2024 Advent Devotionals (December 2024)
The Devotional Booklet for the 2024 Advent Season has been published! If you don’t have a hardcopy, you can view the booklet in this website post. The devotional contains articles for each day in the Advent Season (starting December 1), and it also includes daily devotionals for the period between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Read MoreOpen Mic Opens Hearts to God (9/20/24)
On Friday 9/20/24 PUMC held an Open Mic night which was dedicated to bringing Jesus to everyone involved. This Christian Open mic night welcomed musicians from across South Jersey who presented a variety of songs. The music ranged from original, to contemporary, to traditional. The Gospel Message came from guitars, piano, organ, and acapello voices. It was an evening of celebrating Jesus and our relationship with Him.
Read MoreWild Ride? Hang on to Jesus! (Camp Meeting, 8/18/24)
Pastor Mike made his Pitman Camp Meeting debut on 8/18/24 as PUMC hosted the service. In his message, he pointed out that life is like a wild ride in an amusement park. We need to hang on to something that’s secure, strong, and eternal. The only way to have that security is to hold on to Jesus.
Read MoreLet Catacomb Praise Recharge Your Week!
Each week, Pastor Mike posts a short musical and Biblical reflection called “Catacomb Praise” on Facebook. If you don’t “do Facebook” or if you missed an episode, you can now view them on our church website.
Read MoreQuiz! Sermon on the Mount Sermon Series (July 2024)
In the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew Chapters 5-7, Jesus teaches His disciples (and us!) that our relationship with God is based on the heart, not on following a bunch of laws. During the summer (of 2024), Pastor Mike will preach a series of sermons on the “Sermon on the Mount.” To prepare, try this quiz!
Read MorePitman Camp Meeting Returns for the 2024 Season! (7/7/24)
The Pitman Camp Meeting will hold services in the Pitman Grove Auditorium every Sunday evening during the months of July and August. These informal services are a summer tradition, but more importantly, they’re a chance to grow closer to our loving Creator-God.
Read MoreMen Prepare to Retreat (2/9/24)
Why are we here? What is our purpose in life? To dive into that question, the Men of PUMC and of our community are set to gather at the Black Rock Retreat Center for a weekend of learning, worship, and growth.
Read MoreLenten Devotional 2024
The 2024 Lenten Devotional Booklet contains articles for each day during the season of Lent (2/14/24 through 3/31/24). They’re written by Christians from many walks of life, most of them are lay people. Use this booklet during this season to prepare for Easter.
Read More2023 Advent Devotionals
Throughout the four weeks of Advent (starting on Sunday 12/3), we have the opportunity to journey through a series of daily devotional articles. These articles are part of a booklet which is available at our church (no charge!). The articles are presented in electronic format in this website post.
Read MoreA Summer of Worship at the Pitman Camp Meeting (7/9/23)
The Pitman Camp meeting kicks off its 152nd season on July 9. A six-week series of worship services will be presented throughout the summer.
Read More2023 Lenten Devotionals
Welcome to the 2023 season of Lent! In this period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, we examine our lives and adjust our life’s walk to bring bring us closer to God. We consider the roadblocks in our spiritual lives and look for the Spirit’s leading to find new paths. Use this booklet of Lenten Devotionals, written by “non-professional” members of a variety of churches, to help guide you through this special time of the year. Daily Devotions for Lent...
Read More2022 Cantata to Give a Touch of The Messiah (12/18/22)
Our annual Candlelight Christmas cantata will be held on Sunday December 18, 2022. It will start at 4:15 PM. This year, we’ll continue the “every five year” tradition” and present Handle’s Messiah. The production won’t be as large as it was in 2017, but the Touch from Our Messiah-Savior will be as powerful as ever.
Read MorePoinsettias Bring Holiday Warmth! (12/14/22)
We’re taking orders for the Poinsettias which will adorn the front of the sanctuary. Orders must be received in the church office by 12/14/22. Open this post for details. Poinsettias remind us of the miraculous way in which God turns our simple gifts into powerful objects of beauty.
Read More2022 Advent Schedule Brings us Home (12/2022)
Advent 2022 will be a time to celebrate “Home”- a chance to come “home” to a closer relationship with our Creator-God. Infused with tradition, this season’s events will warm, inspire, and give all of us opportunities to share God’s love with a needy world.
Read More2022 Advent Devotional Booklet
The 2022 Advent Devotional Booklet gives daily devotional articles for the 40 days of Advent. And, this year, the booklet also includes devotionals for the 12 days of Epiphany. The entire booklet is presented here in PDF format.
Read MoreLessons from the Life of Joseph (Summer 2022)
During the summer of 2022, Pastor Jim will preach a series of messages about Joseph. What can we learn from the twists and turns experienced by the Old Testament character?
Read MorePitman Camp Meeting Re-Opens for New Season! (July 2022)
After a 2-year absence, the Pitman Camp Meeting has returned! The abbreviated 2022 season will be held on Sunday evenings at 7:30 during the four weeks of July.
Read MoreOrgan and Piano Recital to Celebrate the Resurrection (4/24/22)
Organist William Mitchell and his brother Edwin Mitchell (pianist) will present a special service of hymns on the Sunday AFTER Easter. Let “every day be resurrection day.”
Read MoreDay by Day through Holy Week
In the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, Jesus was busy teaching and fulfilling His mission on earth. We don’t know exactly what happened on each day, but the Scripture gives some ideas. Follow these day by day readings to prepare for Easter Sunday.
Read MoreParking Lot to Host Early Easter Service! (4/17/22)
On this Easter Sunday, we will offer a special “Parking Lot” service at 8:30 AM and then celebrate our usual 10:15 AM service indoors. Our regular 10:15 AM single-service schedule will resume next week.
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