Choirs Light the Way for Our 2019 Cantata (12/15/19)
Our 2019 Christmas Cantata, “His Name is Jesus”, was held on 12/15/19. The Theme of the music and narrations was the Names given to Jesus throughout the centuries. The cantata brought us into a traditional celebration, but it also invited us into a deeper level of awe and reverence for our Savior- Jesus.
Read MorePiano, Pedals, Sticks and Strings Praise God! (10/27/19)
On Sunday, October 27 (at 6:30 PM), our choirs and Praise Team led a special evening celebrating the history of Christian Music. Piano, Organ, Bells, Drum, and Guitars accompanied our vocalists as we featured the music of our faith.
Read MoreSingers Needed!
“Singers Needed, In Choir Within!” Singers are needed everywhere; not just in the choir loft. How are you using your talents to glorify God?
Read MorePUMC Celebrates Favorite Hymns (5/12/19)
In a special Mother’s Day celebration, we sang through our list of “Top Ten Hymns”. This list had been compiled via a survey in the bulletin for several weeks and a total of 84 songs received votes!
Read MoreChoirs to Lead Celebration of Palm Sunday (4/14/19)
On Palm Sunday (4/14/19), our choirs will present a cantata entitled “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross.” Join in the celebration of Palm Sunday and in the reflection of the cross. There will only be one service; at 10:15 AM.
Read MorePraise Band Concert Connects with La Palmilla (3/24/19)
On 3/24/19 four churches joined with PUMC to celebrate the gift of music and to help our friends in La Palmilla Mexico. The offering raised for construction, but the evening sharpened our connections with each other and with God.
Read MorePUMC Counts Down the Top 10 Hymns! (5/13/18)
What are your favorite hymns? In May of 2018 we took a poll, and on Mother’s Day we announced PUMC’s top Ten favorite hymns. Here are the results (and a chance to vote in our online poll)…
Read MoreChoirs Present Love on Palm Sunday! (3/25/18)
On Palm Sunday (March 11, 2018) the choirs presented a musical cantata entitled “Here is Love.” When Jesus willingly entered Jerusalem to present Himself as our sacrifice for sin, on that first Palm Sunday, God’s love was on display in a way that it had never been seen before.
Read MoreArea Worship Teams Join in Concert for La Palmilla (3/11/18)
On Sunday March 11, 2018 , we hosted a “Praise Band Concert.” The concert gave us a chance to worship in music, to fellowship, and to support our sister church in La Palmilla, Mexico.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 7 of 7
“The Hallelujah Chorus”… this seventh and final chorus in “The Messiah” reminds us that our Gentle Shepherd will lead us into the very presence of God. Life is eternal, heaven is glorious, and God will win. And it’s all because of this “child that was born unto us”…
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 6 of 7
“His Yoke is Easy and His Burthen is Light”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. Not only is a King coming, but so is our Shepherd. This sixth chorus reminds us that our Shepherd is “meek and lowly” and will lead us if we follow Him. Commit to Him. Be “yoked” with Him, and you shall find rest “unto your soul.”
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 5 of 7
“Glory to God”… If you were an angel, what would you like to say the most? If you’re anything like the angels that appeared to announce Christ’s birth, you’d shout out “Glory to God!!!” Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues by looking at the 5th of the 7 choruses.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 4 of 7
“For Unto Us a Child is Born”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. In the cantata’s third chorus, the angels appeared to the shepherds saying that they bring “good tidings.” In this fourth chorus, we hear what those tidings are: “For Unto Us a Child is Born”…
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 3 of 7
“O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. The third chorus in “The Messiah” brings us to the angels: the ones who brought “Good Tidings” to the shepherds.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 2 of 7
“And He Shall Purify”… On December 17 2017 our choir will be joined by other local choirs to present Part 1 of Handel’s The Messiah. This will be our annual Christmas Cantata (which will be held at the traditional time of 4:15 PM… in our sanctuary). The Tapestry String Quartet along with our own Sue Crispin will play the accompaniment. Jack Rowland will pull everything together by directing the music. The “Christmas Part” of Handel’s famous...
Read MoreChoirs to Present Handel’s Messiah! (12/17/17)
Our choir will be joined by other choral groups from the area to present Handel’s powerful oratorio, “The Messiah.” It will be held in our sanctuary on Sunday 12/17/17 at 4:15PM.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 1 of 7
“And the Glory of the Lord”… On December 17 2017 our choir will be joined by other local choirs to present Part 1 of Handel’s The Messiah. This will be our annual Christmas Cantata (which will be held at the traditional time of 4:15 PM… in our sanctuary). The Tapestry String Quartet along with our own Sue Crispin will play the accompaniment. Jack Rowland will pull everything together by directing the music. The “Christmas Part” of Handel’s...
