The Pitman Pantry Delivers a Taste of God’s Goodness (Jan 2021)

Posted by on Jan 17, 2021 in EventReport, Ministry: Community & Church, Mission: AroundTowns, Pitman Food Pantry | 0 comments

In the midst of this pandemic, people have lost their jobs and are in need of food.  God works through His people to help His people, and the Pitman Food Pantry is no exception.  Below is an update describing the work of the Pantry during the past month.


“For I was  hungry and you gave me something to eat….”    Matthew 25:35

“My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth”  Psalm 121:2

Report from the Pitman Food Pantry, January, 2021…

Last winter the Pitman Pantry volunteers were concerned as we learned that the Federal government was planning to cut the SNAP (food stamp) program, leaving millions of low income, food insecure, Americans with even less resources, and needing additional help. At our monthly meetings we prayed that God would guide us, and provide, as we planned to work harder to provide groceries to all who came to us for food.

And then we began to hear about the COVID 19 Pandemic. The charitable food sector, food banks, pantries and soup kitchens ,braced for a huge surge of requests for help. And we prayed. As some other pantries began to close, we were beginning to serve food insecure families from other towns. And we prayed.

The Pantry has  been able to remain open by cautiously following all CDC and NJ State guidelines. All volunteers social distance, and wear masks and gloves. 


In 2020 the Pitman Pantry provided food to 3025 families (84,80 people). In December alone we served 328 families (972 people), twice the number served in January, and our all time highest number ever.


As the lines of the food insecure grew longer at the Pantry,  donations of food and money grew as well. We continue to be amazed.


We are blessed to live in such a generous community!  Through all of these trying times, the Pantry has remained well stocked, and able to supply groceries to all who come to us for help. Of course that means that our intrepid volunteers have been working even harder shopping, stocking shelves, and serving so many more of the food insecure. The Pantry was even able to provide special food and treats for the holidays. Everyone received a complete turkey dinner for Thanksgiving, and a generous donor purchased hams for Christmas.



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The Pitman Pantry is an ecumenical ministry of five local churches, and is located at the First Baptist Church, 30 N. Broadway. Each of the five churches donate food, money and volunteers to work at the Pantry.  Many individuals, professional groups, service organizations, and our Boy Scouts donate to the Pantry. We are so very grateful for their support.

The Pantry is so very thankful for our dedicated  volunteers, who give countless hours of their time serving others. They warmly welcome each 
person  with a smile reflecting God’s love ,and strive to give them any additional food they may want or need.

The volunteers of the Pitman Pantry thank each of you who have supported God’s work here in any way. We appreciate the parents, children and staff of “Our Father’s House”, who have continuously supported the Pantry for many years. We are truly blessed!!  Most of all we ask that you continue to pray for this vital local ministry that makes such a positive difference in the lives of our food insecure brothers and sisters.


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To learn more about the Pantry, click this button:       Pantry  


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