Piano, Pedals, Sticks and Strings Praise God! (10/27/19)

Posted by on Oct 31, 2019 in Choirs (Music), EventReport, Worship & Prayer | 2 comments

We had a celebration on this Sunday night in late October. It wasn’t for Halloween, Charge Conference, or any other special event. It was just an evening for our church family to come together and to celebrate God and the music He has given us throughout the ages. And afterwards- we did what United Methodists also like to do: eat! We gathered in the Narthex and munched on cookies, candy, and cupcakes while sipping apple cider and enjoying good conversation.


Piano, Pedals, & Praise

Inspirational Christian music has been given to us in many different formats. Throughout the years we have used Pianos and Pedals (organs) to praise God. More recently, we have added “Praise Bands” to the mix. God has given us a wide variety of music. Today we try to categorize the genres by dividing it between “Traditional” and “Contemporary,” but any style of music can be used to inspire and to glorify God.

On this evening, we celebrated our rich heritage of music by using all genres and instruments. A collection of music was presented organized around the theme of “Piano,” “Pedals”, and “Praise” and we highlighted the variety by alternating between each instrument and genre.


The Lineup

The evening featured the following selections…

  • “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”
  • “How Great is Our God”
  • “Praise Father,Son, and Holy Ghost”
    (acapella trio)
Piano “Awesome God”
(Piano trio)
Praise “My Heart is a Well”
Pedals “Toccata in d minor”
(Organ solo)
Praise “Gratitude”
(soloist & piano)
Piano “Lord of the Dance”
(Piano duet)
Praise “My Redeemer is Faithful and True”
(soloist & piano)
Pedals “Now Thank We All Our God”
(organ solo)
  • Medley of Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs”
  • “I’ll Fly Away”
    (Piano then all)



Mary Shipley, Sue Crispin, and Lauren Seiter led us with “Awesome God” and “Lord of the Dance”…



Sue Crispin and Bill Mitchell brought us the grandeur and power of the organ…



Soloists Chris Valianti and Ann Downham (accompanied by the piano) led us in worship. Guitars, drums, and bells provided rhythm and melody throughout the evening.


History of Worship Music

Our “Voices in Praise” choir then took to the loft and joined in the presentation of a medley of church music history.

Starting with the hymn “Be Thou My Vision” (written in 560 AD) and ending with the chorus “Who You Say I Am” (written in 2019), choir, soloists, piano, guitar, bells and drums led us through snippets of our musical heritage.


The medley was based on the following video posted by vocalist David Wesley.

I’ll Fly Away!

We then ended the evening with a rousing rendition of “I’ll Fly Away”… and then adjourned to the Narthex to enjoy some dessert goodies.




To learn more about this special evening, here’s the article that announced the event…

Announcement Post

Our choirs and Praise Team will lead a special evening celebrating the history of Christian Music.  From 560 AD through 2019, inspired writers and musicians have gifted the world with music that challenges, inspires, and moves us closer to God.

The evening will begin at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary.  Our choirs and instrumentalists will present a selection of familiar songs, highlighting the gift of Music which God has given to us.  Part of this presentation will be a special medley of hymns and praise choruses dating from 560 through present.  

Here’s a sneak preview of that medley:



Music… And Food!

And so, it’s good to celebrate that music!  And, it’s also good to celebrate the fellowship of our church.  So, after the musical celebration in the Sanctuary there will be a bit of food celebration- we’ll enjoy some desert goodies in the Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome!  No need to bring any food or to register.  Just bring yourself and enjoy a special evening!




Pedals, Piano, and Praise!

DATE:             Sunday, October 27

TIME:              6:30 PM

LOCATION:  Starts in Sanctuary then moves to Fellowship Hall

COST:             Nothin’!!!  Just show up!

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for more info about our Musical Ministry, click here:       Music Ministry  



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  1. Denise Simon

    No live stream of Pedals, Piano and Praise tonight?

    • Chuck

      Unfortunately, we ran into some technical difficulties with our computer, and we unable to provide the Live Stream on Sunday night (the stream should be up and running for this week’s Sunday services though). Sorry you weren’t able to watch it, but thank you so much for trying. If it’s any consolation, this article (http://pitmanumc.org/wp/?p=22178) will soon be revised to report on the concert (and will include a series of photos).

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