Read MoreDavid Meece Testifies of New Rainbows! (10/14/17)
Renowned singer /songwriter David Meece performed “In Concert” at our church on Saturday Oct. 14, 2017. In many ways, it was like any other concert by a “celebrity.” Before the “show”, there was a table full of CDs in the lobby and bashful young ladies had the chance to meet the “star” backstage. When David took the “stage” he opened with a rousing performance of “Raise These Arms,” getting everyone to clap their hands and...
Read MorePraise Team to Add Harmony in the Park! (9/30/17)
The Washington Baptist Church (located in Washington Twp.) is organizing an event called “Harmony in the Park”, which will be held at the Washington Lake Park on Saturday September 30. It pretty much runs all day (10 AM – 6 PM), with free food, games, and Christian music. On one level, it’s an end of summer community party. On a deeper level, it’s a chance to witness to the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. The music begins at the main amphitheater at...
Read MoreGod’s Miracle of Peace
Is life a puzzle? Problems, questions, fears? We all struggle with issues in our lives; they come and go in a constant barrage. Sometimes you look at the pieces of your life, and they don’t seem to fit together. Somewhere, there must be peace. Where is that “Piece” of the puzzle? And so, the Signboard Message said: IS LIFE A PUZZLE? WE HAVE THE MISSING PEACE! The good news is that God offers us True Peace. Eternal Peace. The Peace that we need, not...
Read MorePastors Ponderings: To Sing is to Pray Twice!
Our service on 6/25/17 didn’t have a sermon! Instead, we turned to Music to lead us to and through our time of worship as we celebrated God’s Grace.
Read MoreDinner and Concert to Benefit La Palmilla Mission (2/11/17)
February 11 isn’t quite Valentine’s Day, but it’s a great opportunity for having a night out at something resembling a “dinner theater.” The “dinner” will be a covered dish dinner, and the “theater” will be a concert by our own Lee Whitaker (with some help from our Praise Team). Here are the details: Date: Saturday February 11 Time: 5:00 PM dinner, 6:30 PM concert Place: NOT...
Read MoreThe 12 Days of Christmas Decoded!
We’re all familiar with the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” But other than a silly party song where a quartet of friends gets make fools of themselves by squawking like “Calling Birds” (whatever they are), is there any spiritual significance in this song’s lyrics? There are many versions of the origin and meaning of this song, but a spiritual application to each “gift” mentioned in this song can be made. Back when this song was written,...
Read MoreOur Father’s House Rocks! (2/25/16)
We need to put Jesus Above All else! Is He greater than your favorite TV star? Is He greater than your favorite athlete? What about music? Is Jesus your favorite Rock Star??? On Thursday Feb. 22 a group from Our Father’s House (our preschool), joined their own “rock band”, picked up their plastic guitars, started out with “ABC Rock” and then moved on by “rocking” to many Spiritual Hits such as: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands I’m Happy...
Read MoreMiddle School Singers Take a Field Trip to PUMC! (12/16/15)
The Pitman Middle School Chorus, under the direction of our own Sue Crispin, presented their annual Christmas concert in our sanctuary on Wednesday December 16. The chorus was about 25 strong, and they presented a selection of familiar secular and spiritual songs. After the concert we all joined together in the Fellowship Hall for a lunch of ham, macaroni / cheese, and of course- cupcakes! During the weekdays, “Sue Crispin” (PUMC Music Director), takes on the role of...
Read MoreChoirs Shine the Light of Christ during Cantata (12/13/15)
Our choirs and praise team presented our annual candelight Christmas Cantata on the afternoon of Sunday December 13. The title of the cantata was “A Light Still Shines.” Here are portions of the forward which is provided in the book: Christmas is a modern day miracle of ancient origin. Two thousand years of human history have not diminished the importance nor the implications of the Incarnation and the joy of that event will resound for millennia to come. As we celebrate the...
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Sing it Out!
Pastor Jim’s sermon for this coming Sunday (10/25/15) is entitled: “God: Our Rock Star!” It is based on Zephaniah 3:14-18. He submitted this devotional on 10/23/15 in advance of the 10/25/15 sermon… PLEASE READ: Hebrews 2:12 “I will tell them your name and sing your praises when they come together to worship” (CEV). Singing in worship has always been an appropriate way to offer praise to God. The pages of Scripture record this. Especially in the tradition...
