Christmas Marketplace to Open (11/9/24)
The Sixth annual Christmas Marketplace will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday 11/9/24 (between 9AM-2PM). The Marketplace raises funds to support a variety of missions projects which feed needy people, provide drinking water, and help families recover from recent storms. Stroll through the tables of crafts, baked goods, and other “attic treasures”. Make some prized purchases and support the missions projects of PUMC’s United Women in Faith.
Read MorePUMC to Help Earthquake Relief Effort (2/19/23)
In response to the tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we will hold a special offering on 2/19/23 and 2/26/19 to help UMCOR with the relief efforts.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Help Kentucky Flood Victims (8/14/22)
A devastating flash flood tore through Southeastern Kentucky (and other areas) on July 28-29 2022. Spurred by God’s love, United Methodists (and others) respond to provide relief with housing, clothing, and food and water.
PUMC will support these efforts by taking special offerings during our 10:15 AM Sunday service. These offerings for Kentucky will be held on 8/14/22 and 8/21/22.
United Methodists to Provide Relief after Attack in Ethiopia (7/31/22)
Thousands of people are caught in the crossfire of a conflict between separatists and the Ethiopian government. During an attack last month, 37 people were killed. PUMC will hold a special offering on Sunday July 31 to support relief efforts.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Continue to Stand with Ukraine (July 2022)
The war in Ukraine may have faded from our own front pages, but the United Methodist Church is still there. Methodists (and the global church) continue to care for displaced refugees.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Help Immigrants (June 2022)
Many in Central America are living in desperate situations surrounded by crime, violence, and poverty. To save their families, they are migrating north, through Mexico, and sometimes continuing to the USA. This UM News article describes what United Methodists are doing to answer Jesus’ call to help the the needy and to reflect the limitless love of God.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Stand with Ukraine (May 2022)
Since February 2022, we have endured constant barrage of news describing the destruction and suffering in Ukraine. But there are glimmers of light. The United Methodist News Service recently posted a series of photos showing how Ukrainian refugees are finding tastes of “normalcy” as they are cared for by United Methodists in the surrounding countries.
Read MoreUMCOR Sunday to Fund Relief Efforts (3/27/22)
On Sunday March 27 we will take a special offering to support the work of the United Methodist disaster relief agency (called “UMCOR”). UMCOR responds to needs (such as Ukraine) throughout the year. This week’s offering funds all of the “overhead” so that gifts directed to specific relief efforts go entirely towards that relief (without funding any of the “overhead” or administrative costs).
Read MoreSpecial Offerings to be taken for Ukraine (March 6 & 13, 2022)
A special offering will be taken during the March 6 and 13 services to support the efforts of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to supply humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine.
Read MoreMethodists Respond to Earthquake in Haiti (8/22/21)
A major earthquake recently struck the island nation of Haiti. United Methodists are responding by sending relief help, and that help is funded by a special offering which will be taken on Sunday 8/22/21.
Read MoreWhat’s UMCOR and Why Does it Need a Sunday? (3/14/21)
Once a year, we recognize the work of UMCOR- the “United Methodist Committee On Relief.” That sounds like a clumsy organizational name for something that helps people out in real ways, but it’s a huge part of the United Methodist Church’s ability to be the hands and feet of God in the world. On Sunday March 14 we will recognize this arm of the United Methodist Church. In normal times a special offering would be taken, but in these “abnormal” times of a...
Read MoreWorld Wide Communion Sunday Means Global Mission (10/4/20)
On Sunday October 4 we will celebrate World Wide Communion with our “virtual” service. But throughout the year, PUMC has continued to serve “Real” people in our community and to support missions around the globe. World Wide Communion is a time to give thanks and to pray for the work that remains to be done.
Read MoreChristmas Marketplace to Provide Drinking Water! (11/16/19)
Our second Christmas Marketplace will sell crafts to support missions both within our community and around the globe. The Marketplace will be held in our Fellowship Hall on Saturday November 16.
Read MorePUMC Assembling Hygiene Kits for Migrants (July 2019)
PUMC is helping to provide UMCOR with Hygiene Kits which can be delivered to the “Transitional Centers” helping migrants who have been released from detention.
Read MoreUMCOR Sunday Provides Relief (3/31/19)
The United Methodist Committee on Relief responds to worldwide disasters throughout the year. The funds needed for each relief effort are donated as the needs arise. And, 100% of those donations go directly to that project. The special offering on UMCOR Sunday (March 31) , is the only funding UMCOR receives to manage these relief efforts.
Read MoreWhat is UMCOR Sunday? (3/11/18)
Throughout the year, we’ll hear how UMCOR uses 100% of our gifts for disaster relief. Nothing is spent on overhead. But once a year, there is a special offering to fund that overhead so that UMCOR can do its work the rest of the year. March 11, 2018 is UMCOR Sunday.
Read MoreUMCOR and Other Churches Provide Disaster Relief (9/10/17)
Excerpts from a recent article in USA Today (Sept. 9-10, 2017) document how faith based organizations (like our own UMCOR) are providing 80% of the disaster recovery that is currently happening. It’s an example of how we can partner with the government (FEMA) to care for those whose lives have been upended by the recent storms. Faith based groups have been super busy of late, providing more aid to hurricane victims than even FEMA. They are first to arrive at scenes of natural disasters,...
Read MoreWhat is UMCOR Day? (3/26/17)
There’s an earthquake… there’s a drought…. there’s a Tsunami… there’s an epidemic… What do we do when terrible things happen to people? Do we just sit by and say “Oh, that’s such a shame.” Or do we actually do something to relieve the suffering? UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) may sound like the name of some stuffy committee. But it truly is the driving force of our church’s response to suffering anywhere...
Read MorePUMC Packs Health Kits! (9/20/15)
The United Methodist Women are collecting items for Health Kits beginning this Sunday, 9/20! There will be a collection box in the Narthex. We will be packing the Kits at our Annual Fall Fling, Wednesday, October 14. Here are the details on what we’re preparing…. Health Kit Materials Each health kit will contain the following materials. Donate whatever parts of a kit that you can… 1 hand towel 15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 inches; Kitchen, cleaning, and microfiber towels...
Read MoreUMCOR Takes Action in Nepal (4/27/15)
On Saturday April 25 at 11:56 AM, a massive 7.5 earthquake struck Pokhara Nepal. In Pitman, most of us were sound asleep (2:00 AM)- many of us fell asleep looking forward to the next day’s Breakfast Buffet and Yard Sale. But in Nepal, lives were instantly changed (and ended). Two days later, on April 27, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) approved a grant of $90,000 for partner GlobalMedic to bring sorely-needed clean water to Nepal earthquake survivors through distribution of...
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