Preschool’s Story of Christmas Never Grows Old (12/8/22)
The Our Father’s Preschool presented their annual Christmas pageant, “The True Story of Christmas.” They inspired all of us to keep presenting our own stories about our relationship with God.
Read MorePUMC Preparing 11th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! (4/11/20)
Our 11th annual Easter Egg Hunt is in the works, and it will be held on Saturday April 11, 2020. It will be a great morning of food, fun, and Eggs!
Read MoreOur Father’s House Sings the Meaning of Christmas! (12/6/18)
Our Preschool (Our Father’s House) presented their annual Christmas Pageant on 12/6/18. It was a story of innkeepers, shepherds, angels, stars and wise men, but it’s also a story for the here and now that goes deeper than the familiar narrative…
Read MoreUnbottled Support for Babies! (5/13/2018)
We’re celebrating Mother’s Day AND Father’s Day by helping expectant Moms give birth to healthy babies who will be nurtured by a loving family. Between these two special Sundays, we’ll fill Baby Bottles with our spare change. On Father’s Day, we’ll donate our filled bottles to Choices of the Heart.
Read MoreWhat do You Know About Mother’s Day?
Mother’s Day. It comes every year on the 2nd Sunday of May. How much do you really know about Mothers Day? First of all, is it “Mother’s Day”, “Mothers’ Day” or “Mothers Day”??? Where do you put the apostrophe? Or do you even use one? Google “Mothers Day” and you’ll see all three spellings. So is it: A day for your mother (Mother’s) A day for all mothers (Mothers’) Or a day just named after female...
Read MoreParent’s Anonymous Group Begins Meeting at PUMC!
Being a parent is probably the most important job you’ll ever have… and it’s the most difficult… Do you have teenager? Are you worried about what they’re tweeting or posting? Are you suddenly in the throws of having to find a college and helping your teen get a driver’s license? Or maybe your child is younger. What do you do when the baby keeps waking you up throughout the night? What do you do when your son is bullied at school? Where do you turn when...
Read MoreThere’s No Place Like Home (11/1/15)
The Prodigal Father longed for his son to return home. When the son came to his senses and came home, the Father rejoiced (sang and danced… a we saw in last week’s sermon?). God wants us to come home to Him! On Sunday 11/1/15, we celebrated our church’s anniversary by holding a single service. It was like a homecoming as the “9:30 people” worshiped with the “11:00 people.” Afterwards we celebrated with a luncheon and lots of pictures in the...
Read MoreA Right Relationship with Your Father (6/21/15)
Our speaker on June 21 was Lay Servant Jim Kier. Pastor Jim (Bolton) enjoyed a brief break while Lay Servant Jim (Kier) lead the Father’s day worship service. Jim’s message took us into the Word to explore our relationships with our earthly father and with our Heavenly Father. Click the below “Play” button to start the recording, scroll down, and follow along… Jim’s scripture was from Ephesians 6: 1-4, 13-18. Open the following drop down box...
Read MoreAn Easter Egg Hunt Welcome! (4/4/15)
Thanks to to all who attended our 2015 Easter Egg Hunt! Open this post for a special welcome from the people of the Pitman United Methodist Church.
Read MoreOur Father’s House Kids Charm Congregation (12/14/14)
The Our Father’s House presented their annual Christmas Program on Thursday 12/18. But many of us were working and could not attend this weekday event. So, they made a return performance during the 11AM service on Sunday 12/14/14. Here are a few pictures of the kids in action… +++++++++++++++++++++++++ For more information about Our Father’s House, Click Here. ...
Read MoreBlue Christmas Service (12/22/14)
Many of us lost loved ones during this year. Some of us lost loved ones years ago, but still feel the emptiness. For any of us, the family traditions of the holidays bring back memories of Christmases past. During this holiday season we are especially aware of those who have walked with us and who are an integral part of those memories; but now they’re gone. On Monday December 22 at 7:00 PM we will pause to reflect on loved ones who have passed to eternity. Even as we celebrate the...
Read MoreOur Fathers House & Elderberries Sing and Feast! (11/19/14)
On the morning of November 19 2024, the children from Our Father’s House presented a musical program in the sanctuary; the kids were “Marching in the Lord’s Army” and “Making Us Fishers of Men.” The energy the kids presented while singing this whole series of short “Sunday School” songs was inspiring and entertaining. The sanctuary was filled with not only camera toting parents, but also with seniors from our church. This event bridged young...
Read MoreTickets Still Available for BLAST Trip to Riversharks Game (9/6/14)
If you’re part of our Youth Group (Big Loud Awesome Spiritual Time… BLAST!), it’s still not too late to stretch out the summer and spend an evening with the family at a professional Baseball game. The Phillies may not be playing all that well this year, so maybe a change of pace across the river is worth a try! BLAST members, families, and leaders are going to the Campbell Field Ballpark on Saturday, September 6th to see the Camden Riversharks play. The first pitch is 5:35...
Read More2014 Vacation Bible School Escapes the Wilderness! (6/27/14)
God Provides! The theme of year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) was “Wilderness Escape: Where God Guides and Provides.” Classes were held for kids from Nursery through 5th grade They learned all about Moses through games, several interactive activities, cool crafts, and songs. The classeswere organized around “tribes” that visited several “shops” around the church building which showed them how the Isrealites lived during their time journeying through the wilderness to...
Read MoreBLAST to Bite into a Rivershark’s Game! (9/6/14)
Take me out to the ball game… to kick off BLAST. We are planning a family trip to the Camden Riversharks Game on: Saturday, September 6th at 5:35 PM Reservations needed by Tuesday July 1! We need a minimum of 20 people. If your family is interested in going to the game, please contact Andrea Kier, or drop an email to Please respond no later than Tuesday, July 1st, with the number of people attending, so that we can reserve the tickets. + + + + + + + ...
