Hooks and Needles for God is a group that makes prayer shawls, baby blankets, and baby hats. We are continuing to make and give prayer shawls to people who need a healing touch or a warm hug from God.
During the service on Sunday October 25 we laid our latest collection of blankets and shawls on the altar rail and the congregation prayed over them. These blankets will be given to children being baptized. Shawls will be given to people in hospitals, to shut-ins… to anyone needing an extra touch of love from the church and from God.
We meet at 1 PM on Monday’s in the Potter’s Hand room. All are welcome! (yes- men too!) We share patterns, skills, and stories. Also, if you would like to crochet or knit from home we welcome your contributions.
There is a metal cabinet in a Sunday School room that WAS full of yarn… but it’s not full anymore! We need more yarn and would welcome donations or a monetary gift to purchase more yarn.
But more than that… we need prayers! As we give out shawls and blankets, pray for the families baptizing their newborns…. pray for people with cancer… pray for those in hospital… pray for those grieving the loss of loved ones… pray for the shut ins. Our blankets and shawls give a tangible sign of God’s love and of our prayers.
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For more information on our Thread and Yarn Ministries, Click this button: Yarn