Since February 2022, we’ve been inundated by images of bombs, bodies, and burned out buildings. Devastation and Darkness have covered the people of Ukraine.
But when the refugees began to stream from their country, United Methodists in Eastern Europe immediately jumped into action to help the displaced Ukrainians.
In late May 2022, a team from the United Methodist News Service traveled to the region to report on what the United Methodist Church is doing to cushion the suffering and to provide a refuge for those fleeing their war torn country. One result of this visit is a series of heart-warming photos taken by Mike DuBose of the United Methodist News Service.
Glimmers of Light in a Dark World…
In these pictures, we catch a refreshing glimpse of God’s light: children playing, refugees being given a home, Hungarians, Czechs, and Americans praying with displaced Ukrainians.
One of the photos, shown below, offers a sense of “normalcy” as children play …. in a United Methodist Camp located in Debrecen, Hungary.
To view all of the photos and to read the introductory article, click the following button:
And, no guarantees that this link will always be valid. If you’re viewing this post in the “distant future,” the pictures may not be there.
How Can I Help?
In the United Methodist Church, relief efforts are funded by an organization called “UMCOR” (which has the really exciting name of “United Methodist Committee on Relief.”). The name isn’t inspiring, but the work that happens because of UMCOR is exciting. From our neck of the woods,we can help people in places like Ukraine by supporting a fund established by UMCOR.
To give to UMCOR’s Ukrainian relief efforts, check out our website’s “Invest” page. If you want to give electronically, click the “Give” button that’s on the top of that page (from the online giving site,select the “UMCOR-Beneveloance” fund). Additional instructions are on the “Invest” page if you want to give in other ways.
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To see other articles about United Methodist relief activities, click this button: UMCOR