Free of God, or Free in Christ?
The signboard message said “Freedom in Christ.” But don’t many people prefer their own notion of freedom; a freedom apart from Christ? A freedom FROM God? Some may not understand the freedom that God offers, and instead they might prefer to have freedom to ignore God. They might be more apt to ask the following and choose the second option: FREEDOM IN CHRIST OR FREEDOM FROM CHRIST? The “God Questions” Every human being eventually...
Read MoreFor Lent, Let’s Lose a Bad Habit (2/28/16)
We are now into a season of preparation for the passion and resurrection of our Lord. This preparation- which we call Lent- involves reevaluating our Walk and then getting rid of anything that’s getting in the way. Last Week, Pastor Jim showed us how to give up the “bad attitude” of being judgmental. This week, we continued the series of “Bad things” by focusing on Bad Habits. Click the below “Play” button and scroll down to follow along (the...
Read MoreGod’s Bridge Over Troubled Water (1/10/16)
This message is the second in a three part series called “Three Men and a Baby.” The first part focused on the gift of Gold; of how the Wise Men challenged us to give our best. This second part focuses on the gift of Frankincense; of how Jesus is our great High Priest who bridges the wide gap between humanity and God. Click the below “Play” button and scroll down to follow along (the recording is from the 9:30 service)… Note: Pastor Jim opens by inviting...
Read MoreAre You Following the Cloud or the Crowd? (9/20/15)
Our sermon on September 20, 2015 was given by Lay Servant Steve Crispin. His text was Exodus chapter 40 which describes how God led the Israelites with a cloud and pillar of fire. Are we following that cloud? Click the below “Play” button to start the recording and then scroll down to follow along… The scripture was Exodus 40:34-38. Click the drop down box to read… Exodus 40 Exodus 40:34-38 Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the...
Read MoreWord 1: Father Forgive Them (2/22/15)
Pastor Jim began his 7 part series on the “Seven Last Words of Christ” by looking at the first “word” (or prayer): “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Click on the “play” button and follow along… “You can’t experience the full joy of Easter, without going through Good Friday first.” Luke 23:33-38 33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals,...
Read MoreThe Second Sin (2/8/15)
What’s the Worst Sin we can commit??? Pastor Jim’s sermon on Sunday February 8 2015 took a look at the “second sin.” We all are familiar with the account of Adam and Eve and the Apple; Original Sin. But what’s the Second Sin? What happens if we ignore the Second Sin? Click the following “Play” button to start the sermon, scroll down, and find out… The scripture was from Genesis 3:1-13. Open the following box to read along…...
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