Our Father’s House Kids to Join with Seniors for Thanksgiving Feast! (11/19/14)

Posted by on Nov 11, 2014 in Elderberries, EventAnnouncement, Friends & Fellowship, kids, OFH, seniors | 0 comments

Our church hosts the Our Father’s House Preschool (for kids as young as 2 1/2 years old) and we also have a group known as the Elderberries (for “kids” as old as ___).
On Wednesday November 19, these two groups will join together over music and food.

Dinner Theater???

Yogi, the Our Father's House "Crossing Guard" in his famous thanksgiving Turkey Hat.

Yogi, the Our Father’s House “Crossing Guard” in his famous thanksgiving Turkey Hat.

Well, actually, it will be a “luncheon” and “program.”  The OFH kids will provide the program in the Sanctuary, and then the Elderberries will treat everyone to a Thanksgiving Feast in the Fellowship Hall afterwards.

It will all start at 11:15 AM in the sanctuary.  The kids will present a program of seasonal songs, and then everyone will move to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a “lunch” of turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and beverages.  And of course… deserts!

This is open to all OFH family members and the Elderberries seniors group.






To learn more about the Our Father’s House preschool, read the OFH Page.

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