The course is open from June 17 through July 29.
The cost is $9.99. For more information or to register, click the following button:
So What do you Know About the United Methodist Church???
United Methodist Communications is offering an online course entitled “United Methodism 101.” Whether you’re a life long Methodist or if you only recently joined the church, this course will offer some new things to learn. It covers the following areas:
- United Methodist History
- Theology and Beliefs of the United Methodist Church
- Organization and Governance
- Present and Future Challenges
You work at your own pace to complete the assignments. The course consists of the above four modules, and it takes about a total of an hour to complete each module (of course you can take breaks along the way… you don’t have to do each module all at once). You read through the information, try a few interactive exercises along the way, and then try the quiz.
The quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions. You can see the answers after submitting it, and then try it again if you missed any questions. An unlimited number of attempts are allowed, so there’s no reason why you can’t get a 100 on every quiz!
Each module wraps up with a discussion board, and it’s really interesting to exchange ideas and experiences with others who are taking the course. People from all over the country are taking this, and an instructor adds additional comments. You will see a a variety of interesting perspectives.
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For more information about other online courses, Click Here.