GO: Beyond Our Walls

Christ has told us to take the Gospel into all the world.  That means that we are called to share the good news of salvation and bring to hope to the world.  One of the ways we do that is to support our affiliated missions with our prayers and gifts.

Local & Regional Missions

The “world”is just outside of our walls.  In Pitman, in Camden, in Atlantic City…  PUMC can make a difference.  So we support several local missions that help to improve the lives of people in Gloucester County and in our immediate area.


National Missions

The “world” beyond our own walls also takes us past Pitman and Gloucester county and into other parts of our country.  We support missions in Kentucky, New York, and have joined in relief efforts in New Orleans and in Pittsburgh.


Global Missions

But the world also includes places beyond our own country.  For years we have joined efforts with the people  of La Pamilla, Mexico to build a new church and ministries for the people of that region.  Over the past few years we have sent several mission teams to La Pamilla.  Going into the world also means that we support global missionaries with our prayers and gifts.

In Mission with All Methodists…

One of the benefits of being a “connectional church” is that we can join resources with other United Methodists to provide an immediate response to any emergency in the world.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) designates relief projects and co-ordinates all funding efforts. One Hundred percent of donations given to a project are provided directly to the relief. Since UMCOR is funded by the church, there is no overhead.

UMCOR Mission Statement…

Compelled by Christ to be a voice of conscience on behalf of the people called Methodist, UMCOR works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing.

In Ministry WITH the Poor…

God calls us to be in partnership with those in need.  To love them- not to see “them” as some sort of project, but to see “them” as “Us.”.   Watch the following video and check out the MnistryWITH website.



The pages under this menu button describe the missions that we are supporting.  Missions that take God’s love into our own region and country and other missions that go into the world beyond our country.

To view the latest news on what we’re doing to Go Beyond Our Walls, click the News button…



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(You can use the following buttons  to access the pages in this menu).

Local & Regional Missions National Missions Global Missions


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