United Methodists Continue to Stand with Ukraine (July 2022)

Posted by on Jul 23, 2022 in EventReport, Mission: Global, UMCOR | 0 comments

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the United Methodist church has been on the ground helping the displaced Ukrainian people with housing, food, and medical assistance.  On July 22 2022, the United Methodist News Service published an update on the relief efforts.


Relief Efforts Continue

The July article reported that the United Methodist Church (supported by UMCOR- the United Methodist Committee on Relief)  is currently helping refugees by providing shelter.  Individuals are welcoming families into their homes and local churches are also sheltering refugees.  The shelters are helping about 100 people each day, and they also provide food and medicine.

Pastor Jim recently wrote the following comments…

As you are aware being part of The United Methodist Church means we are part of a larger, even global community of believers in Jesus Christ. As such, when we support, pray and participate with each other we are able to make an even greater positive difference in the lives of countless people around the world.

Below is a link to an article which explains some of the work and persons who continue to come alongside those suffering or find themselves displaced from the Ukraine. Please do not grow weary in well doing. Let us continue to pray for peace in the Ukraine and do what we can to support them and those who are on the ground assisting.

To view the United Methodist News Service article, click this button:

UMC News Service


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For more information on what the United Methodist Church is doing in Ukraine, view the following article from our website:



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To see other articles about United Methodist relief activities, click this button:  UMCOR  


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