Read MoreThe Life and Music of Charles Wesley (8/23/15)
God “strangely warmed” the hearts of both John and Charles Wesley, and these brothers persevered through persecution to spread the Gospel. They nurtured people in the faith who were previously only being fed by the traditions of the organized church. In his sermon of August 23, 2015, Pastor Jim looked at the faith and conviction of these two men as demonstrated in the hymns of Charles Wesley. Click on the following “Play” button, scroll down, and follow along (this...
Read MoreLocal Praise Teams Support Church in Mexico (3/22/15)
On the evening of Sunday 3/22/15, some of the best praise teams from area UMC churches came to PUMC to present a concert. It was not only a time of worship, but an opportunity to support a sister UMC church in La Palmilla Mexico… The Methodist church in La Palmilla may be economically impoverished (at least according to our standards), but they are rich in their love for the Lord and in their service for His Kingdom. But, they’re bursting at the seams and they really need a new...
Read MoreCarols from Around the World (12/28/14)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on the Sunday after Christmas (December 28, 2014) took a look at some of the carols that inspire us during the Christmas season. God calls us to sing and even dance. We’re supposed to be happy! And so these carols aren’t simply traditional songs that bring back memories. They are expressions of our faith. Click the below “play” button to listen to the recording, then scroll down and follow along… The scripture for this...
Read MorePUMC Records “Prepare the Way” Video (12/18/14)
During our Choir Rehearsal last Thursday (12/18/14), The Voices in Praise stepped into the “recording studio” with Lee Whittaker and recorded a rendition of his hit “Prepare the Way.” This song is especially appropriate as we consider the “Colors of Christmas” and how we’ve been reminded that we must constantly prepare our lives and hearts for the arrival of Christ. Not only for His 2nd coming, but also for His ever-available touch on our day to day...
Read MorePUMC Hosts Gloucester County Community Chorus’ Presentation of The Messiah (12/9/14)
The Rowan College at Gloucester County and Community Chorus presented their “Holiday Cheer Concert” in our church on Tuesday night (12/9/14). It was a busy night…. The choir members joined us in our weekly Tuesday dinner, and then we filled the sanctuary to enjoy the concert. During the concert, several of our weekly small groups and studies met as usual, and Narcotics Anonymous held their weekly meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Our sanctuary was full… and so was our...
Read MoreGloucester County Community Chorus to Perform Messiah at PUMC (12/9/14)
Our Tuesday night dinner / study will turn into a Tuesday night dinner / concert on Tuesday December 9. After the dinner, the Rowan College at Gloucester County & Community Chorus will present Handel’s “The Messiah” in our sanctuary. The dinner begins at 6:00 PM and the concert is at 7:30 PM. The dinner is $8.00 for adults, and pre-registration is requested (see signup sheet in Narthex). + + + + + + + + + + + + For more information...
Read MoreChoirs Prepare 2014 Christmas Cantata (12/21/14)
Wasn’t it just the Fourth of July?Well, it’s not summer anymore and we’re nearing the wonderful time of the Christmas season. For the past few Thursdays, the Voices in Praise choir has begun to rehearse some of the pieces that will make up our 2014 Christmas cantata. Cantata rehearsals continue to ramp up throughout the month. If you’re interested in joining with the choir to sing in this year’s cantata, drop by on Thursday night. Rehearsals start at 7:00 PM...
Read MoreChoir Returns to the Loft this Sunday! (9/21/14)
The “Voices in Praise” (our adult choir) will make their 2014-2015 season debut this Sunday (September 21)! We’ve been away for the summer, but we return to use our voices to praise God during the 11 AM worship services. The “choir season” runs from September through June (about 42 weeks). We will sing the offertory during the 11 AM service, and our anthem will be “Behold Our God.” Check out the following video for a preview…...
Read MoreCelebrating the Life & Music of Fanny Crosby (8/31/14)
Pastor Jim’s sermon on August 31 took on a bit of a different format. This week, we looked not only at God’s Word as text in the Bible, but also as the expression of God’s word in the music and lyrics of Fanny Crosby. Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the sermon (this is from the 9:30 AM service). Scroll down, open the scripture readings, and follow along. Click on the “down arrow” to open up the Scripture...
Read MoreVoices in Praise Choir to Resume Rehearsals on Sept. 18
We’re still in the thick of summer, but if you’re an adult who likes to sing, keep in mind that the first choir rehearsals of the season are just over the horizon. The first rehearsal of the 2014-2015 season will be on Thursday September 18, at 7:00 PM. We rehearse on Thursday nights throughout the season (September through June). The Voices in Praise choir is open to ages High School and above. We sing during the 11:00 service. Our first Sunday of the season will be on Sunday...
