Know, Grow, and Go…
The items in this menu don’t necessarily fit into the structure of our mission. This is kind of a catch all of other miscellaneous information about our church.
However, the items here are important! The focus on the pages under this menu aren’t on mission. Instead these pages provide information on how to “use” the resource of God’s grace which we call “Pitman United Methodist Church.”
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Hi. I am in need of a food pantry this weekend. Having no luck so far. Is yours available?
The Pitman Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays (5:30-7:00), Wednesdays (3:30-5:00), and Thursdays 11:30-1:00 PM.
For more information, check out this page:
(it’s under the “GO: Beyond Our Walls” > “Local and Regional Missions” menu.
We pray that this helps.