Sometimes life closes in and we don’t see a way out. Sometimes we’re trapped as a victim, or grieving survivor, or we’re just overwhelmed by the things we need to do. Living this human life isn’t easy!
When we’re in these dark valleys, our faith may weaken and it may be hard to believe the promise of God (as recorded in Jeremiah 29:11):
A plan?!? Does what’s going on in my life now have a purpose? Is it possible that it could turn out for good?!?
When we’re burdened down by an overwhelming crisis in our life, God is promising a way out; a path to healing and peace. But just like a battlefield, confusion, smoke, and fog shroud us, and we can’t see these pathways.
God does want to help us, and He does so through His people. People who love what is right. People who want to use their abilities to help others discover a pathway to healing. This page presents some of those people and programs who want to help you in this crisis. There are many tools available; search the Internet or ask a friend. But the following opportunities (some of which are connected with our church) are available to you…
Immediate Help
In the heat of a crisis, you may need help right away. Here are some of the “hotline” services that are available:
It’s Useless: There’s No Way Out!
If you’ve hit such a low point of despair in your life that you’re considering ending it, realize that there IS a future with Hope. There IS a pathway, an off ramp, that leads to healing, peace, and resolution. Here are some resources that can help you begin the process of discovering that pathway:
Suicide prevention hotlines:
800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text help line:
The Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support for those in crisis, connecting people in crisis to trained Crisis Counselors. Our first priority is helping people move from a hot moment to a cool calm, guiding you to create a plan to stay safe and healthy. YOU = our priority.
Text CONNECT to 741741
More information is available at the following websites: Thinking about Suicide?: NJ Institute of Technology: “Suicide is never the answer. Getting help is the answer.”
My Spouse Just Hit Me!
Domestic violence and sexual assault are crimes that attack real people every day. It can be unexpected and incomprehensible when a loved one turns on you. SERV (Services Empowering thr Rights of Victims) is an organization that uses our church to train volunteers who can stand with survivors of domestic violence and help them through the emotional crisis and the difficult legal roads that must be traveled. For immediate help, you can call their hotline:
1-866-295-SERV (7378)
For more information on SERV, read this post: SERV
I Can’t Feed My Children!
Pitman Food Pantry. If finances are tight and you’re having trouble feeding your family, organizations such as the Pitman Food Pantry are ready to help.
Pitman Food Pantry Pantry
Food Bank of South Jersey. The Pitman Food Pantry is open to residents of any town, but you can contact the Food Bank of South Jersey to find the pantry that’s closest to you.
Food Bank of SJ: 856-662-4884,
Philabundance offers a “Fresh for All” produce market every week, and the market is open throughout the entire year. Bring your own bag and fill it up with fruits and vegetables. It is all free of charge with no “needs testing qualification” or other red tape that would affect other benefits. In the Pitman area, “Fresh for All” is located in the Rowan Univ. Parking lot at the corner of Heston Road and Carpenter St. in Glassboro. It is open on Fridays from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Check out the Philabundance website for updates and other locations:
Philabundance: 215-220-1920,
Other organizations that we support can be found under the “GO: Beyond Our Walls” / “Local and Regional Missions” menu.
Is Anyone Out There?!?
Sometimes we’re lonely; we just need somebody to talk to. If you’re in need of immediate help, consider speaking to someone on the CONTACT Community Helpline. CONTACT is not a ministry of our church, but they provide trained volunteers who can help you through a difficult moment of crisis. To reach CONTACT, call the helpline at:
Something Else is Going On
211 Hotline. If none of the above applies to your specific situation and you don’t know who to turn to, note that the NJ Division of Emergency Management operates a 24/7 hotline ( Call this line for help in locating services near you who can help you with your specific problem. Every state operates a similar 211 hotline (and they are also available in other countries):
Gloucester County NJ Resources. Resources available in our county are listed on the Gloucester County website:
Emergency! I Need Help Now!
It might be an obvious reminder, but our communitys’ first responders are available 24×7. If you’re in need of immediate help, don’t hesitate to contact them:
Help for the Long Haul
Healing, and discovering your own pathway to hope can take a long time. But once the immediate crisis situation cools down, you’re not alone. Other pathways of support are available. The following are connected with our church.
Stephen Ministry- “The After People”
The Stephen Ministers in our church are trained listeners. They aren’t professional counselors, but they are “regular people” who come alongside you and to listen and support you as you struggle to find healing. In the aftermath of a crisis, police, hospitals, and even friends leave the scene when they feel that their work is finished. But the road to recovery is different for each person, and the time required to travel down that road also varies. Stephen Ministers stick around for the long haul.
For more information: Stephen Ministry
Support Groups
Our church hosts a variety of support groups by providing them meeting space. If you’re battling addictions, if your spouse just died, or if you are a parent or living with a loved one who has special emotional needs, it helps to build relationships with others who are traveling the same road.
Here’s a summary of the Support Groups currently meeting in our church: Support Groups