2024 Vacation Bible School Ready to take the Plunge!
Vacation Bible School is one of the traditional highlights of our year, and 2024 won’t be an exception! This year, VBS will be held during the week of June 24, and we’ll learn about God’s Friendship and offer of Living Water.
Read More2024 Easter Egg Hunt (3/30/24)
PUMC is throwing a party! All neighbors (near and far) are invited to the annual Easter Egg Hunt! It will be held on our south Lawn on Saturday March 30. The hunt starts at 11:00 AM!
Read More2023 Vacation Bible School to Shine a Light on God’s Love! (6/26/23)
This year’s Vacation Bible School will start on June 26. It will be held between 6-8PM on each evening during that week. We’re going to lunch into a cosmic quest to discover God’s Light and then to have a blast as we shine that light into the world.
Read MoreSweet Treasures Planned for 2023 Easter Egg Hunt (4/8/23)
PUMC will hold our 14th Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the day before Easter: Saturday April 8. Thousands of plastic eggs are being filled with all sorts of sweet goodies and they’ll be scattered on our lawn. Starting at 11AM everyone will have a chance to collect the eggs (while celebrating the treasure of God’s Love).
Read MorePreschool’s Story of Christmas Never Grows Old (12/8/22)
The Our Father’s Preschool presented their annual Christmas pageant, “The True Story of Christmas.” They inspired all of us to keep presenting our own stories about our relationship with God.
Read MoreTrunk or Treat 2022 is Ready to Open! (10/29/22)
We’re ready for big celebrations: Halloween and All Saints Day! The Annual PUMC Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday 10/29/22 between 6:30-8:30 PM in our parking lot (rain or shine).
Read MorePreschool Celebrates a Year in the Son (6/2/22)
The pandemic changed the way we do things, but the love and learning at Our Father’s House hasn’t changed at all. On June 2 our Preschool held it’s annual pre-K graduation. It was held in the parking lot, but the sunny morning and cheerful kids made for a wonderful celebration.
Read MoreMonumental Vacation Bible School Celebrates God’s Greatness! (6/27/22)
God’s Love and Power are “Monumental!” In this year’s Vacation Bible School we plan to take our eyes off of the computer screen and instead to look up and see how big God is. VBS will be held between June 27 through July 1. Open this post for details and registration info.
Read MoreEaster Egg Hunt Reveals God’s Love! (4/16/22)
Over 300 of our neighbors attended this year’s Easter Egg Hunt as we resumed our “normal” in person gathering. As we watched our kids search for colored eggs and treasures hidden within, we were reminded that God is inviting us to search for a deeper relationship with Him and for the treasure of a life that’s filled with purpose, assurance and eternal joy.
Read MoreVirtual Vacation Bible School Discovers Real Treasure! (6/28/21)
You’re Treasure! No, that’s not poor grammar… YOU are the treasure! Our 2021 Vacation Bible School showed us that God knows us, hears us, comforts us, forgives us, and chooses us. God Treasures Us!
Read MoreDrive-Thru Hunts for Easter Eggs! (4/3/21)
Yes- despite the pandemic, we ARE having an Easter Egg Hunt this year! Open this post to see how we’re conducting our “drive-thru Easter Egg Hunt,” and dig deeper to see what we’re really searching for during this Easter.
Read MoreOnline Sunday School Video Archive
Every Sunday morning, we post a Sunday School Lesson for kids on Facebook. In addition to Facebook, the messages are embedded into posts on our website so you can see them all in one place. This post is our “archive”; as more posts were added to our main page, it got slower and slower. So the older messages were moved to this page.
Read MoreTrunk or Treat Opens Glimmers of Light! (10/24/20)
Because of the pandemic, our annual Trunk or Treat was held as a “socially distanced” drive-thru event. Throughout the afternoon, about 400 people enjoyed the decorated trunks, friendly waves, and… bags of candy.
Read MorePUMC Embarks on a Virtual VBS! (6/22/20)
Yes- we did have another fantastic Vacation Bible School this year! Because of the pandemic we couldn’t meet in person, so we met via Live Stream instead! We learned that Jesus’ power helps us do hard things, gives us hope, helps us be good friends, and lets us live forever!
Read MoreDrive By Parade Celebrates Preschool Grads! (5/11/20)
Because of the pandemic, we were unable to hold a graduation ceremony for our preschool class of 2020. So, we formed a parade and drove to each child’s neighborhood! With sirens waling and horns honking, we congratulated our Pre-K grads by giving them a personalized lawn sign. Congratulations class of 2020!
Read MoreSunday School Goes Online! (4/26/20)
During the 2020 pandemic, Sunday School classes have gone “Virtual”! This post presents Facebook feeds of the the lessons. If it’s Sunday morning, check out our Sunday School. It it’s some other time, watch a recording. You don’t need a Facebook account to join in.
Read MorePUMC Preparing 11th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! (4/11/20)
Our 11th annual Easter Egg Hunt is in the works, and it will be held on Saturday April 11, 2020. It will be a great morning of food, fun, and Eggs!
Read MorePreschool Tells the Story of Christmas (12/12/19)
On 12/12/19 and again during our 9:30 service on Sunday Dec. 15, the Pre-K kids of Our Father’s House presented their annual Christmas Pageant; The True Story of Christmas. Over 50 children filled our chancel area and led the congregation with narration, motion, and music.
Read MoreTrunk or Treat is Sweet Inside and Outside! (10/26/19)
Our 2019l Trunk or Treat was an awesome evening. Over 800 neighbors joined the party at PUMC, enjoying costumes, trunks, games, and lots of candy!
Read MorePreschool Jumps into Fall Activities (October 2019)
The beginning of the new school year has arrived, and Our Father’s House is rolling out the red carpet to welcome our 2019-2020 students and families. A slate of mission projects and activities is under way. Here are a few of the highlights happening during the next month or so… September Missions Project Our September Mission Project is to collect boxed cereal and to donate them to the Pitman Food Pantry. So far, we’ve collected 70 boxes of cereal to help feed...
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