United Methodists Help Kentucky Flood Victims (8/14/22)

Posted by on Aug 13, 2022 in EventAnnouncement, Mission: Beyond our Community, UMCOR | 0 comments

At the end of July 2022, a flash flood ravaged parts of Missouri and Appalachia, destroying the homes of hundreds of families, leaving them without food, clothing, or drinking water.  On Sunday 8/14/22 and 8/21/22, PUMC will take a special offering to help in the relief efforts from this tragedy.

What in God’s Name Happened???

On July 28, a large storm passed through parts of the southern midwest.  The southeastern counties of Kentucky were especially damaged.  Homes were lost, power and water services interrupted, and at least 37 people died.  Many of the survivors were homeless and without clothing, food, or water.
An article in USA Today (August 9) described President Biden’s tour of the devastation.  From Marine 1, the president viewed sights such as cars and buses floating in streams, building materials lining a creek’s banks, a laundry basket hanging in a tree, homes washed away.  During the tour, the president was quoted as saying “What in God’s name happened???”

What IS Happening in God’s Name!!!

Where there is pain and suffering, God is there to provide relief, love, and restoration.  Bishop Leonard Farley (Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church) was quoted as saying, “This is the time when the Church should shine at its best.”  
Spurred on by God’s invisible yet powerful hand of Love, people are responding in love.  Companies are donating food and clothing.  Church volunteers are contributing “flood relief buckets“, helping people fill out insurance forms, and taking displaced families into their homes.
The Church is Shining!
United Methodists (using funding provided by UMCOR– the United Methodist Committee on Relief) are joining with others to roll up their sleeves to extend God’s love to the victims of the flood.  The Church and other concerned people are working to ensure that Love is the enduring part of this story.  Material things will be replaced and forgotten.  Even the painful loss of loved ones will eventually be soothed by the divine hope of eternal reunion.
The United Methodist News Service recently published a couple of articles reporting on the flood relief efforts (click on the links to read the articles):
The following video shows some of what United Methodists in SE Kentucky are doing in response to this disaster (and in response to God’s love):


What ‘In God’s Name’ Are WE  Doing???

Here in Pitman, we weren’t directly impacted by this particular storm.  We’re located 100s of miles away from the mud and pain that’s dominating life in Kentucky today.  But we are part of God’s Church, and as Paul wrote in Colossians 2:19 we are “connected with the Head (Jesus) from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.”    As part of Christ’s Body, we all grow in the “faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven...” (Colossians 1:5). 
These are just two verses from one of Paul’s letters, but the overall message from God is clear and consistent:  God is love (1John 4:8), God wants us to be like Him (Romans 8:29), and so the greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27-28).
At this time, we’re not traveling to Kentucky to offer our own hands and feet to the relief efforts.  But, we can help those who are providing that relief.  Many things are needed, but in this world we can’t get away from the fact that money is one of the needs.  United Methodists have provided two channels for this financial aid:

 Special Offerings (8/14/22 and 8/21/22)

To highlight the needs and to embrace our Kentucky brothers and sisters financially, we are holding a special offering during two upcoming Sunday worship services (starts at 10:15- you can attend via Live Stream). The special offering for Kentucky flood relief will be conducted on Sunday 8/14/22 and 8/21/22.
  • If you attend In person:  Specially marked plates will be available.
  • If you attend Online:  Use the Invest Page (or any Give button) button to access our online giving site.  Select the “UMCOR – Benevolence” fund.
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For other examples of how United Methodists are providing disaster relief, click this button:

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