This first Camp Meeting after covid was was a shortened season, but…..
July 10: Rev. Bill Wilson
Music: One Way Express Message: Rev. Bill Wilson
“Overcoming Your Giants” (1 Samuel 17:35-50)
July 17: Rev. Jim Hughes
Music and Message: Rev. Jim Hughes
“I Saw the Cross”
July 24: Rev. Jim Bolton
Music: Pitman UMC Praise Team Message: Rev. Jim Bolton
“Time to Dust Off Our Bibles” (Ezekiel 3:1-3)
July 31: Rev. Sherry Zappola
Music and Message: Rev. Sherry Zappola
“Bring America Back to God” (Hagai???????????)
See You Next Year!
As the 151st annual season of the Pitman Camp Meeting comes to a close, PUMC (and all Camp Meeters!) owe a debt of gratitude to Tom Bennett who has faithfully organized these summer meetings for ———- years.
But 2022 won’t be the last year- the tradition will continue in 2023.
To learn more about the 2022 Camp Meeting season, check out the post that announced this year’s Camp Meeting season………………
In 1871, people from all over the Philadelphia region gathered in the Pitman Grove to experience the life changing preaching and teaching of what became to be known as the Pitman Camp Meeting. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic struck the world and forced the cancellation of the Camp Meeting’s season. The virus lingered in 2021 and once again, the tradition was put on hold.
But in 2022, the Camp Meeting is Back!!!
Instead of the traditional schedule which fills every Sunday night throughout the summer, this year’s Camp Meeting season will be confined to the month of July. But these four Sundays will mark a liberating escape from the grips of the pandemic. This July will bring a return to the warm fellowship and worship which the Camp Meeting has brought for over 150 years.
Camp Meeting Season 151 is Ready!
The plans are in place, speakers and musicians are scheduled, and the Camp Meeting is ready to open its doors in July. Each session will be held in the Pitman Grove Auditorium starting at 7:30 PM.
2022 Pitman Camp Meeting
- WHEN: Sunday evenings on July 10, 17, 24, and 31
- TIME: 7:30 PM
- WHERE: Pitman Grove Auditorium (see below for directions)
- SEATING: The auditorium is partially enclosed and has park bench seating
- MASKS: The auditorium is somewhere between “indoors” and “outdoors.” Masks are optional.
For a Google Map of the area, Click Here. Parking is available on Broadway (walk under the Pitman Grove arch) or on East Ave. First Ave. is actually a sidewalk which forms one of the 12 “spokes” around the Pitman Grove area. The Auditorium is at the center of the spokes.
2022 Camp Meeting Schedule
Each week features a different guest speaker and musician. The schedule is tabulated below:
Sunday July 10
Speaker: Rev. Bill Wilson (St. George’s UMC of Philadelphia)
Music: One Way Express (Bluegrass gospel band)
Sunday July 17
Speaker: Rev. Jim Hughes (A local favorite who presents his powerful message using music and drama)
Music: Rev. Jim Hughes
Sunday July 24
Speaker: Rev. Jim Bolton (Pitman United Methodist Church Senior Pastor)
Music: PUMC Praise Team
Sunday July 31
Speaker: Rev. Sherry Zappola (retired UMC pastor)
Music: Sherry Zappola
= = =
2020 Camp Meeting Flyer
To download a PDF file of the 2022 Camp Meeting flyer, click this button: 2022 Camp Meeting
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To learn more about the Pitman Camp Meeting, click this Button: Camp Meeting
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So glad that you are getting back to having public services. I really enjoyed being with you all in July of 20219 and would be glad to return anytime you have a direct need, or even as a last-minute substitute. Keep up the great work for the Lord.