Read More2014 Vacation Bible School is Here! (6/23/14)
Are you ready for an adventure to escape through the wilderness? After months of planning, our Vacation Bible School week is nearly upon us! The Wilderness Escape is here! VBS starts on Monday June 23. Vacation Bible School will be held during the week of June 23-27, in the EVENINGS! And the best part… it starts out with Dinner. So you can make this a family event. Here’s the nightly schedule: 5:00 PM- Dinner in the Fellowship Hall (free for all who show up!) ~ 6:00...
Read MoreReturn Choices of the Heart Baby Bottles (6/15/14)
On Mother’s Day, we handed out small baby bottles to everyone attending our worship services. The idea was to fill the bottles with loose change, and then bring them back on Father’s Day. Well, Father’s Day has arrived! The money raised will go to support Choices of the Heart, an organization which promotes adoption. Please remember to return your coin-filled baby bottles for “Choices of the Heart”. Checks should be made payable to “Choices of the Heart.” A...
Read MorePre-K’ers Graduate Our Fathers House! (6/4/14)
The Joint was Jumpin! Our Father’s House held a ceremony on Wednesday June 3 to mark the achievement of our Pre-Kindergartners. A total of 43 kids participated in the celebration ceremony and will leave Our Fathers House to move on to Kindergarten next year. The graduates were from our three Pre-K classes: The Busy Bees, Friendly Yellow Fish, and Friendly Orange Fish. The kids performed a list of songs demonstrating their ability to do things like count to 100 by tens, and recite the...
Read MoreOur Father’s House Pre-K Nears Graduation (6/4/14)
The 2013-2014 school year is quickly approaching its end. As the Our Father’s House school year draws to a conclusion, we look forward to honoring our 4 year olds. Some of them have been with us for 3 years! On Tuesday June 3, the 4 year olds will enjoy a picnic with their families from 9:00-noon at Atkinson Park (formerly Bethel Mill Park). On the next morning- June 4- we will hold our graduation ceremony! Please continue to keep the students (and teachers) of Our Father’s House...
Read MorePUMC Celebrates the Life of Dr. Ed Blackman (5/7/14)
Our church lost one of it’s “pillars” when Ed Blackman went home to be with his Lord on Friday May 2 (obituary). He is survived by his wife Marge. Ed and his wife Marge were long time members of our church and led in many capacities over the years. They have led not only in official office capacities and in organized ministries, but both of them have and continue to touch the lives of so many of our members. Most of us carry memories of Ed’s witness and...
Read MorePUMC Members Raise Awareness of Autism (4/27/14)
PUMC members John and Heidi Hoenge were both athletic growing up, and so when their son was born they expected that he would in some way excel in sports. But, their thinking was too small. God had plans that were bigger than football or basketball; their son was born with autism. April is National Autism Awareness month, and the Hoenges shared their story during the service on April 27. They reminded the congregation that we are all part of the big jigsaw puzzle of God’s creation. ...
Read MoreEaster EGGcitement!!!- Easter Egg Hunt (4/19/14)
For weeks, the PUMC congregation donated bags of candy. On the day of Maundy Thursday, the Elderberries (our Senior Adult group) gathered together to fill 2600 plastic eggs with candy. Then the day of our annual Easter Egg Hunt arrived on Saturday morning, and over 200 children were in our church! What’s an Easter Egg Hunt at PUMC? If you’re a kid, it’s a bit of everything! First you get a chance to decorate your own “Hunting Bag.” But if you’re...
Read MoreSoftball Team in Action (4/12/14)
The softball team has been practicing at Alcyon Park. Check out these pictures!
Read MoreEaster Sunday Breakfast (4/20/14)
Let’s Celebrate Easter as a Family! The Christian Education Committee will host a covered dish Easter Breakfast on Easter Morning during (April 20) during the Sunday School Hour. The celebration will take place in the Fellowship Hall between 9:30 and 10:30 AM. We’ll start out with some music and a fun interactive program, then we’ll enjoy the fellowship of sharing breakfast on this special morning. Please bring one breakfast item. We will provide the beverages. All Are...
Read MoreNow Taking Orders for Easter Lilies (4/7/14)
Each Easter, it has been our tradition to adorn our Sanctuary with with white lilies to remind us of the freshness and rebirth offered by the resurrection of our Lord and Savior on that first Easter morning. The lilies may be purchased in memory or in honor of a loved one, and then picked up after the Easter service. Order forms are provided in the church bulletins, and you can also print out a copy here: Easter Lily Order Form. Please complete the form and drop it in the offering plate or...
Read MoreOur Fathers House 2014-2015 Registration is Open
The Our Father’s House Preschool is a ministry of the Pitman United Methodist Church. We are now accepting registrations for NEXT year’s classes (the 2014-2015 school year which will start in September). We offer classes for Pre-K 4 year olds, for 3 Year olds, and even for 2 1/2 year olds. If you’re a PUMC member the $60 registration fee is waved. If you’re not a PUMC member we’d love for you to join our Our Father’s House family, and we trust...
Read MoreNew Church Directory is Here! (3/23/14)
After months of planning and several weeks of photographer sessions, our new church directory books are finished! Distribution of the books began after church on March 23. The books are free to anyone who sat for a picture. Extra copies are available for $5.00. Our last directory was in 2007, so the new version is much welcomed. Our church family has changed much over the last 7 years, and the pictorial directory is an essential tool in helping us to develop our Christian...
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