Read MoreJim Hughes to speak at Camp Meeting (7/27/14)
Rev. Jim Hughes will be the “speaker” at next week’s Camp Meeting service. The service is held in the Pitman Grove Tabernacle, starting at 7:30. Jim has a unique style of preaching the Word. Using music, costumes, and drama, Jim draws the congregation into the story of the Bible. We learn how Nicodemus may have felt after his night time encounter with Jesus. We get a look into the motives of Judas. We see the love and invitation of Jesus in a fresh way. Jim has...
Read MoreChoir Completes ’13-’14 Season (7/6/14)
The Voices in Praise Choir completed its 2013 – 2014 choir season this Sunday with a rendition of “O Glorious Day.” Rehearsals started back in September, and we were in the loft and singing anthems during most of the 42 Sundays between September and this past Sunday (July 6). The Year in Review… During this year, we sang three cantatas. Our usual Christmas cantata was on December 22, and it was entitled “A Festival of Carols.” We sang...
Read MoreChoirs to Lead Services on June 22 (6/22/14)
The choirs and praise team will lead both services on June 22. Using music, narration, and the Word, the choirs will lead us through a journey celebrating our church’s heritage and history. But more than a look into the past, we will celebrate how God has always been faithful to us. As written in the letter to the Hebrews, we are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses.” As we enter this transition period between pastors, we will look to the past so we can...
Read MoreIt is Well with My Soul!
It Is Belle With My Soul! During the worship services on Sunday May 18, the Alleluia Bell choir played an arrangement of the hymn “It is Well with My Soul.” The musical arrangement was was difficult to play but it was also very engaging. It incorporated many moving parts on top of the melody, and obviously took the Bell Choir many nights of rehearsal in order to play this piece. “Saved Alone… What Shall I Do?” This hymn was written by Horatio Spafford in 1873. ...
Read MoreLiving Water Connections- Breath of Life! (6/6/14)
PUMC will host the monthly Living Water Connections evening on Friday June 6 from 7:00 PM until 11:00PM. If you’re a “Young Adult” (the definition is up to you…) stop by and enjoy some good food, inspiring music, and fun times with new friends. Also enjoy the “low cover charge”— the evening is FREE OF CHARGE! This month’s Connection will feature the Breath of Life Tour hosted by Ken Jackson (see the flyer below). Stop by and check it out!...
Read MorePalm Sunday 2014- Grace Present, Past, and Future (3/13/14)
Abounding Grace… The choirs presented an entire musical service for Palm Sunday (April 20, 2014). The service opened with the traditional singing of “The Palms”, as children weaved between the pews to welcome the Savior into our midst. As we’ve seen in our recent Lenten devotional series, we are surrounded by God’s grace; unmerited favor. Grace that draws us near to God, grace that leads us to accept God, grace that makes us more like Him. The musical...
Read MorePalm Sunday Cantata: “Grace- Past, Present, and Future” (4/13/14)
Grace… On Palm Sunday morning (April 13),the members of the music program will present a Sunday worship service filled with grace! This Lenten Season, our church family has been reading through the devotional, “Forty Days of Fruitful Living: Practicing a Life of Grace.” On Palm Sunday, as we gather together to worship, we will celebrate the grace that is ours in Jesus Christ. By His death and resurrection, we are free to live a life of grace. Grace- God becomes human and...
Read MoreLiving Water Connections (4/5/14)
The Living Water Connections for Young Adults will be held in our Fellowship Hall on Friday April 4, starting at 7:00PM. Drop by and make some friends, hear some inspirational music and testimony… and enjoy some good food. For more information on Living Waters Connections, click here.
Read MoreLiving Water Connections (4/4/14)
The next Living Water Connections event will be held on Friday April 4, 2014 from 7PM – 11PM. Living Water Connections are held on the first Friday of every month. The “Faith Connections” part of the evening will be held from 7-9PM. Listen to some live Christian bands while munching on some snacks and pizza. When the bands are finished, listen to a faith devotional testimony. This month’s speaker will be King Richard; a musician, teacher, and man of God. After the...
Read MoreAnnual Christmas Cantata (12/22/13)
Concert of Carols Our choirs and praise teams will present our 83rd annual Christmas Cantata on Sunday 12/22 at the traditional time of 4:15 PM. The cantata is entitled “Concert of Carols”. The “Christmas Story”isn’t just a “story.” It is redeeming love come to earth in Jesus Christ our Savior. Over the years, musicians have tried to celebrate and capture this message of God’s saving grace come to earth as a babe. Our church “Candelight...
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