United Methodists to Provide Relief after Attack in Ethiopia (7/31/22)

Posted by on Jul 23, 2022 in EventAnnouncement, Mission: Global, UMCOR | 0 comments

Armed conflict always catches innocent civilians in the crossfire.  The war in Gambella (a region in western Ethiopia) is no exception.  Clashes between separatists and the Ethiopian regime have escalated in the past few months, leaving many homeless and fearing for their lives.  During an attack last month (June 2022), 37 people were killed.  Among the dead were members of the Ethiopia United Methodist Church, including children.  Many are still in hospital recovering from this attack.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is organizing efforts to provide displaced people with food, hygiene kits, and other immediate needs.  You can help.  On Sunday July 31, PUMC will hold a special offering during the service.  The offering will go to support UMCOR’s efforts in providing relief to the people in desperate need as a result of these ongoing attacks.



Special UMCOR Offering for Ethiopia

WHAT: Offering to support relief efforts from ongoing conflicts in Ethiopia

WHEN: During the service on Sunday July 31


IN-PERSON:   For those attending the worship service in person, a special collection plate will be located at the back of the sanctuary.  It will be labeled with a sign “UMCOR Ethiopia.”

ONLINE:  If you attend the service via Live Stream, click a “Give” button to access the online giving site.  Select the “UMCOR- Benevolence” fund from the eGiving site.  

MAIL:  You can also mail a check to PUMC (write “UMCOR-Ethiopia” in the memo line and make the check payable to “Pitman United Methodist Church”).

For further details and access to the eGiving site, click the below button:


Prayerfully consider making a donation to this relief project. 


United Methodist News Updates

The United Methodist News Service published an article on July 14 to provide an update on UMCOR’s activity in Ethiopia and to announce the latest UMCOR project to help the people in Gambella.

To read the article, click this button: 

UMC News Service



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