New Small Group to Study “Mere Christianity” (2/10/25)
What is faith? How can finite people even begin to understand the infinite God? This upcoming Small Group will study the book “Mere Christianity”, written by C.S. Lewis. Let’s get together and use our “thinking faith” to encourage each other’s walk with God.
Read MoreMen Retreat Together to Live Harmoniously (2/21/25)
The men of PUMC will join with the men of the Pitman Church of the Nazarene to focus on a weekend of unity. The pastors of our two churches will team together to lead a retreat with the topic “Harmonious Living in a Hostile World.”
Read MorePUMC To Host Winter Red Cross Blood Drive (1/22/25)
Yep- “Another” Red Cross Blood Drive. People keep getting injured or sick, and the needs for blood are continuous. You can help fill that need (and maybe even save a life) by donating blood. The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at PUMC on 1/22/25. Open this post for details.
Read MoreChristmas House Tour Opens Doors and Hearts (12/7/24)
The Christmas House Tour is an annual event organized by the Pitman Women’s Club. It raises scholarship funds to help High School Seniors as they prepare for college. This year, PUMC will be one of the stops on the tour. Stop by to see some beautiful decorations and to be inspired by the coming of the Christ. The tour is on Saturday 12/7/24, and it runs from 2-8PM.
Read MoreOpen Wide for Trunk or Treat! (10/26/24)
PUMC will host it’s annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 26, 2024 (6:30-8:30). Drop by for a Fall family celebration. Wander through the parking lot to admire the decorated trunks, then come on in inside to try some of the games. If you’ve got extra energy to work off, there’s even a Bounce House in the Fellowship Hall!
Read MoreChristmas Marketplace to Open (11/9/24)
The Sixth annual Christmas Marketplace will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday 11/9/24 (between 9AM-2PM). The Marketplace raises funds to support a variety of missions projects which feed needy people, provide drinking water, and help families recover from recent storms. Stroll through the tables of crafts, baked goods, and other “attic treasures”. Make some prized purchases and support the missions projects of PUMC’s United Women in Faith.
Read MoreMembership Class Opens (10/20/24)
A new Small Group is about to begin. It’s called a “Membership Class”, but it’s for anyone who wants to know more abut the United Methodist Church or to know more about the people of PUMC. If you’re new to the church, it will be a great way to meet Pastor Mike and some of the PUMC friends that you don’t know yet. If you want to become an “official member” of PUMC, this class is a requirement.
Read MorePUMC to Host Autumn Blood Drive (10/10/24)
PUMC’s Fellowship Hall will once again host the American Red Cross for its Autumn Blood Drive. Emergencies keep happening, and blood is always needed. The drive will be held on Thursday October10 (1-6PM), and registration is necessary (open this post for more details and instructions on how to register).
Read MoreBible Study Connects Malachi to Matthew (9/11/24)
Beginning on 9/11/24, Pastor Mike will start a new weekly Bible Study that will connect the Old Testament to the New Testament. Yes, Jesus is in the Old Testament too! The study will be held twice on Wednesdays. The morning session will be on Zoom and the evening session will meet in the church.
Read MorePUMC to Host County Flu Clinic (10/12/24)
Gloucester County will hold an annual flu vaccination clinic at PUMC on Saturday 10/12/24. The vaccination is free for all county residents.
Read MoreCelebration is Set to Welcome Pastor Mike Chapman! (7/7/24)
Pastor Mike’s first Sunday at PUMC will be on Sunday July 7, and we’re ready to celebrate! After the service we’ll enjoy a BBQ lunch in the Fellowship Hall. It will be a time to welcome the Chapmans, get to know the new pastor family, and to celebrate the ministry that we will share together.
Read MoreSummer Blood Drive Comes to PUMC (7/22/24)
The need for blood doesn’t go away during the summer. Lives still need to be saved and the blood supply continues to be critical. Once again, PUMC will host an American Red Cross Blood drive in order to help with this life-saving effort. It will be held on Monday July 22. Open this post to access the registration site.
Read MorePitman Camp Meeting Returns for the 2024 Season! (7/7/24)
The Pitman Camp Meeting will hold services in the Pitman Grove Auditorium every Sunday evening during the months of July and August. These informal services are a summer tradition, but more importantly, they’re a chance to grow closer to our loving Creator-God.
Read More2024 Vacation Bible School Ready to take the Plunge!
Vacation Bible School is one of the traditional highlights of our year, and 2024 won’t be an exception! This year, VBS will be held during the week of June 24, and we’ll learn about God’s Friendship and offer of Living Water.
Read MorePUMC to Host Blood Drive (5/23/24)
PUMC will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive in our Fellowship Hall on 5/23/24. Registration is required (open this post for instructions and details on how to register).
Read More2024 Easter Egg Hunt (3/30/24)
PUMC is throwing a party! All neighbors (near and far) are invited to the annual Easter Egg Hunt! It will be held on our south Lawn on Saturday March 30. The hunt starts at 11:00 AM!
Read MoreRev. Mike Chapman to Become PUMC’s New Pastor (1/26/24)
In early January 2024, we received the news that our Pastor, Rev. Jim Bolton, was not going to be re-appointed to PUMC. Several weeks later, we received the news that Rev. Mike Chapman will be appointed to PUMC effective 7/1/24. As we struggle to say goodbye to Pastor Jim, we are excited to say hello to Pastor Mike.
Read MoreMen Prepare to Retreat (2/9/24)
Why are we here? What is our purpose in life? To dive into that question, the Men of PUMC and of our community are set to gather at the Black Rock Retreat Center for a weekend of learning, worship, and growth.
Read MoreLeaders to Get in Step with the Master Teacher (10/14/23)
As parents and as people of God’s Church, our greatest call is to nurture our children and youth so that they can grow into a living relationship with our Creator. PUMC is hosting a workshop which will provide teachers with tools that will help them guide our children.
Read MorePUMC to Celebrate All Saints with a Trunk or Treat! (10/28/23)
The 2023 Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 28 (6-8 PM). After the years affected by COVID, we are back in full swing! All are invited to our parking lot to enjoy decorated cars and candy. Come inside and enjoy plenty of kid-friendly games (including a bounce house). Rain or shine!
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