Lenten Devotional 2025
Pre-Prayer for this year’s Lenten season by reading a daily devotional article written by local church members. Booklets of these articles will be distributed to churches, and electronic versions of the booklets are available on the PUMC website.
Read MoreNew Small Group to Study “Mere Christianity” (2/10/25)
What is faith? How can finite people even begin to understand the infinite God? This upcoming Small Group will study the book “Mere Christianity”, written by C.S. Lewis. Let’s get together and use our “thinking faith” to encourage each other’s walk with God.
Read MoreWeekly Prayer Guide
Pastor Mike is currently preaching a sermon series on the “Disciplines” of our faith… the tools we can use to grow closer to God. One of those disciplines is Prayer. During this time, a weekly list of specific prayer areas will be provided to every congregant attending the Sunday worship service. These concerns are posted in this page and updated each Sunday.
Read MoreMen Retreat Together to Live Harmoniously (2/21/25)
The men of PUMC will join with the men of the Pitman Church of the Nazarene to focus on a weekend of unity. The pastors of our two churches will team together to lead a retreat with the topic “Harmonious Living in a Hostile World.”
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Christmas in Our Hearts All Year Long (Dec. 2024)
Christmas doesn’t end in December! The decorations might come down, but the message lasts throughout the entire year. Celebrate the Good News and persevere in grace throughout the year.
Read MoreMissionaries Retire… But… (10/6/24)
Missionary friends John and Dasia Abramovich worshipped at PUMC on 10/6/24. They came to worship, to fellowship, and to report on what they’re doing in their “retirement”.
Read MorePUMC Celebrates Community with a Car Show (9/14/24)
On Saturday 9/14/24, PUMC hosted our “First Annual Car Show.” The parking lot was adorned by 73 classic cars displayed by their skillful owners. During the day, hundreds of people wandered through the display. We wondered at the beauty of restoration and chatted with the skilled car owners who brought these old vehicles to life and keep them running.. It was a party atmosphere on a beautiful day with neighbors, food, and music.
Read MoreLet Catacomb Praise Recharge Your Week!
Each week, Pastor Mike posts a short musical and Biblical reflection called “Catacomb Praise” on Facebook. If you don’t “do Facebook” or if you missed an episode, you can now view them on our church website.
Read MorePUMC Welcomes Pastor Mike as our New Senior Pastor! (7/7/24)
On Sunday 7/7/24 we welcomed Pastor Mike Chapman and his family to our PUMC family. Pastor Mike’s first sermon urged us to “Speak Jesus”; we are called to be a light that shows Jesus to our community. After the service, the celebration continued with a covered dish lunch.
Read MorePUMC’s Rays of Life Arrive in Ukraine! (3/14/24)
In April of 2023, Pastor Jim alerted us to an article he had read about a project to deliver emergency lights to the people in Ukraine. The Missions Team latched on to the idea of sponsoring some of these lights. Nearly a year later, the lights we funded have been handed to the Ukrainian people who desperately need a “ray of life” to shine in their lives.
Read MoreShopRite Gift Cards Help Break the Cycle of Poverty!
ShopRite sells gift cards to our Women’s group at a discount, and the Women are selling the cards at our church. When you buy the cards through the church, part of the proceeds goes directly to the missions supported by our United Methodist Women (such as the Camden Neighborhood Center).
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