Day by Day through Holy Week

Posted by on Apr 13, 2022 in Godprints, Worship & Prayer | 0 comments

Greetings Friends:

Following the joy and triumph of Palm Sunday (as presented wonderfully by our Choir, Bells, Praise Team, Musicians, and Tech Team yesterday), we will journey through the remainder of the week, Holy Week, as the Scriptures portray the week unfolding for Jesus. Some of His most powerful and important teachings take place during this week. This week leads us to The Last Supper, Jesus crucifixion on the cross, and the ultimate triumph on Easter Sunday.  
My intention is to send an email out each day this week for your devotional and reflective reading. Some days will have significantly more readings than others. Wednesday and Saturday will both be significantly shorter.

Please note this is not intended to be a chronological, hour-by-hour, daytimer of Jesus’ week. It is to provide all of us with these important accounts, how they were understood by the Biblical writers, and how they can have a spiritual impact upon all of us today.  

I pray that all of us will be blessed as we journey with Jesus this week.  


Pastor Jim

Click on the Drop Down Box to open that day’s devotional.  Click on the scripture reference to read the passage from an online Bible (quotations are from the New Living Translation).  Each day’s readings will be posted as they become available.



Today, let’s read and ponder Monday of Holy Week…


Let me remind all of us that my intention is to send an email out each day this week for your devotional and reflective reading. Some days will have significantly more readings than others. Today is one of those longer reading days. Wednesday and Saturday will both be significantly shorter.

These emails are not intended to be a chronological, hour-by-hour, daytimer of Jesus’ week. It is to provide all of us with these important accounts, how they were understood by the Biblical writers, and how they can have a spiritual impact upon all of us today.  I pray that all of us will be blessed as we journey with Jesus on this Tuesday.  

Peace, Pastor Jim


Today we will continue our journey with Jesus through Holy Week. There is very little that the Bible records about Wednesday of that first “Holy Week.” Nevertheless what does take place is crucial to how the rest of the week plays out. 

Wednesday of Holy Week has traditionally been referred to as “Spy Wednesday” throughout Church History. The Bible does not mention the phrase “Spy Wednesday” specifically.  However it is believed to be the day in which Judas conspired with local religious authorities to betray Jesus. It is also believed to be the day/evening when Jesus was anointed with a very expensive perfume during a meal.

Let me remind all of us that my intention is to send an email out each day this week for your devotional and reflective reading. Some days will have significantly more readings than others. Today is one of the shorter reading days. 

I pray that all of us will be blessed as we journey with Jesus on this Wednesday.  

Peace,  Pastor Jim

Today, let’s read and ponder Wednesday of Holy Week


Today we will continue our journey with Jesus through Holy Week. There is a great deal of activity recorded about Thursday of that first “Holy Week.” You will notice that there are no accounts of Jesus’ arrest noted for Thursday. That is because it is likely that the “arrest” of Jesus took place at or just after midnight. Church tradition and reliable scholarly sources suggest this. Based on that evidence the “arrest” will be included with Friday’s readings.

Thursday of Holy Week things take place and they take place quickly. Today we will journey with Jesus and see what He was doing and saying through the lens of the four Gospel writers.  

These emails are intended to provide all of us with these important accounts, how they were understood by the Biblical writers, and how they can have a spiritual impact upon all of us today.  

Let me remind all of us that my intention is to send an email out each day this week for your devotional and reflective reading. I pray that all of us will be blessed as we journey with Jesus on this Thursday.  

Peace,  Pastor Jim

Today, let’s read and ponder Thursday of Holy Week…


Today we will continue our journey with Jesus through Holy Week. There is a great deal of activity recorded about what we call “Good Friday.” I mentioned yesterday that there were no passages of Jesus “arrest” on Thursday. This is because Church tradition and numerous scholars through the years believe that Jesus was arrested at or shortly after midnight.  As we can see in our readings the Scriptures themselves seem to suggest that as well.

Friday of Holy Week features many things which take place and they take place quickly. Today we will journey with Jesus as He arrives at Golgotha and dies for the sins of the world. The Gospel writers have much to say about that first Friday of Holy Week.

These emails are intended to provide all of us with these important accounts, how they were understood by the Biblical writers, and how they can have a spiritual impact upon all of us today.  

Let me remind all of us that my intention is to send an email out each day this week for your devotional and reflective reading. I pray that all of us will be blessed as we journey with Jesus on this Friday.  

Peace,  Pastor Jim


Today, let’s read and ponder Friday of Holy Week…



Today we will continue our journey with Jesus through Holy Week. There is very little recorded in Scripture about Saturday of Holy Week, also know as “Silent Saturday.” After carefully examining the Scriptures one will see that only Matthew has any comment or information about Saturday. 

There are many thoughts which have been shared throughout Church History showing how they arrived at the name of “Silent Saturday.” We won’t take the time to discuss them today. Still is is reasonable and air to conclude that the followers of Jesus were still mourning, believing that He was dead. 

Let’s ponder these words today and consider what the disciples felt like on that “Silent Saturday” long ago.

It’s Saturday, but Sunday is coming!

Peace,  Pastor Jim +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  • Chief Priests and Pharisees meet with Pilate who determines to place guards at the tomb = Matthew 27:62-66


Christ is Risen!….., Christ is Risen indeed!

Below are the readings for Easter Sunday.  I truly hope that you all have been blessed and that journeying with Jesus through the Scriptures this week has been a good spiritual discipline for everyone.  There will be one more coming, next Sunday.

Easter blessings!! 

Pastor Jim


Sunday morning…

Sunday afternoon…

  • Jesus appears to the two followers on the road to Emmaus = Luke 24:13-35

Sunday evening…

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