We’re not Alone!
As a part of the United Methodist Church, our church is also part of the larger body and can access a host of resources available to all United Methodist Churches.
Here are a few of the resources that are available to us…
Delaware Bay District
Our church is part of the Delaware Bay district of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference, and it is led by our District Superintendent. There are 9 districts in the conference.
Delaware Bay District
Greater New Jersey Annual Conference
Our church is part of the Delaware Bay District which is part of of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. A bit of a mouthful, but it does open up a lot of useful resources to us.
Greater NJ Annual ConferenceThe United Methodist Church
The United Methodist church is a global denomination. Our Greater New jersey Annual Conference is but one of many of the annual conferences that make up the United Methodist church.
To learn more about the United Methodist Church, check out their website:
United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church also offers resources to local congregations through a series of Agencies or “Boards” (sounds kinda boring, but they really do provide a lot of support). UMC Agencies
Here are a few of these agencies and links to their websites…
- General Board of Discipleship– Training and other resources to develop leaders.
- General Board of Church and Society– Raises awareness of poverty and human needs.
- General Board of Global Ministries– Enables the church to Go in mission.
- General Board of Higher Education– Recruits & prepares leaders (laity & clergy).
- General Board of Communications– Resources for communications (electronic & otherwise)
- General Commission on Religion & Race– Promotes racial inclusion
- General Commission on United Methodist Men– Resources for Men’s groups
- General Commission on United Methodist Women– Resources for UMW groups.
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