Christ is Born… For YOU!
The angels told the shepherds, “For unto you is born a Savior.” Who is “You”? Does it refer to Israel? To the Shepherds? Or, could it even refer to Us???
Read MoreNo Ram Caught in the Thicket (Camp Meeting, 8/11/19)
Rev. Jim Hughes preached at the Camp Meeting on 8/11/19. On this evening, he didn’t present his customary first person dramatization. Instead he painted a vivid picture of two sacrifices on two hills linked by eternity. God provided a Substitute for Abraham, and for us. But there is no substitute for Jesus.
Read MoreNo One Escapes the Cross… Do They? (Camp Meeting 7/15/18)
Rev. Jim Hughes, returning again this year as a guest speaker at the Pitman Camp Meeting, appeared as Thomas. Thomas was a man who desperately wanted to return to his first love. But he saw Jesus die on the cross; and nobody escapes from the cross… Do they???
Read MorePraise Team to Add Harmony in the Park! (9/30/17)
The Washington Baptist Church (located in Washington Twp.) is organizing an event called “Harmony in the Park”, which will be held at the Washington Lake Park on Saturday September 30. It pretty much runs all day (10 AM – 6 PM), with free food, games, and Christian music. On one level, it’s an end of summer community party. On a deeper level, it’s a chance to witness to the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. The music begins at the main amphitheater at...
Read MoreGod’s Bridge Over Troubled Water (1/10/16)
This message is the second in a three part series called “Three Men and a Baby.” The first part focused on the gift of Gold; of how the Wise Men challenged us to give our best. This second part focuses on the gift of Frankincense; of how Jesus is our great High Priest who bridges the wide gap between humanity and God. Click the below “Play” button and scroll down to follow along (the recording is from the 9:30 service)… Note: Pastor Jim opens by inviting...
Read MoreThe Supremacy of Christ- Part 3 (10/11/15)
Pastor Jim is preaching a three part series on a look at our Lord and Savior- Jesus the Christ. He is above all others, all other things, and He’s all we need. In this morning’s sermon, we concluded our look at Colossians chapter 1. Click the “Play” button to start the recording, then scroll down to follow along. The scripture was from Colossians 1:15-20. Open the below drop down box to read along with Pastor Jim… and the congregation. We read from the New...
Read MorePastors Ponderings: Watch What You Hang on to- Time to Re-Consider Your Priorities?
Is it time to rid yourself of distractions and fully re-commit yourself to God? This post was originally submitted by Pastor Jim in 2015, but it’s an ongoing goal to pursue.
Read MoreAre You Following the Cloud or the Crowd? (9/20/15)
Our sermon on September 20, 2015 was given by Lay Servant Steve Crispin. His text was Exodus chapter 40 which describes how God led the Israelites with a cloud and pillar of fire. Are we following that cloud? Click the below “Play” button to start the recording and then scroll down to follow along… The scripture was Exodus 40:34-38. Click the drop down box to read… Exodus 40 Exodus 40:34-38 Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the...
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: The Cross
Pastor Jim submitted the following devotional on March 27, 2015… Greetings Friends: PLEASE READ: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” Our journey through Lent is bringing us ever closer to the cross of Jesus. A question I have been pondering...
Read MoreWord 4: God, Where Are You?!? (3/15/15)
Pastor Jim continued his Lenten series on the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross by looking at the statement: “My God, my God! Why have You forsaken me?” Click the “play” button below to start the recording, then scroll down and follow along… The scripture was from Isaiah 41:10 and Matthew 27:45-49. Open the following drop down box to follow along… Scripture Isaiah 41:10 10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your...
Read MoreWord 3: Behold Your Son, Behold Your Mother (3/8/15)
On Sunday March 8 2015, Pastor Jim continued his lenten series on the seven final Words of Christ from the cross. His message this morning was from John 19:26…. Woman, behold your son. Click on the below “Play” button to start the recording. Scroll down and follow along. The scripture was from John 19:25-27. Open the drop down box to read… John 19:25-27 25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of...
Read MoreWord 2: Jesus Remembers (3/1/15)
Pastor Jim continued his Lenten series on the Seven last words of Jesus by looking at Jesus’ statement to the thief: “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Click the following “Play”button to start the recording, then scroll down and follow along. The scripture reading was from Luke 23: verse 32, then verses 39-43. Open the drop down box to read the passage. Luke 23 32 There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death....
Read MoreThe Second Sin (2/8/15)
What’s the Worst Sin we can commit??? Pastor Jim’s sermon on Sunday February 8 2015 took a look at the “second sin.” We all are familiar with the account of Adam and Eve and the Apple; Original Sin. But what’s the Second Sin? What happens if we ignore the Second Sin? Click the following “Play” button to start the sermon, scroll down, and find out… The scripture was from Genesis 3:1-13. Open the following box to read along…...
Read MoreA White Christmas (12/21/14)
Today was the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and Pastor Jim wrapped up his Advent sermon series looking at the “Colors of Christmas”- tools we use to Look Up and to keep our focus on Christ during this busy season. Click the “Play” button on the following player to listen to the sermon, then scroll down and follow along. The scripture reading was from Luke 2:8-15. Open the drop down box to follow along. Pastor Jim read from the New King James Version of the...
