Poinsettias Bring Holiday Warmth! (12/14/22)

Posted by on Dec 5, 2022 in EventAnnouncement, Worship & Prayer | 0 comments

Deck the Halls… or Deck the Sanctuary!  Christmas is surrounded by traditions.  One of our traditions is the Poinsettias trees which adorn the front of our Sanctuary.  In order to fill the plywood stands which form the tree, we need pots of poinsettias!

Poinsettia orders are now being taken; the deadline is 12/14/22.

If you want to help fill the Poinsettia Trees, print out the below form (or make a “reasonable facsimile” of it) and send your order to the church office. Your orders, with cash or check, can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday, left at the church office, or mailed.  The deadline for ordering is Wednesday, December 14th.

Please note that the number of white poinsettias is limited.

Each pot costs $13.  Make your check payable to “Pitman United Methodist Church” and put “poinsettia” in the memo line.

If desired, you can purchase your poinsettia in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone special.  Indicate the name (and your name) on the form, and the names will be included in the list which will be distributed with the bulletin.

The plants will be removed from the “tree” after the Christmas Eve service, and you can take your poinsettia home at that time.  Or, if you prefer, you can designate to have your poinsettia delivered to someone who is homebound (check that box).


Here’s the order form:

# of poinsettias @$13 White ___ Red ___ Total Due $ ___________

In memory of __________________________________________________

In honor of    __________________________________________________

Name of Giver _________________________________________________________

__  Please give my poinsettia(s) to someone who is homebound

Why Poinsettias?

One possible explanation of how Poinsettias became a tradition at Christmastime comes from the story of a poor Mexican girl who bemoaned that she had nothing to give Jesus at her church’s Christmas Eve service.  So, along the way, she picked a bunch of weeds and laid them at the manger.  Miraculously, the weeds sprouted beautiful red flowers.

Click this button to read the full story:  Poinsettia Beauty  

The God who turned water into wine can turn our weeds into beauty.   Let the Poinsettia remind you that the only thing God wants is our hearts.  Even if covered by sin and failures, God will turn it into something beautiful.


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