PUMC Celebrating 134 Years of God’s Grace! (11/10/19)

Posted by on Oct 12, 2019 in EventReport, Mission: Beyond our Community | 0 comments

On November 10, 1885, the Presiding Elder of the Bridgeton District (the Rev. William Walton), called a meeting of the Pitman Grove society and organized the “Pitman Grove Methodist Episcopal Church.”  The root of what eventually became Pitman United Methodist Church was born.

Our church family initially consisted of 43 members, and they met at a chapel on the Northeast corner of Laurel and Cedar Aves.

In the following 134 years, we have re-located to several buildings, but along each step Pitman UMC has built a tradition of mission.  Part of our DNA is to reach out to the needy in our back yard and around the globe.


Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind…love your neighbor as yourself

Matthew: 22 37-39


The Thanksgiving season highlights the blessings in our lives, and also shines a light on those in need of our help.
Missions and ministry are an inherent part of our Methodist faith; and of our rich heritage here at Pitman UMC. For 134 years members of this church, led by the divine wisdom and guidance of our Lord, have reached beyond our doors to help our neighbors and support missions and ministries close to home, and around the world.

We thank God for the Methodists who preceded us; for their faith, and for their example. We praise God for His divine wisdom and grace that led them, and us to this place. We pray that we too, with God’s strength and guidance will continue and expand our paths of ministry and discipleship.

Today, with our prayers, benevolent offerings, volunteer time and talent, we continue to support missionaries and ministry projects in our town, in our state, in our country, and around the world. With our support of Shared Ministries the United Methodist Church funds thousands of ministries globally.


The following text is “peppered” with links to articles on this website. Click on these links to learn more about the ministry that’s mentioned in the text.




Here at PUMC we open our doors to 23 community groups who need a comfortable, safe place in which to hold their meetings. 

There are a myriad of opportunities in all areas of PUMC for those with servants hearts of all ages. The children who attend “Our Father’s House” (our preschool) are actively involved in missions projects, as are our senior brothers and sisters who reside in the Methodist Community at Pitman. 

PUMC Christian Education opens our doors and invites hundreds of children and their parents to an Easter Egg Hunt; VBS, and Trunk or Treat (the 2019 Trunk or Treat is scheduled for 10/26/19).

PUMC congregants speak and listen, teach and preach, share their musical and artistic talents, and their homes. They cook and bake, knit and sew, walk and drive, care for children, and visit the home bound elderly.

They deliver prayer shawls to those who need comfort, and fill shoeboxes with gifts for children. Locally, PUMC volunteers spend countless hours at the UMC Community at Pitman, the Pitman Pantry, Ranch Hope, and the Neighborhood Center, to name just a few. They do whatever they can to serve the least, the last, the lost, and the lonely in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Nationally we help to support the work of the Redbird Missionary Conference in Kentucky; and the work of UMCOR, whose volunteers are still helping to rebuild here in New Jersey, and in Haiti, years after hurricanes devastated and disrupted lives.

UMCOR volunteers are also working in Puerto Rico; and in the Bahamas; helping those hurricane survivors rebuild.
Internationally, our prayers and benevolent offerings help to support missionaries who have followed God’s footsteps to Tanzania and Zambia in Africa; to Poland and Eastern Europe, and to Mexico. We are blessed that our brothers and sisters in Christ are taking our love and prayers, and the Good News of Jesus Christ so far from PUMC.

Each of us and all of us guided by the will of God and with the power of the Holy Spirit can use our gifts, our time, and our talents in the ministries of this church where we worship joyfully, pray earnestly, and reach out lovingly.



In our church history we read:

“As our church continues to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, may it be in commitment to His will, in prayer for His guidance and power, and in praise for His love and grace”



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