Pastor’s Ponderings: Look at Yourself!
Living a life of holiness means that we have to keep examining ourselves: “How is it with your soul?” Even as we cast all of our anxieties on God, we need to be willing to be molded into the people God wants us to be.
Read MoreRevive Us Again! (Camp Meeting 7/22/18)
Is today’s Church ready for revival? Rev. Sherry Zapolla spoke at the 7/23/18 Camp Meeting and answered that question with a “No!” Through music and message, she challenged us to pray for revival and to be instruments of change.
Read MoreJohn Wesley’s Flash Cards
In 1733 ,John Wesley published a series of questions about our relationship to God, and he encouraged his followers to ponder them every day. Kind of like those flash cards that you may have used to learn multiplication tables. How’s your “math” today?
Read MoreNew Challenge? Be Strong and Courageous! (Camp Meeting, 8/20/17)
On August 20 2017, the First UMC of Glassboro hosted the Pitman Camp Meeting. Their Praise Band (Magnify) roused us up with their music, and their Pastor (Rev. John Inverso) inspired us with his message…. Pastor John’s scripture reading was Joshua 1:6-11… 6 “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses...
Read MorePastors Ponderings: Who is St. Patrick?
Pastor Jim submitted the following on 3/17/17… Greetings Friends: A very Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all! Below is a brief yet informative article about Patrick and this day. I cannot take credit for it other than I received it from Christian History Institute, of whom I am a member. I hope you are blessed by this humble offering about a wonderful Saint of the Christian Church. Pastor Jim We all Know St. Partick’s Day… but what about St. Patrick Himself??? ON...
Read MoreA Zoad, a Fork, and a Choice (5/22/16)
A Zoad? How does a Dr. Seuss character improve our own character; help us to walk in deeper faith? If we’re going to get anywhere, we need to make a choice; step out in faith and commit to obeying God.
Read MoreMen’s Fellowship to Gather around the Kingdom (5/14/16)
The Men’s Fellowship will gather on the morning of Saturday May 14. We’ll hold our usual gathering (this is NOT a “meeting”!) from 7:30 until 9:00 AM in the Potter’s Hand room. The Potter’s Hand Room is located behind the sanctuary on the balcony level. We’ll enjoy some coffee, goodies, and conversation. Then we’ll look into the Word. Our guest speaker will be Ben King. Ben is a high school history teacher by profession, but he is also...
Read More3rd and 4th Graders Learn to Be Jesus’ Hands and Feet (1/17/16)
The Third and Fourth graders in our Sunday School are practicing to be the “Hands” and “Feet” of Jesus by making a chain recording their good deeds. We’re hoping that by the end of the year, our chain will reach around the room! Standing in the Gap As we saw in a recent sermon, Ezekiel 22:30-31 uses the image of someone “Standing in the Gap” between God’s love and humanity’s sinfulness. God is calling us to be “priests”;...
Read MoreFinding and Responding to God (11/22/15)
As we enter the holiday season, we get Busy. We celebrate the gifts and presence of God… but do we see Him? and when we see Him… what is our reaction? The sermon on Nov. 22, 2015 was given by Andy Johns, a PUMC Advanced Lay Servant. Click the below “Play” button to listen to the recording, then scroll down and follow along… The scripture was Psalm 19. Andy read from the New Living Testament (shown below). Click the drop Down box to read… ...
Read MorePanic! Now What? (7/26/15)
On July 26, Pastor Jim was taking a much deserved vacation, so our sermon was given by Lay Servant Jim Kier. What do you do when your whole world is about to crash around you? What do you do when that moment hits you and you feel that you’re in serious danger? Jim’s scripture was John 6:1-21. Click the below “Play” button to start the recording of the message, then scroll down to read the scripture and to follow along with the sermon… John 6:1-21...
Read MoreWhat’s Beyond the Zebras? (7/12/15)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on July 12 2015 called us to look beyond our own self imposed boundaries and to allow God to work through us; even if He takes us to places we’ve never been before. Click the below “Play” button to listen to the recording, then scroll down and follow along… Our scripture was from Genesis 12:1-5… Genesis 12:1-5 Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house,...
Read MoreThe Answer is “Yes!”… not “Yeah, but…” (5/31/15)
Sunday May 31 was a special day in the lives of the 15 youth who were confirmed. Pastor Jim’s message during the 11:00 Am service was directed towards them. God is committed to you. Are you committed to Him? Click the following “Play” Button to start the recording, then scroll down to follow along… The Scripture was 1 Samuel 2:26 and 2 Corinthians 1:17-20. Open the following Drop Down box to read. Scripture Reading 1 Samuel 2:26 And the child Samuel grew in...
