The following article was sent by Pastor Jim on 1/19/15....
Greetings Friends:
PLEASE READ: Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (NIV).
PLEASE READ: Psalm 102:27
“But you remain the same, and your years will never end” (NIV).
Those verses of holy Scripture noted above are so powerful. What an amazing thought: Jesus Christ is the same, He doesn’t change. Isn’t that good to know that in this turbulent, stormy, tumultuous, swiftly changing world we live in, Jesus Christ remains the same?
I have read that medical experts say that change is often difficult on us as human beings. Change can be threatening, frightening, and very intimidating. In order to maneuver through change successfully, we must focus on “fixed points” in life. This allows us to orient ourselves. These “fixed points” are things we can trust, believe in, and will commit to. These fixed points, we are told, are things which do not change and because they do not change we can trust them.
For example, think of an ice skater who has been on the ice moving very quickly and then at the end spinning quickly on the ice. When the skater stops, they focus upon one object in the auditorium which does not move, does not change. And as their focus is fixed upon that object, they quickly adjust and are oriented and can move forward.
Another example could be small children who learn very early in life the need for “fixed points.” When small children enter a new situation, or face a change, they quickly grab hold of their security blanket, a beloved stuffed animal, or cling to Mom and Dad. While they are frightened and unsure of what is upon them, they reach out to what they know to be tried and true and hold on to that.
On a deeper spiritual level, the question each one of us must consider is what are the fixed points you and I use as this world shudders and shakes? When we go through trying, challenging, and frightening times what do we focus upon for stability? Scripture reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus showed us the things in life which really do matter, which are eternal, and will stand the test of time. Jesus showed us the things which are of God, the things which will carry us through times of difficulty and challenge.
Is Jesus your “fixed point”? If not, may I lovingly say, you are focused on the wrong things. Let us be sure that our one and only “fixed point” in this life is Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jim
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