Choirs Lead Celebration of “Jesus: No Other Name” Cantata (12/16/18)

Posted by on Dec 17, 2018 in Choirs (Music), EventReport, Worship & Prayer | 0 comments

It must have been Christmas; A Sunday late in December, 4:15 PM, candlesticks fastened to the sides of the pews, two arrangements of white and red poinsettias forming crosses that flanked either side of the altar table. And, the choir was in the loft singing a service of song and narration. The annual Christmas Cantata. We’ve celebrated this tradition for nearly 100 years.

But, something else broke into the atmosphere of tradition. Jesus: No Other Name. At some point during the music, amidst all of the tradition, we felt the spirit of worship.

Jesus: No Other Name.

Thoughts about shopping, parties, and all of the “to do” lists faded away. For those moments, our hearts and minds were focused on one thing. Jesus: No other Name. Not Christmas trees. Not shopping malls. Not cookies. Not cards. Jesus: No Other Name.

During this Advent season, and even during those precious moments under the Christmas Tree on Christmas morning, we celebrate God’s love for us. That somehow, despite our constant attention on things other than God, He still came to us. He became one of us. And He even suffered at terrible death for us. All so that He could be our Good Shepherd forever and bring us to His Father. Jesus: No Other Name. No other name by which we can be saved.



The physical images are blurry. The Spirit gives vision to things that cameras can’t see.

Below are some pictures of this annual Christmas Tradition. Snapshots of an event. And yet, the real essence of this afternoon’s worship can’t be captured by a camera. Because, if even just for a moment, the “cameras of our hearts and minds” were focused on one thing. Jesus: No Other Name.


We haven’t uploaded any videos of our cantata to our You Tube Channel, but the First Baptist church in Widner GA did. Here’s their rendition of “Angels We Have Heard on High” (the 6th of the nine songs in the cantata)…




For more information about this year’s Christmas Cantata, check out the article that announced the cantata…

Announcement Post

There was a time when we were just called the “Senior Choir.” But that made us look old, so we came up with the name “Voices in Praise” (abbreviated VIPs). There was a time when we had the “Junior Choir.” But that seemed inferior, so we came up with “Joy-Filled Juniors.” We used to have a “Bell Choir”, but now we’re the “Allelujah Bells.”


Names… What’s in a Name???

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

People and organizations change. A year or two after Citizen’s Bank Park opened (where the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team plays), Citizens Bank changed their logo and the Phillies had to replace the cup holders that are in every seat in the stadium. The Philadelphia Flyers hockey team used to play in the “First Union Center.” Then it became the “Wachovia Center.” Now it’s called the “Wells Fargo Center.”

But there is no other “Name” under which we must be saved. Jesus. The Christ. The Son of God.

We refer to the day of His birth in different ways: “Merry Christmas,”Happy Holidays”, “Season’s Greetings.” We try to be “politically correct ” and avoid disrespecting anyone’s views. But to have a relationship with God… to be saved… there is only one Name: Jesus. There’s something holy, powerful, and loving about that name: Jesus.


Jesus No Other Name

As we prepare for the arrival of The Christ during this Advent season, the choirs will present our annual cantata (Sunday Dec. 16, at 4:15 PM). This year’s cantata is entitled, “Jesus, No Other Name.” It’s a mixture of the familiar with the unexpected. It includes the traditional “Carol of the Kings”, but it also jumps to the African-American spiritual “What Did you Say was the Baby’s Name?” The cantata will use many voices to celebrate this Name- adult vocalists, child vocalists, and soloists; all accompanied by guitars, piano, organ, and narration.

Join us as we celebrate this glorious Name: Jesus!


Christmas Cantata

Date: Sunday December 16

Time: 4:15 PM

Location: PUMC Sanctuary


Jesus: No other Name we sing…

Jesus: Forever the same…

Our King Jesus: Love’s greatest story is known



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