Welcome Visitors!

Welcome to Pitman United Methodist Church!

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Thank you for your interest in Pitman United Methodist Church!  Read the following welcome message from our Senior Pastor, the Rev. Mike Chapman…

Pastor's Letter

Pastor Mike Chapman

Welcome to the Pitman United Methodist Church located in the historic town of Pitman, New Jersey. I am so glad you stopped by. Since 1885, the Pitman Church has been making a positive difference in the lives of countless numbers of people, and the future is bright with the Gospel leading the way. The Pitman Church is a growing church which offers a diverse array of opportunities for all people. With obvious joy and infectious enthusiasm, this community of God’s people is making a difference in the lives of many on a local and global level.

As you journey through this website, please notice the opportunities for spiritual growth through worship; my hope is that you can see a group of people loving Jesus and others. Please take note of the Christian preschool “Our Father’s House” located at the church as well. The church is also a host to several groups from the community. If you miss a week, a recorded video of the service is available on the website’s Live Stream page. In short, please take note of the countless number of ways you, your family and friends, can make a difference in the world through the Pitman Church. 

If you are searching for a church where the focus is on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our relationship with neighbors, and our relationship with each other, then you will feel at home here at Pitman UMC! My desire is that every time you leave this place, you have heard the name of Jesus; for it is in Jesus name that we minister. None of us are perfect and we all have our faults, but we are looking to Jesus for our future and hope. I always like to say, “no perfect people allowed,” so in other words, all are welcome!

If you have never been to the church, I personally invite you to come and be our guest. If the church can of service to you, please feel free to call the church office or the Pastor at pastormike@pitmanumc.org . If you would like to sit and talk with me, please feel free to set up a time to come in and chat! Please stop by often to see what is happening and catch the excitement of this growing church. Come to any of the services or events, you’ll be glad you did.

Thanks for stopping by.

Let’s Make Jesus Famous

Rev. Mike Chapman 


Welcome to our Website!

Thank you for visiting our website.  Read the following message to learn more about how you can get the most from the site…

Website Info

One of the old hymns of the United Methodist church is entitled “I Love to Tell the Story”…

I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love.

I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory, to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.

The purpose of this website is to tell the story; not only of what a church is doing, but of how our God has  touched the lives of  the people of the Pitman United Methodist Church.

This site is designed to display the entire picture of the activities and people  who make up our church.  The activities and organization of our church are planned by prayer and powered by the Holy Spirit.  We seek to use the resources of the United Methodist Church in order to fulfill  God’s call to serve the poor, sick, and needy.  The site also tells the story of the people of our church.  We strive to be  servants and learners who witness God’s love and will to the world.


The “Canvas”…

And so this site is designed with two elements.  The first is like the canvas  of a painting.  The horizontal row of menu buttons across the top of the screen access pages that describe the design of our programs.  Activities,  or groups, or functions of our church have their own pages.  The pages and menu are ordered around the general purpose of our church which is to Know, Grow, and Go.

The menu buttons function as a drop down menu. But, you can also click on any button to open a page describing the contents under that menu. And for mobile device / touch screen users, these landing pages include “mobile friendly” buttons that allow you reach the pages without having to navigate the drop down menu with your touch screen.

Explore these pages to learn about the programs and activities we have built.


The “Paint”…

Having a bunch of programs doesn’t mean anything if the people of the church aren’t affected by them.  Our purpose is to “create a climate where spiritual growth can occur.”  The life of the people within these programs is like the blood-flow that enables God’s purposes to be fulfilled.

So the second element of  our site are Blog posts.  These posts convey the story of the people of our church. These posts are like the Paint on the Canvas.  They relate what we’re doing with the programs and how they’re challenging and changing lives.

Posts are accessed using the links that are in the right hand sidebar.  The lists in the sidebar show the most recent posts.  There are a lot of ways to find posts of interest.  Here are a few:

  1. Use the search box to look for a particular topic or phrase. 
  2. Click on a link under the “Event Announcements” to find out about upcoming (or past) events.
  3. Click on a link under “News and Reports” to see what happened during a completed event.
  4. Click on a “Recent Godprint Blogs” link to read or discuss issues on how God acts in our day to day lives.
  5. The “Display Posts by Topic Cloud” is located in the footer at the end of the Home Page.  Click on a word to find messages about a specific topic.

We will also “Feature” certain posts to highlight upcoming events and reports.  Scroll down to the middle of the Home Page to view the slider of “Featured Posts”  Click on the Read Button that shows up in the slider and  you can read  the entire post.

You can click on the Home page’s  “News Ticker” to read about a current topic.

The This Sunday box on the top of the right hand sidebar announces details about the coming Sunday’s services.  It shows the sermon title and provides a link allowing you to read the day’s scripture and to “pre-prayer” for worship.

And is that’s not enough… most pages end with a “News” Button which will open up posts giving updated information about the ministry on that page.

Posts are interactive.  You can contribute to the information and  add your personal experiences by entering a comment.

All comments to posts are “Moderated”. In other words, nothing will be published unless approved by the Webmaster. All comments must further the purpose of the Pitman United Methodist Church, and we reserve the right to deny or to edit any contributions.


Enjoy the Painting…

Please spend some time on our site and enjoy “kicking the tires” while learning more about our church and its programs.  As you do, we hope you will also learn more about the grace and  love of our Creator-God.   He is working through our church in so many ways,  and  it  is our prayer that you may experience God through the pages and posts of this website.


Egg Hunt 2015 Hunt _photo 8Inside the plastic eggs of our 2015 Easter Egg Hunt, we included papers giving a link to the following special welcome.  Open this post to hear and read about our Sunday School and other things that our young families are doing…



Egg Hunter Welcome!  


Join the conversation and post a comment.

  1. Wayne E Leap

    Jim stayed behind the podium today. I heard the service wonderfully. it was really great for us hard of hearing people. Wayne Leap


    I have been dealing with intense sciatica pain for a year. Many of my church family have been praying for me. I thank you for that. I’ve had different treatments that did not work. I knew that God had something great for me at the end f this. However, I was giving up hope. For about the last 3 weeks my pain has been at the most at a #3 level which is tolerable. It took a small pill. I am so thankful that God gave my neurologist the knowledge to recommend a pill that is for depression that also helps pain. That is the best Christmas present that I could ever have.

    • Eileen Oz

      I am “stepping up” my prayers for you, my dear friend ‼️❤️ ? I’m glad the pill helps + my prayers are that you are cures soon. God is Good — All the Time and He’s not giving up on you so neither am I‼️❤️???

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