Once a year, we recognize the work of UMCOR- the “United Methodist Committee On Relief.” That sounds like a clumsy organizational name for something that helps people out in real ways, but it’s a huge part of the United Methodist Church’s ability to be the hands and feet of God in the world. On Sunday March 14 we will recognize this arm of the United Methodist Church. In normal times a special offering would be taken, but in these “abnormal” times of a pandemic, we can still support UMCOR with our online gifts.
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”
Ephesians 2:10 NIV
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) may be the most well known agency of the United Methodist Church around the world. Responding to people suffering from the effects of war, civil unrest, storms, wildfires, famines or floods, UMCOR is there on our behalf to help individuals, families and communities too overwhelmed to recover on their own. We, as United Methodists are privileged to be represented by UMCOR, our “boots on the ground”. Whenever and wherever disaster strikes, whether natural or manmade, UMCOR is there providing aid. Along with food, clothing, shelter, and medical care UMCOR volunteers bring God’s love and compassion with them as they help survivors rebuild their lives. And UMCOR doesn’t just respond to emergencies for the short term. Working with local organizations, churches in the community, and United Methodist volunteers, UMCOR builds relationships and helps communities rebuild in the years following a disaster.
From COVID-19 to World Hunger…
In collaboration with health professionals, missionaries, disaster management coordinators and faith leaders UMCOR has been responding globally to the COVID-19 crisis. From the Philippines to Pennsylvania, Brazil to Burundi, UMCOR is working to meet peoples daily needs such as health care, food, hygiene and job security. They work with communities to respond to those left most vulnerable during these challenging times.
UMCOR continuously works through programs that address hunger, poverty, sustainable agriculture, international and domestic emergencies, refugee and immigrant concerns, global health issues, and transitional development.
The response of UMCOR to disaster relief isn’t something they do, it’s something WE do. If we were worshiping together at PUMC on March 14th, there would be a special offering to support the life saving global work of UMCOR. When we give to UMCOR, we equip Christ’s body to serve in His name Our support allows UMCOR to act as the hands, feet, and heart of Christ’s church moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days; our United Methodist compassionate response to human suffering.
UMCOR by itself doesn’t provide the actual relief. It organizes the relief efforts. Specific relief efforts are done by ordinary people volunteering their time and service during extraordinary times. Funding for each effort is supplied individually. When you give to support a specific relief effort, NONE of your gift is used for administration or “overhead.” The purpose of “UMCOR Sunday” is to provide this once a year administrative funding for those costs so that 100% of your relief gifts throughout the year go directly to the relief projects.
Sunday, March 14th is UMCOR Sunday. We encourage each of you as you are able to bring or send a donation to PUMC designated for UMCOR. Our prayers and our support for UMCOR are all about God’s people working together to accomplish something bigger than themselves. In so doing we can effect change in our state, in our country and around the world, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Relief for Texas…
Texas is currently in the news as an unprecedented cold wave has stifled the flow of electricity, resulting in burst pipes, lack of fresh water, and displaced people. UMCOR is already on the ground actively working to help the people suffering under the burden of this disaster.
Videos about this will eventually be published and the efforts of UMCOR in the current disaster will eventually be documented, but all efforts are now dedicated to providing the actual relief.
Below is a video describing UMCOR’s activity during Hurricane Harvey, which struck the region in August of 2017…
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For more about UMCOR and the missions of the United Methodist Church, click this button: UMCOR