Annual Conference Ready to Move Forward (5/24/21)

Posted by on May 23, 2021 in Church Operations, EventAnnouncement, UMC Shared Ministries | 0 comments

We’re still in the waning days (hopefully) of the pandemic.  The turmoil of the last year and a half has turned things upside down.  In some ways we’ve learned and grown.  In others, we’ve struggled and have been held back.  Each year, each “Annual Conference” of the United Methodist Church lives up to its name and holds an “annual conference.”  Pitman UMC is part of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference, and we’re having our conference on the mornings of May 24 and 25.  

In “normal” years, representatives of the 500+ churches in the Greater NJ Annual Conference meet in Wildwood.  This year, as with last year, we will be “meeting” virtually (using Zoom).

Each local church is represented at the conference by it’s pastor(s) and a lay member for each pastor.  In PUMC, our church will be represented by Pastor Jim and Lay Leader Larry Bakely.  Voting members will participate using a special Zoom link, but anyone will be able to view the conference via YouTube.

Watch the Conference

Anyone can watch the conference; it will be “broadcast” on You Tube.  The YouTube links are embedded below (separate videos are provided for each day). 

Monday May 24…


Tuesday May 25…



The “annual conference” is a combination of worship, celebration and “holy conferencing” business.  On the agenda are things like the Bishop Schol’s annual Episcopal Address (which is kinda of a “state of the Union” sermon giving us vision for the upcoming year), Ordination, Committee Reports, and legislation (including the annual budget).  Here are some of the highlights and approximate times for each day.

Monday, May 24 (9:00 AM – 12:30 PM)…

9:00 AM Episcopal Address (Bishop John Schol)
9:30 AM Legislation
10:30 AM Service of Remembrance- GNJ clergy & laity who passed away this year
11:30 AM Leadership Reports
12:30 PM Adjourn


Tuesday, May 25 (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM)…

8:30 AM Service of Passage- 2021 Clergy retirees pass the mantel to newly ordained/commissioned clergy
9:00 AM Legislation
10:30 AM Ordination Service-New Elders are ordained, Deacons and Provisional Elders are Commissioned
12:30 PM Adjournment




The theme of this year’s conference is based on Proverbs 3:6…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,  and he will make your paths straight.



To learn more about this year’s annual conference, visit the Greater NJ Annual Conference website by clicking this button:   2021 GNJ Annual Conf.



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To learn more about Pitman UMC’s connection with the greater United Methodist Church, click this button:  United Methodist Church  

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