PUMC Welcomes Pastor Mike as our New Senior Pastor! (7/7/24)

Posted by on Jul 11, 2024 in EventReport, FEATURED, Staff | 0 comments

Clergy in the United Methodist Church are “itinerate”; they are appointed to a local church for a season.  Earlier this year, we bid a difficult goodbye to Pastor Jim Bolton.  But we have now reached the time where a new “chapter” will begin under the leadership of our new pastor, Rev. Mike Chapman.  

The Chapmans have arrived in Pitman!   Pastor Mike’s first Sunday at PUMC was on 7/7/24,  and we threw a big celebration party after (and during) the service.


The Transition is Over!

Pastor Mike officially became our senior pastor on July 1 2024, but we had to wait until July 7 for our first Sunday together. 

We’ve been through a 6-month period of “transition.” 

  • January 27, 2024:  It was announced that Rev. Jim Bolton was not going to be re-appointed to PUMC.  Instead, Rev. Mike Chapman would be appointed, effective July 1 2024.

  • March 3, 2024: Pastor Jim’s final Sunday at PUMC.  Due to family health issues, Pastor Jim had to retire before his appointment ended.  

  • March 10, 2024:  Easter.  Rev. Glenn Conaway (our District Superintendent) filed in.  He was with us throughout the month and then again in June.  Rev. John Redkoles led our services throughout April and into June.

  • July 7, 2024:  PUMC joined in ministry with Pastor Mike!

For more on this transition period, check out the following posts:

Appointment Announced  Ready to Celebrate


Meet Pastor Mike…

Pastor Mike wrote the following  introduction for the June 2024 edition of our newsletter (Steeple Notes):

My family and I look forward to meeting all of you and giving ourselves to the ministries at Pitman UMC. I am originally from Shamokin, Pa and happily found my way to South Jersey with my college sweetheart, Jackie.

In 2002, my wife and I answered the Lord’s call to full time ministry after graduating from Eastern University. I received a Bachelors in youth ministry and minor in communications (2002) and a Master of Divinity degree from Palmer Seminary (2012). My wife Jackie received a bachelor’s degree in social work (2002) and has a special education graduate teaching certificate from Rowan University.

We first served and ministered at Aldine UMC for 19 years in various pastoral roles. I have served as a youth, music, young adult, family, children’s, visitation and associate pastor. I have seen and gone through the blessings and challenges of all those pastoral roles.

From Aldine, I served a two-point charge at DennisvilleTuckahoe UMC for three years as senior pastor. I am a dedicated minister to a multigenerational community within the congregation and outside the walls of the church. I am passionate about Jesus, the forgotten, the lonely, the lost, the hurting, outcasts and empowering the body of Christ.

I love playing the guitar, drums, singing, writing music and using those gifts and abilities for ministry. I have a passion for praise and worship music and love the arts such as acting and theatre. If I have any downtime, you will find that I will be writing songs and sipping a good cup of coffee and spending time with family.

We are all Philadelphia Eagle and Philadelphia Phillies fans, but the biggest fans for Jesus!


Let’s Worship Together!

On  Sunday July 7 2024, the congregation was able to meet the Chapmans in person.  During our first worship service together, we celebrated their appointment and looked forward to a future of sharing the Gospel with eachother and with our community.

During the service, Ron Brown (the chair of our Staff-Parrish Relations Committee) officially introduced Pastor Mike and his family to our congregation. Jackie (Pastor Mike’s wife) thanked the church for their welcome, and then Micha (Pastor Mike’s son) introduced himself to the youth.  Micha will serve an internship by helping with the kids and youth.  Larry Bakely (Lay Leader) presented Pastor Mike with the stole which had been left by Pastor Jim.  The stole symbolizes our common yoke with Christ and looks to the future as our pastor leads us to fresh ways to “create a climate where spiritual growth will occur” (as it says in our church’s Purpose Statement).


Strum and Sing for Jesus!

Before the sermon, Pastor Mike invited the children to come forward for a “children’s message.”  Musicians are usually pretty particular about their instruments, but Pastor Mike graciously allowed the kids to strum the strings of his guitar.  He made the point that many people want to use their abilities to become a “rock star”; to be famous for themselves.  But God gave us abilities so we could use them for Him.   Instead of trying to make yourself look good, we have what we have so we can make God look good.  Instead of trying to become a famous “star”, use your “guitars” to make Jesus famous.


Let’s Speak Jesus!

Pastor Mike’s first sermon at PUMC, entitled “I Speak Jesus,” was on John 4:4-26.  In this passage, Jesus sends His disciples off, and then He sits down at a well.  It’s noon, in the heat of the day (long past when “normal” people come to the well for the day’s supply of water).  But a women comes alone to fill her jug.  She is a Samaritan, and Jews normally don’t even give them the time of day.  But Jesus speaks with her.  Jesus breaks the norms and does the unexpected.

