Choirs to Lead Celebration of Palm Sunday (4/14/19)

Posted by on Apr 5, 2019 in Choirs (Music), EventAnnouncement, Worship & Prayer | 0 comments

Palm Sunday is a special event on our church calendar.  Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem reminds us of the hope of our own entrance into heaven.  Because of what happened on the Sunday after Palm Sunday (Easter!), we can experience our own resurrection from the captivity of sin. In other words (maybe a bit less “churchy”….), Palm Sunday is a day to celebrate.  Palm Sunday brings hopes (along with some challenges).  

On this year’s Palm Sunday (4/14/19), our choirs and Praise Team will present a special cantata service entitled “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross.”  The music filled with contemporary arrangements, but the lyrics flow from traditional hymns.

Keeping with PUMC tradition, the service will open with the singing of “The Palms”, and some of the more energetic among us (ok, “younger”…)  will process around the sanctuary waving their palm branches.  It’s a celebration.  Jesus is entering the Holy City.  Our King and Messiah is coming!

And yet, we know that in a few days, He’ll be rejected an Crucified.

But…. (with God there’s always a “but”!)…. but on Easter Jesus will rise again.


Palm Sunday

In order to fully experience the Joys of Easter, we need to spend some time at the cross.  We need to see our sin.  We need to see what Jesus is taking victory over. 

We are called to gaze upon the cross and to worship.  Our Palm Sunday service will open with the following “Call To Worship”…

As the children of Jerusalem cried, “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord,” we too lift our voices.

Let us bring our songs of praise as we too cry hosanna.

 Let us lay our lives at the feet of Jesus as He enters.


Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross

Our Palm Sunday message is based upon a book edited by Nancy Guthrie entitled,  “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross; Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter.”  This book contains the writings of many theologians over the centuries who have delved into the Scriptures to find the rich truths of the Glory of the Cross of Jesus Christ. 

The ultimate goal of our cantata is that we will once again be drawn near to the cross, to gaze upon the face of Jesus, in death and in healing to witness the price that was paid there for our sins and rejoice in the forgiveness and grace offered.




The music will  turn our gaze upon the cross as we lay our lives upon the feet of Jesus.  We start at the cross and then turn our hopes heavenward as we ponder the resurrection…


1-   “Near the Cross” with “The Power of the Cross”
2-   “Does He Still Feel the Nails?”
3-   “Mercy Tree”


4-   “Jesus, Messiah”
5-   “At the Cross” (Love Ran Red)
6-   “Cornerstone”
7-   “This is How We Know What Love Is”
8-   “Why?”


9-   “It is Well With My Soul”
10-  “Resurrection Power”
11-  “O Praise the Name of Jesus”


We pray that you will once again be drawn near to the cross, to gaze upon the face of Jesus (in death and in healing), and to witness the price that was paid there for our sins.  And then to go forth-  rejoicing in the forgiveness and grace He offers.



Join The Celebration!

Palm Sunday at PUMC is always a special event.  It’s both a joyous celebration of victory, and a quite time of somber reflection.

Our 2019 Palm Sunday service will be held at 10:15 AM. There will only be one service this week (we’ll return to our normal 9:30 / 11:00 schedule for Easter).


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