Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry of Caregiving

StephenMinistryBanner_2018All of us go through rough spots in life.  Sometimes we need expert counseling or advice, but more often we just need someone to listen to us; a friend who can offer support.

Our Stephen ministers are ready to support you.  You’re not alone!  Our congregation includes a core of trained “Stephen Ministers” who want to listen and share your burdens.  They seek to offer care and encouragement, and meet with you in complete confidence.

Check out the stories of people who have been helped through a crisis with the support of a Stephen Minister (click here).  The Stephen Ministries website also contains information about other resources that can help you through specific problems.


What is Stephen Ministry?

Click here to learn more

Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one ministry to someone who is hurting (e.g., Care Receiver). It is quiet, confidential, compassionate, and provides a listening witness to the caring presence of Christ and His community.

Stephen Ministers are lay Christians selected, trained and supervised to provide effective Christian Care. After an initial 50 hours of training, Stephen Ministers are assigned a Care Receiver with whom they meet once a week for about an hour. Stephen Ministers also meet twice per month (2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month) for supervision, support and continuing education. This is done in an environment of complete confidentiality. The names of Care Receivers are never mentioned. Stephen Ministers make a two-year commitment to the program.

Motivation (Call to Action) for this Ministry:  “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation, who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God,  For just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ.”  II Corinthians 1:3-5

Who can Stephens Ministers Help?

Click here to learn more

  • People who are lonely.
  • People who are hospitalized.
  • People who are struggling with parenting.
  • People who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
  • People who are separated or in the process of divorce.
  • People who are terminally ill and their families.
  • People who are experiencing loss of job or financial setbacks.
  • People who are experiencing crisis situations. People and families of those facing legal difficulties.
  • People who are struggling with their faith.
  • People who are separated from their family.
  • People who are recovering substance abusers.
  • People with “personal” relationship issues. People who are experiencing hurt from abuse.
  • People adjusting to life changing situations; retirement, stay-at-home mom, promotion, new parent, empty nester, graduating from college, etc.
  • People who need someone to come along side of them during an especially difficult time – a caring soul who can help them process their feelings, their fears, their anger, their lack of faith, and yet provide hope.

What Do Stephen Ministers Do?

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  • Pray
  • Listen
  • Explore Feelings
  • Share Christ’s love
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Attend to the care giving process and leave the results to God
  • Walk with people who are journeying to wholeness
  • This is a ministry of Presence and Companionship

(from College Church)


Find a Listening Ear

If you’re going through a difficult time and need someone who can come alongside you to support you with encouragement and a listening ear, our Stephen Ministers are standing by. 

For more information on Stephen Ministries offered by our church, there are several options:

By Phone:  
Contact the church office (856-589-8313) to set up an appointment. 

In Person
Our Stephen Ministers identify themselves with blue name tags,  and are available after our Sunday Worship services. 
“Scout” one of them out, or ask a greeter, usher, or the pastor for help.

By Email
Send an email to: to request more information or to set up an appointment.


Caregiving assignments are made in the strictest confidence and respect of privacy.


  • If you’re in need of immediate help, call   911.
  • Additional resources for immediate help are on this page:   Help!  


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