This woman came in the heat of the day because she was rejected by her community, perhaps even by her family.  She didn’t want to deal with the naysayers and looks of disgust, so she came alone.  She had been married five times and was currently living with a man who wasn’t her husband.  She was carrying a load of pain and guilt, and Jesus knew all about her.  And yet, Jesus asks her for a drink, and engages in conversation.  He gracefully turns the discussion about literal water from a well into Living Water from heaven.  The literal water the woman came to get from the well will soon run out and she’ll have to return for more.  The Living Water that Jesus offered her springs up and grows and will never run out.  The Living Water satisfies thirsts that the literal water will never meet.

Jesus knew this woman’s pain and frustrations… and He knows ours:
(click/tap the “Previous” and “Next” buttons  to view each item)

She needed to be refreshed, renewed… Can you relate?
She was tired of being tired….  Can you relate?
She wanted something real and genuine… Can you relate?
She was sick of religion, but knew she needed a Savior… Can you relate?
She needed a movement, something to touch her heart… Can you relate?


Dr. S.M. Lockridge (world renown author and preacher) wrote that “the world is a wilderness of want.”   There is an ache in the corner of every soul that can’t be quenched without the healing power of Jesus.  Until you have dealt with this ache it’s like an annoying  leaky faucet.  It never goes away: drip…. drip… drip….  You need something real.  You’re done with organization.  You just need the Savior.  We try to satisfy ourselves with the things of the world, but it never lasts.  Temporary satisfaction just leaks away:  drip… drip…. drip…  The happiness offered by this world is temporary.  You’ll always need to come back for more.  

There are thirsts that only Jesus can fill.  If you have Jesus, you have Hope, Joy, Peace.  If you have Jesus you have it all.  Jesus digs a well into your soul and fills you with Living water that never runs dry.   Jesus knows everything about us and loves us anyway.  He knows our emptiness better than we do, and He wants to fill it.

The woman at the well came for literal water.  She spoke about water at the bottom of a well, but met a Man who talked about Living Water.  Eventually, she began to understand.  She came to fulfill a daily chore, but she left excited.  She was changed.  She came with an empty jug, but left without the jug.  She came feeling rejected, but left feeling known by the Messiah. 

If we can be excited by the Phillies or Eagles, why can’t we be excited about eternal life?  If we can talk about our favorite sports teams, or about the weather, or about “fun times” at church”, can’t we share excitement about the hope, grace, and peace that Jesus is offering us? 

Deep in our exhausted hearts, we have a thirst for forgiveness, purpose, and hope.  People come to church because they want to be refreshed.  They need hope.  They need to hear about eternal life.  When we are with our closest friends, or when we encounter people who may be our own “Samaritans” in life, what do we tell them?  We may not have answers to specific problems, but we know someone who knows the answers.  We know someone who can give us the hope and encouragement to keep us going day by day moment by moment.  We know Someone who will lead the way.

Let’s speak Jesus!


Pastor Mike ended his sermon by grabbing his guitar and singing the song, “I Speak Jesus.”  He was accompanied by James on cajon and by his son Micha on the piano.  The song was a perfect expression of our call and passion to share Jesus with everyone we meet.

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus over every heart and every mind.   Cause I know there is peace within Your presence.

I Speak Jesus…

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus ’til every dark and addiction starts to break.  Declaring there is hope and there is freedom.

I speak Jesus…

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus, over fear and all anxiety.  To every soul held captive by depression.

I speak Jesus…

 –   –   –   

Shout Jesus from the mountains.  Shout Jesus in the streets.  Shout Jesus in the darkness over every enemy.  

Your Name is Power.  Your Name is Healing.  Your Name is Life.

I just want to speak the Name of Jesus over every heart and every mind.  I Speak Jesus!


2019 BEC Worship | Raina Pratt Publishing | Writer Wrong Music



Let’s Celebrate!

After the service, we all gathered in the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish lunch.  The buffet was stocked with hamburgers and hot dogs, and loaded with homemade “picnic” specialties like Macaroni Salad, baked beans, broccoli salad, taco salad, jello salad… more food than would fit on your plate.  And then it ended with a cake welcoming the Chapmans to PUMC.




Let’s Make Jesus Famous!

Sunday July 7, 2024 was a date we were all looking forward to.  We all wanted to meet “the new guy” and to welcome the family to PUMC.  We all wanted to celebrate with a big lunch.  

But our new pastor also set down a challenge and a vision for the path forward.  We have quickly discovered that one of his favorite sayings is, “Let’s Make Jesus Famous!”  Like many organizations we have a lot of things going for us: friendships, facilities, and history.  But unlike any other organization, the Church has Jesus.  We can eat together, laugh together, and share our building with the community, and do a lot of great things.  But the greatest thing we can do is is to share Jesus with a world that is thirsting for refreshment, hope, and true life.  



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