United Methodist Communities Connect on Broadway

Posted by on Aug 8, 2016 in EventReminder, Friends & Fellowship, seniors | 0 comments

The United Methodist Communities at Pitman and the Pitman United Methodist Church have joined forces to provide Connections on Broadway.  Connections on Broadway is a place for seniors to connect with each other.


What is the United Methodist Communities???

UM Communities

The United Methodist Homes has been working towards its 2013-2017 Strategic Plan.  The theme for their fiscal year 2015 report was Share the Magic of United Methodist Homes, and they continues to chart that journey.

The plan envisions a transition from a medical model in healthcare to household models, creating environments where residents can live fulfilling, meaningful, and self directed lives.  In plain English, we’re trying to help people stay in their homes as long as possible (“age in place”) before they absolutely have to move into a medical facility.

For example, one of the facilities (The Shores at Wesley Manor) has developed three neighborhoods of approximately 20 residents each.  These establish a person-centered model of caring for residents, giving them greater control over their daily routines.

So… what are the “United Methodist Communities”???

As part of this strategic plan, the “United Methodist Homes” has been renamed the “United Methodist Communities.”   And, the “Pitman Manor” is now being called “United Methodist Communities at Pitman.”

Beyond the name change, efforts are being made to connect seniors with the church and with the community as a whole.  Connections on Broadway is part of that. 


Connections on Broadway

And so, to make those senior connections, the “Connections on Broadway” events are now being held in our church on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.  The “Connections” takes place from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM.  Here’s a typical schedule…

 11:00 AM Walking club or Yoga…
(The Yoga class has a fee of $3.00 per person)
12:00 PM Learn your technology…
taking a byte out of Apple!  Bring your Apple devices for a review of commonly used features.
1:00 PM Exploring world religions…
A discussion session about religions practiced around the world.
2:00 PM Mindful Mandala…
How adult coloring came to be… give it a try!


Of course, new experiences will be available each time we meet.  The above is just a sample of the types of activities we’re doing.

A limited lunch will be available (for purchase).

Live, Learn, and Share…

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For more information, call United Methodist Communities at Pitman at 856-589-7800.

Or, click this button:  UM Communities at Pitman


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