The morning of Saturday August 15 (2021), turned life upside down for 1.2 million people when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the island of Haiti. The quake was not felt in Pitman, but we are called to love and care for the needy around the world. As a result of this earthquake, many in Haiti are now in need of help. Using our tool called UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), United Methodists from around the world are being called to help as volunteers travel to Haiti to provide assistance to those in need.
“God is our refuge and strength…..with us in the midst of the storm”
How Can We be God’s Hands and Feet?
Financial Gifts…
United Methodists are working with longtime partners in Haiti to respond after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake and a major storm devastated this impoverished island country.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) helped rebuilding efforts after the 2010 earthquake that claimed thousands of lives, including United Methodist workers.
Today United Methodists are reaching out with their prayers and financial donations, working with their longtime partners to extend a helping hand in Haiti which also faces political unrest, gang violence and COVID 19.
UMCOR stands firm in its commitment to alleviate suffering and is working on how to best meet basic immediate needs like food, water, housing and medical supplies. We grieve with the people of Haiti as the staggering loss of life and level of devastation becomes clear. Many buildings have sustained major damage,thousands are homeless, and many Haitians still do not know the fate of loved ones.
A United Methodist Church mobile medical team has already been deployed to the affected region, and disaster relief funding has been sent. Since many roads are impassable, boats and helicopters are also being used to deliver supplies. UMCOR’s response is being complicated by the ongoing COVID 19 outbreak, and a severe economic downturn in Haiti, made worse by gang violence and political unrest.
UMCOR and United Methodists throughout the world are determined to assist our brothers and sisters in Haiti in every way they can. May we draw close to one another in a spirit of generosity toward our neighbors in crisis with faith that God will provide.
During the service on Sunday August 22, we will take a special offering which will help fund UMCOR’s efforts in Haiti. Specially marked plates will be located in the sanctuary.
Pastor Jim recently sent the following message…
I’m sure we all have seen the devastation which has taken place in Haiti. The 7.2 magnitude earthquake was devastating. As of this writing the news is reporting that 1,941 people have died with nearly 10,000 people injured, and many others still missing. It is further reported by the United Nations that about 500,000 children now have limited or no access to shelter, safe water, and food. The pictures are simply overwhelming.
I would like to invite all of us to be covering the people of Haiti in our prayers each day. Please pray for those families who are grieving, the injured, those displaced, the first responders, the medical teams and personnel, and those working in any way to bring relief and comfort.
Currently, United Methodists are in Haiti working with longtime partners there. Throughout our history the people called United Methodist are always where people are in need being a real presence of hope in the name of Jesus Christ. That said, beyond prayer, I would invite us to have a special offering this Sunday, August 22, which will go to UMCOR and be sent to help those suffering in Haiti. You can bring your offering to worship or by using the church website.
I am always amazed at the generosity of God’s people especially in responding to those facing great challenge.
May God be a very real presence to the people of Haiti and may God bring relief, comfort, and support.
Thanking you in advance and praising God for your faithfulness.
Pastor Jim
Special Offering- Online
If you can’t attend church in person on Sunday 8/22/21 but want to participate in this special offering, you can use our online giving system.
To donate to the special offering, log into our online giving system, add a new transaction, and enter the amount of your gift into the field labeled “UMCOR BENEVOLENCE.” If you’ve never used the online giving before, follow the instructions to create a user profile (or you can simply fill out the form to make a one-time donation without a user profile).
Click the below button to access the online giving system:
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To learn more about how the United Methodist Church is helping those in need, click this button: UMCOR