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: The List is Cancelled!!!
The following devotional was submitted by our pastor, Rev. Jim Bolton (11/13/14)…PLEASE READ: 1 John 1:7-9 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” There is a story that one...
Read MoreThe Power of Forgiveness (10/26/14)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on 10/26/14 was on the story about the women caught in adultery who was brought to Jesus by the religious leaders who wanted to stone her. How does grace and forgiveness fit into holiness and The Law?Click the “Play” button to listen to the recording and then scroll down to follow along… The message was from John 8:1-11. Pastor Jim read from the New King James Version. Click the box to open the passage… John 8:1-11 1 But Jesus...
Read MoreThese Feet are Made for Walking (9/14/14)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on September 14, 2014 challenged us to move out into the “world” and proclaim the Gospel. The sermon was based on Romans 10:11-17 and the sermon was entitled “These Feet are Made for Walking” (apologies to Nancy Sinatra and her hit “These Boots Are Made for Walking”)… Click the “Play” button below to start the recording, open the scripture (click the “down” arrow in the Scripture Box below), then...
Read MoreE.T. Meets Michelangelo (9/7/14)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on September 7, 2014 had the strange title of “ET Meets Michelangelo.” It was based on Exodus 33:7-11a. Click the “Play” button below to start listening to the recording, scroll down and follow along. Click the “down” button below to open up the scripture… Scripture Exodus 33:7-11 7 Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone...
Read MoreDeclarations of Independence (7/4/14)
As we prepare to celebrate the 4th of July holiday, we express our thanks for the freedoms we are blessed with in this country. But God gives us more than civil freedoms. We’re surrounded by God’s grace and freedoms that are expressed in a variety of ways. Here are a few expressions of freedom… The US Declaration of Independence. The 4th of July holiday celebrates the reading of the Declaration of Independence. Click below to open up the entire text of the...
Read MoreGrace Rains Down
“Don’t Put Up Umbrellas When Grace Rains Down” What is Grace? How’s it Rain Down??? Grace is when we get something that we don’t deserve. Mercy is when we DON’T get something that we DO deserve. Genesis chapter 3 tells us that there’s something messed up within humankind that makes us want to love ourselves more than God. Somehow wired within us is this pride that makes us want to try to get along without God, or even to think that we could do a...
Read MoreMens Fellowship Gathers with John Abramovich (5/9/14)
Our United Methodist Men’s Fellowship group gathered this morning (Saturday 5/10) to hear the teaching of John Abramovich. John and his wife Dasia are serving the Lord in Poland by organizing youth camps and by leading Bible Studies. We have been supporting them for years and are blessed through our connection with the Abramovichs. John and Daisa have been in the US for the past few months, but will soon return to Poland. This morning, we were blessed to learn from John’s Bible...
Read MoreJesus Faced Down Death! (4/20/14)
Google can answer everything! Want to know how long a twinkie will last? Google it! Want to know whether it’s called Duct Tape or Duck Tape? Google it! But if you want to know anything about death and where someone goes when they die, you’ll get a 404 error- answer not found! But Google is actually trying to do something about that… what can we do to extend life and maybe even eliminate death itself? A 2013 article in Time Magazine reports that Google is working on a...
Read MoreSignboard: For God so Loved the World… (4/19/14)
For God So Loved the World… John 3:16 is a familiar passage; maybe one of the most frequently quoted ones in the Bible. We even see it at sporting events where people simply hold up signs saying nothing more than “3:16.” But have you ever considered what it REALLY means that “God so loved the world”??? Do we just chalk it up to some kind of 1960s hippy flower power sentiment, or can it be true that our infinite Creator who is holy and righteous, actually loves...
Read MorePalm Sunday 2014- Grace Present, Past, and Future (3/13/14)
Abounding Grace… The choirs presented an entire musical service for Palm Sunday (April 20, 2014). The service opened with the traditional singing of “The Palms”, as children weaved between the pews to welcome the Savior into our midst. As we’ve seen in our recent Lenten devotional series, we are surrounded by God’s grace; unmerited favor. Grace that draws us near to God, grace that leads us to accept God, grace that makes us more like Him. The musical...
Read MoreFriend Request from Jesus!
Anyone who uses Facebook is familiar with the message saying: New Friend Request from ___. Confirm Not Now You have to make a choice. You have to click either “Confirm” or “Not Now.” Do you know this person? Do you want to know more about him? Do you want to share your posts with him or her? Do you want to have a relationship with this person? One of life’s greatest mysteries is that Jesus- the one and only Son of God- wants to have a...
Read MoreOh My God- What a Great Rate!
I recently received an ad about mortgages. The glossy letter was topped by the words, “OMG- What a great rate!” (For the “cell phone challenged” among us, “OMG” is a commonly used texting abbreviation meaning “Oh My God!”) Really? Invoking the Name of our Creator over an interest rate? Yes, God cares about every detail about our lives. But the casual use of the expression “Oh My God!” can’t help but bring the following...
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