It’s almost Sunday again! During this Covid-19 pandemic, we’re staying at home and the normal routine is totally upended. And, it’s hard to keep track of the days!
But God has given us a Sabbath day; a time to rest from our work (and worries?) and to focus on God. In our Christian Tradition, we have chosen that Sabbath Day to be the first day of the week- Sunday. Our Lord rose on the first day of the week, and it’s a good time for us to “recharge our spiritual batteries” and prepare for the upcoming week.
It’s Sunday Morning!
Even though we can’t go to church like we would do during “normal times,” we can still begin our week in prayer and worship. We might call the means “Virtual”, but God still uses them in Real ways.
Here’s a possible schedule that you could follow on this Sunday Morning:
Start of the Day…
Devotionals Many of us begin the day with a cup of coffee, but with mug in hand, open the Bible! Daily Devotionals such as Our Daily Bread and the Upper Room can be found right on our website:
Pre-Prayer for the service. In “normal times” the ushers hand us a printed bulletin as we enter the sanctuary. As we enter this day, prepare for worship by praying through the Online Bulletin:
Give an Offering God has invested in us so that we can invest in Him. Part of our worship experience is to make a commitment back to God. Here’s how to do that online:
9:00 AM…
Adult’s Sunday School The “Potter’s Hand” adult class is using Zoom to meet online every Sunday from 9:00-9:45’ish. Grab a cup of coffee and pre-prayer for the worship service by studying the Bible with some friends (virtual or real…). The Zoom invitation link is emailed out to class members prior to the meeting. If you want to be added to this email list, send a message to: Enter “Zoom” as the message subject. In the message, give your name and indicate that you want to join the Potter’s Hand class.
For more info, check out the Sunday School page…
Sunday School
~9:45 AM…
Kid’s Sunday School Many of our small groups and Sunday School classes are meeting online using Zoom. But our Christian Education leaders are producing lessons for kids that anyone can view! They are posted on Facebook Saturday night and linked to our website on Sunday mornings- see below. They are directed to children (but kids of all ages can learn). “Tune into” the feed on our website on Sunday morning to watch these lessons:
Kid’s Sunday School(Recordings of previous installments are available on same website page)
10:15 AM…
Worship Service During this pandemic, we can’t meet in our building as a congregation, but Pastor Jim, our Music Team, and our Tech Team are meeting in the sanctuary to present a Live Stream worship service. The service begins at 10:15 AM on every Sunday morning, and it’s presented using our website’s Live Stream service:
Live Stream(This is also accessible from the website Home Page)
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The Rest of the Day…
Spend some time with your family! Play together, pray together, and experience God’s blessings on this special Sabbath Day.
The Rest of the Week…
Every day is the “Day that the Lord Has Made!” (Psalm 118). You don’t need a church service or pastor to praise God or to pray. God is intimately involved in the details of your life on Monday through Saturday too! Continue to read the Bible and devotionals daily. Continue to pray and worship. If you missed any of the live presentations, visit the above pages to watch recordings of them.
This website offers a wealth of resources that you can use to connect with the rest of the church family, and (most importantly) with God. Here are a few of them:
The Daily Devotionals Page is updated every day (not just Sunday!):
Daily Devotionals
Articles and recordings of sermons from over the years are available:
Sermon Archive
Messages of encouragement are recorded on our Creative Connections Prayer Phone…
Dial: (856) 226-4159 (Just listen to the short greeting and hang up.)
Pastor Jim periodically emails out his devotional thoughts:
Pastor Ponderings
Learn from the Quizzes and connect with the Polls:
Quiz & Poll
Connect with Social media (view feeds on our website):
Social Media
Pray! (here are some articles about prayer):
And- you can always catch up on recordings of past Services or Sunday School lessons:
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For more information about Worship, click this button: Grow in Worship