Blood is always needed for life saving procedures, and the need continues. Plasma is used to fight cancer, certain blood types are needed to fight sickle cell anemia, and all donations are vital in emergency procedures. Over the years, PUMC has hosted these American Red Cross Blood Drives and area residents have stepped up to help meet the needs of our neighbors. Check out the American Red Cross website to see how these donations are used.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
WHEN: Thursday, May 23 2024
TIME: 1:00 PM thru 6:00 PM
WHERE: PUMC Fellowship Hall (enter via the main parking lot doors and turn right)
WHO: Aged 16 and above. Click Here for other requirements.
REGISTRATION: Required: See instructions below.
How to Register…
- Click this button: Registration
- When the Red Cross website page comes up, click the “See Times” button.
- Click on the desired time and donation type (see the links for an explanation)
- If you haven’t donated before, click the “Create an Account” button and enter the requested information. If you have donated before, you can enter your user/login info.
- Click the “Continue” button to finalize your registration.
If that doesn’t work out for some reason, you can call the Red Cross at 800-733-2767 and schedule over the phone.
Donation Types…
You can give a donation of either “Power Red” or of “Blood.” When you register, you’ll be asked to select one of these types. According to the Red Cross website, here are the differences:
Power Red: A Power Red donation collects the red cells but returns most of the plasma and platelets to the donor. These donors must meet specific eligibility requirements and have type A Neg, B Neg, or O blood.
Blood: The most common type of donation, during which approximately a pint of ‘whole blood’ is given. This type of blood donation usually takes about an hour.