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: What’s Your Fixed Point?
The following article was sent by Pastor Jim on 1/19/15…. Greetings Friends: PLEASE READ: Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (NIV). PLEASE READ: Psalm 102:27 “But you remain the same, and your years will never end” (NIV). Those verses of holy Scripture noted above are so powerful. What an amazing thought: Jesus Christ is the same, He doesn’t change. Isn’t that good to know that in this turbulent, stormy,...
Read MoreDo Something! (1/25/15)
Last weekend (1/18/15), our BLAST Youth Group attended the “Mid-Winter Advance” at Keswick. Besides having a lot of fun and meeting new friends, they focused on Matthew 25:40 and discussed ways in which they can put their faith into action and “do it for the least of these.” Here’s the “T-Shirt Translation” of this verse: This weekend (1/25/15) the group returned and shared what they learned by leading the 9:30 worship service. The following thoughts...
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Called to Dive into the Corn Field!
The following devotional was submitted by our pastor, Rev. Jim Bolton (11/14/14). Last night (Thursday 11/13/14) we experienced our first sighting of snow for the season. The temperatures dipped low enough for a thin coating of snow to cover parts of our gardens and decks… ————————————————– Greetings Friends: What a wonderful treat with the snow fall last evening! PLEASE...
Read MoreNew Early Bird Bible Study on Tuesday Nights (11/4/14)
On Tuesdays, our church dives into The Word with several small group Bible studies which come before and after a dinner. One of these studies has been called the “Early Bird” Bible Study class because it meets at 5:00 before the dinner. Other classes meet after the dinner. The Early Bird study is led by Pastor Glenn Chaplin (who also serves as the pastor of the Downer UMC). They have recently concluded a study on Heaven, and now they’ve started a new study looking at what it...
Read MoreCan You be Googled?
When designing a website, one of the first things you’ll hear about is “SEO”- Search Engine Optimization. One of the top goals of any website is to show up on the top of that first page when somebody does an Internet search. Search engine providers use things known as “crawlers” or “robots” which constantly search the Internet to build up their database of search terms and sites. If you’re managing a website, you want to use terms that these...
Read MoreUMM Gathering with Mike Denelsbeck (4/12/14)
The United Methodist Men held our monthly gathering this morning (Saturday April 12). Our guest speaker was Mike Denelsbeck. Mike has an interesting story. From working as a prison guard, to being a Lay Director of the Garden State Walk to Emmaus Community, to his current ministry as a local pastor (of the Rosenhayne UMC), he has led a life of growth and commitment to our Lord. Mike has a passion for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The following shares the message that Mike shared...
Read MoreFruitful Living (5 of 5): Extravagant Generosity (4/6/14)
The sermon on Sunday April 6 introduced practice #5 of our five part series on the “Five Practices of Fruitful Living” During this season of Lent, we are following the companion devotional guide by Robert Schanase entitled in “Forty Days of Fruitful Living.” The sermons introduce the week’s topic, and we discuss and study these topics during our small group meetings that week. This week’s sermon is the final in the series. The Five Practices of Fruitful Living Radical...
Read MoreReport from Duane & Alice Walters (12/2013)
The following was published in Duane & Alice’s December 2013 newsletter. It features a message written by their boss (earthly one, that is!)… We remember with the apostle Paul that our citizenship is in heaven. The Lord may use us to help bring many more from all over the world to recognize their real home with Him. So instead of touching just one continent with our service, my current job touches almost every continent. Here is what my boss says about our being here in...
Read MoreFriend Request from Jesus!
Anyone who uses Facebook is familiar with the message saying: New Friend Request from ___. Confirm Not Now You have to make a choice. You have to click either “Confirm” or “Not Now.” Do you know this person? Do you want to know more about him? Do you want to share your posts with him or her? Do you want to have a relationship with this person? One of life’s greatest mysteries is that Jesus- the one and only Son of God- wants to have a...
Read MoreFruitful Living (4 of 5): “Risk Taking Mission” (3/30/14)
The sermon on Sunday March 30 introduced practice #4 of our five part series on the “Five Practices of Fruitful Living” During this season of Lent, we are following the companion devotional guide by Robert Schanase entitled in “Forty Days of Fruitful Living.” The sermons introduce the week’s topic, and we discuss and study these topics during our small group meetings that week. Risk Taking Mission and Service This week’s “practice of fruitful living” was presented by...
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