!  The pandemic interrupted it in 2020, scaled it back in 2021, but the Hunt is back in full  force.  Last April over 300 children (“of all ages”) collected a couple thousand plastic eggs filled with goodies.  Here’s a taste of last year’s Egg Hunt:



God’s Love is Continuous…

Yes, gathering eggs, taking them home, and enjoying the goodies is a fun tradition.  But there is a message behind it!  Easter continues long after the “candy has been eaten.”  Consider the following as you watch your kids scramble to collect the eggs…

What Treasure are You Looking For?

Easter egg hunts are a fun way for families to spend time together. And, they also provide a great teaching opportunity. Through the death of Christ on the cross, God is offering us something much more valuable than candy inside a plastic egg. He urges us to seek for the Spiritual things that bring us closer to God.

Consider these words of Jesus…

 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.  “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matt 13:44-46,  NIV

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:31-34, NIV

 Enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt!  But use this opportunity to teach your children about the Real Treasures that God is offering us.  “Seek and Ye shall find…”


Why Eggs?????

Eggs are symbolic of Life, and Easter Egg Hunts have long been part of the local church’s tradition.  Check out the following video that was posted on the UMC.org website:



What’s Next???

As we prepare for the Easter Egg Hunt we also prepare for Easter’s celebration of the Resurrection…  Life.  This is the Treasure that God offers to all of us.  

For more info on how PUMC is preparing for Easter during this season of Lent, check out the events that are listed in the “Lent 2024” sidebar (to your right).  

The “Eggcitement” doesn’t end with Easter!  All Egg Hunters are invited back to PUMC in June dive into this year’s Vacation Bible School!  Our VBS will be held from June 24 through 28 (6:00 to 8:00 PM).  The theme will be “Scuba”… stay tuned for details.


 No Bunny Loves You Like Jesus!!!


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The Easter Egg Hunt is organized by PUMC’s Christian Education Team.  To learn more about other opportunities, click this button:  Sunday School  


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