OFH Preschool

Our Father’s House Pre-School

Treasure at Our Fathers House

Treasure at Our Fathers House

Our Father’s House, an outreach of the Pitman United Methodist Church, believes that children learn through play. Your child will discover the joy of learning, building friendships, and preparing for kindergarten with organized games and age appropriate instruction.

We provide a Christian educational experience designed to help each child grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, cognitively, emotionally and physically.  Above all, we believe that young children need to know and experience that they are loved, valued and enjoyed.


Registration for Next Year is Open!

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open!  To register your child for next year, click the below button:

2025-2026 Registration Form


It’s never too late!  You can still join the Our Father’s House family for the remainder of this school year (2024-2025).  If you’re interested, contact our Director, Ellen Taylor:

Email:             OurFathersHouse@PitmanUMC.org.

OFH phone:  856-589-5812




Classes Offered for the 2024-2025 Year…

We offer a variety of days and times for each age group.  Click on the following boxes to see what classes are offered for your child in the 2024-2025 school year.   Late enrollments for the ’24-25 year may be still available; contact us if you’re interested.

Two Year Olds

2 1/2  YEAR OLDS




Morning- 2 days

(8:45-11:15 AM)

Tues. & Thurs

  Friendly Frogs

Morning- 2 days

(8:45-11:15 AM)

Wed. & Fri.

  Friendly Frogs

Three Year Olds





Morning- 3 day

(8:45-11:15 AM)

Mon., Wed., Fri.

  1. Marvelous Monkeys
  2. Caterpillars

(2 separate classes)

Morning- 2 day

(8:45-11:15 AM)

Tues. & Thurs

  1. Marvelous Monkeys
  2. Caterpillars

(2 separate classes)

Four Year Olds (Pre-K)





Full Day


Tues.,  Wed., Thurs.

  Busy Bees

Morning Only

(8:45-11:15 AM)

Tues.,  Wed., Thurs.

  Friendly Fish




Contact our Director, Ellen Taylor, if you have any questions about Our Father’s House or if you wish to arrange a tour.    Here’s our contact info…

Email:             OurFathersHouse@PitmanUMC.org.

OFH phone:  856-589-5812



Views Around Our Father’s House…


Our Father’s House Staff


PUMC is a Safe Sanctuaries Church

Our church adheres to a strict Safe Sanctuary policy.  All caregivers and volunteers are carefully screened and trained in our procedures to prevent abuse in any form.

For details on our policy, click on the image:



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For the latest news on what’s happening at Our Father’s House, click on the following News button…





Join the conversation and post a comment.

  1. Ann Pote

    Hello! I would like to know the schedule for the 2019-2020 school year. When does school begin and end? What days is the school closed? Thank you for your help.
    Ann Pote

  2. Maureen Toner

    I was wanting to schedule a time to tour the preschool. I’m looking to enroll my daughter into the three year old program in fall 2019. Please let me know when I am able to come!

    • Chuck

      Thanks so much for your interest in Our Father’s House!
      You can email our school’s director, Eileen Salmon, at: OurFathersHouse@PitmanUMC.org
      You can also reach her by phone at 856-589-5812.

      She’d love to set up a tour for you and to discuss our preschool with you.

  3. Trevor

    Good Evening, I was looking for more information about the Preschool program for my 3 year old Son, Gavin. Does this program only start in Sept or do you accept enrollments throughout the year?

    Thanks in advance for your help,

    • Chuck

      Thanks for your interest in OFH. I’ll forward this to our school’s director and she will get back to you via email.

    • Chuck

      Eileen Salmon, the Director of Our Father’s House Preschool replied to you via email. But, if this is of use for anyone else, here’s part of her response (Bottom line:-Yes! we take enrollments at any time And, the brochure and registration form she mentioned are available on this page):
      Thank you for your interest in Our Father’s House Preschool. We take enrollments at any time. I would be happy to give you a tour of our facility and give you more information. Would you be interested in coming for a tour and enrolling him now? I have attached a current brochure and registration form for your information.
      Thank you.
      Eileen Salmon, Director Our Fathers House

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