The word “Fellowship” is a “churchy” word that is often overused. Maybe a better cliche is the saying that Iron sharpen Iron”. In other words, we grow when we’re closer to other “hot coals”. We need each other’s encouragement, insight, and support. We also need to hold each other accountable.
Fellowship revolves around a common interest. On the surface it’s frequently little things such as softball, or trips to the shore, or even pizza. But underlying it all is the common thirst we all share: Jesus Christ.
As we study together, worship together, pray together… even PLAY together, we can grow together.
So take a look at the various groups under this “menu bucket”. See how we’re using “fellowship groups” to grow together in Christ as friends.
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(You can access the items under this menu using the following buttons.)
BLAST- Youth Groups United Methodist Women United Methodist Men Elderberries- Seniors Scouts Young Adults Group Living Water Connections Softball