Pastor’s Ponderings: Embrace Change!
Change is all around us in our lives; we can’t avoid change. Change brings fear. But do we really need to be afraid? How can we avoid the anxiety and fear that change brings? Can we even embrace change and grow because of it???
Read MoreThe Signs of the Times: The Tribe of Issachar (2/15/15)
Would you go to that church?Change won’t come from Washington. Change won’t come from Trenton.Does Any Body Know What Time it Is? Does Anybody Really Care??? Pastor Jim’s sermon on Sunday February 15 2015 focused on a short verse in 1 Chronicles. The Tribe of Issachar recognized the signs of the times and they decided to support David instead of Saul as king. Click the following “Play” button to start the sermon, scroll down, and learn more about the...
Read MoreWho Am I? (7/6/14)
On Sunday, July 6, Pastor Jim Bolton was introduced to our church as our new pastor. Pastor Jim’s first sermon was entitled “Who Am I?” It was both an introduction to the new pastor and also a probing question into our own relationship with Jesus Christ.The scripture for the message was from Matthew 16:13-16 and from Joshua 1:1-9. Yeah, but who do YOU say I Am??? In Matthew 16, Jesus asks His disciples two questions. First, “Who do people SAY that I am?” ...
Read MoreRev. Bolton Becomes PUMC Pastor (7/1/14)
Rev. Dr. Jim Bolton is now our senior pastor!!! The sad “goodbyes”of this transition have now turned into joyous “hellos!” Our new pastor is with us, and Jim, Judy, and daughters Rebecca and Lindsey have joined our church family. As we look forward, our excitement about the ministry we can do under Pastor Jim’s leadership continues to grow and grow. And now we anticipate the joy of welcoming the Boltons to our church during their first Sunday with us (this...
Read MoreCongregation says Goodbye to Pastor Larry and Pastor Kee (6/15/14)
Sunday June June 15 was Father’s Day, but another issue weighed on our minds as we worshiped on that morning. Several months ago it was announced that the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference had decided to not re-appoint Rev. Dr. Larry Potts to our church as our senior pastor. Instead, he will be appointed to the Franklinville UMC. In addition, our Associate Pastor, Rev. Kee Young Yang will be appointed as the senior pastor of the St. Paul’s UMC in Bayhead NJ. Pastors in the...
Read MoreCelebrate the Ministry of Our Pastors (6/8/14)
Effective July 1, our Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Larry Potts will be appointed to the Franklinville United Methodist Church and our Associate Pastor, Rev. Kee-Young Yang will become the senior pastor of the St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Bayhead, NJ. Rev. Dr. Jim Bolton will become our new senior pastor. Pastor Larry has been with us for 6 years and pastor Kee for 3. Click Here to see the announcement about the changes in appointments. Even as pastors and congregations look towards...
Read MoreTransition? New Pastors? God’s already got us covered! (5/3/14)
In the United Methodist church, pastors are appointed to a church for one year. Usually, pastors are re-appointed to their current church, but true to our heritage of serving with “circuit pastors”, change is inevitable. All appointments in our conference begin on July 1. In the weeks leading up to that date, things can get pretty hectic for the churches which are changing pastors. A “dance of dominoes” begins where pastors move from parsonage to parsonage and...
Read MoreRev. Jim Bolton Appointed as New PUMC Pastor
In the United Methodist Church, pastors are appointed for a year at a time. Appointments are decided by the Bishop of the conference (in our case, Bishop John Schol, of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference). The bishop works closely with his “cabinet.” to match the gifts and abilities of a pastor to the needs of each local church. The bishop’s cabinet is made up of the District Superintendents. These superintendents oversee the churches in each of the...
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