A sign at this year’s Vacation Bible School, said “God Made You for a Reason.” Our Creator-God made a lot of things, most of which are too complicated for us to understand.
Consider a rainbow. Yes, we can explain the science behind it. We know all about light shining through water droplets, wavelengths, white light, color light, diffusion. Yes- we can explain why we see rainbows. And so- to the “modern mind”- God’s explanation in Genesis 9:13-15 seems too simple (some might even say “superstitious”).
We might be tempted to think that this is just a story that someone made up because they didn’t understand the science behind it.
But- did it have to happen that way? Did they have to be so beautiful? Why do rainbows inspire wonder?
Humans… we know the science and biology that explains “where babies come from.” But did reproduction have to come from such a beautiful act of love? Do kids have to be so cute???
Our world and ourselves were made by an all powerful loving God who has an imagination beyond anything we could ever dream of. God made us for a reason. Why?
The purpose wasn’t just to spark interest in our VBS program or to make decorations (yes- the robots were a big part of the atmosphere during our VBS week)… but one reason we got into robots was to kindle our own creativity. But exercising our own speck of human ingenuity, we could begin to imagine God’s awesome creative power.
God made us in His image!
He thought of all our needs, made each of us different, and even injected some humor!
Our decorative robots couldn’t cut the grass, vacuum the floor, or do any useful tasks, but they gave us a taste of imagination and reminded us that God can do sooooo much more!
Maker Fun-Factory…
The theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) was intended to tickle our imagination and turn our eyes to the wonder of God’s creative power.
Our Maker Fun Factory was open from June 26-30, 2017. Over 75 kids (from nursery through 6th grade) joined in on the fun. We started out each evening by gathering in the Sanctuary at 6:00PM. We then broke out into small groups to learn and explore, and then re-convened for a closing that wrapped up the evening at 8:00 PM.
Each evening featured a different theme of study. And (since we were collecting items to fill shoeboxes for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child), each evening also featured a different item for the collection. Here’s a day by day summary:
Lance Bird (playing a character named Ian Victor) and Kate Dilks (playing herself….) opened each evening by leading us in music.
One of the favorite songs contained the line:
“God has a reason; Reason for my life. I’m gonna SHOUT IT OUT, without a doubt!“
They also led us in skits that taught us that God made us, and that He and is for us because He loves us! Here are a few pictures of our openings:
So one evening, we learned about sin. Everyone sins; both kids and grownups. It’s part of who we are, and it’s why Jesus had to come to earth. By dying on the cross and rising from the dead, Jesus made it so that our sins are all forgiven. And because He did that, we can all have eternal life!
To sense this truth, the kids wrote one recent sin on a paper heart and stuck it on a cross to turn it over to Jesus.
- The kids worked built structures to show them that “God supports them.”
- Another day they explored that “God is always with them.” Like God, air is a gift from God that is always with us. The kids balanced ping pong balls on the air of hair dryers, and then pushed two plungers together to create a vacuum which made it hard to pull apart. It was amazing to see, and it showed the kids that God is amazing too!
Here are a some more photos of our learning time…
But it wasn’t all indoor activities. God also created the great outdoors, and we had the chance to try some things out….
- Chalk Sketching: God made you unique!
Some kids traced each other or drew God sightings or made a unique hop scotch board. - Sponge Relay: God is for you!
God is like the water in the sponge, we soak Him up and He is always with us! - Slip ‘n Slide: God is always with you!
Even when it gets tough like when you try to walk across the slippery slip ‘n slide! - Drip, Drip, Drop: God will always love you!
- It’s a variation of Duck, Duck, Goose…
- the kids say “God loves you” and drip a little water on you…
- but eventually they pour all the water on someone and say “WOW God!”
- and then they chase!
- Fan Spray Game: God made you for a reason!
And part of our reason for playing the game was that it was SUPER hot that day!
Here’s a glimpse of what what we did…
And, to make things even “Sweeter”, we ended the week with a visit from Mr. Softie and enjoyed some ice cream….
At the Pool
You don’t have to be in a church building to learn about God! And, learning doesn’t mean that you have to be staring at a book for a couple of hours. Our Maker had fun, so learning about God- especially in the Summer- is supposed to be fun! So the older kids visited an offsite pool each evening to swim and study…
Christmas in July!
God Made You for a Reason! Probably one of the main reasons God made each of us is so that we could reflect His love; in some way- using the “Me” that He gave each of us.
So this year’s VBS wasn’t totally about fun and learning; it was also about serving and loving.
Each December, our church participates in the “Operation Christmas Child” program. We collect items like toothbrushes, washcloths, small toys, combs, and school supplies. These may be things we take for granted, but these items are desperately needed by poor children around the world. The items are packaged in a standard shoe box, and the boxes are given to needy children around the world.
Our VBS mission project this year was to collect items that could be used to fill these “Operation Christmas Child” boxes. We set a goal of 500 items and issued a challenge: Lance (aka “Ian Victor”) would receive a pie in the face if the kids collected at least 500 items. Well, fortunately for needy children worldwide (and unfortunately for Lance)- the kids met the challenge! over 550 items were collected, enough to fill 50 shoe boxes which can be distributed this Christmas.
Lance was good to his promise though; here’s the proof…
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For more information, here’s the post that announced our VBS…
Announcement Post
Rainbows. Mountains. Waterfalls. Sunsets, Sunrises. An Eagle swooping down into a lake. A butterfly. We’ve all seen God’s Creation and have been inspired by the wonders that He surrounds us with. We can’t even begin to tap the depth of God’s creative genius and imagination. Genesis tells us that God made everything we see, and that He called it all “GOOD.”
In His Image!
Genesis also tells us that God created US in His image!
So what about us? If the God who made the beauty of the rainbows and sunrises also made us, He must have invested His creative powers into us too. And He made us in His image! If God is creative, then we have some part of His creative powers within us too.
How do we use that? What does that mean in our daily lives?
Wonderfully Made…
We’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of the Beatles’ “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heat’s Club Band” album. John, Paul, and George wrote some great songs (and Ringo helped out too!). But David came before the Fab Four and his “catalogue” outstrips even the Beatles’. Here’s one of David’s “greatest hits” (from Psalm 19)…
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
Here’s another line from David’s Greatest Hits (Psalm 8)…
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
Yep, God did an amazing job when He created the earth and everything beyond. But are WE amazing too? What’s David have to say about that?
Here’s what David wrote about in Psalm 139…
O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. You hem me in — behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Maker Fun Factory!
The Maker Fun Factory is coming to PUMC during the week of June 26!
Our Maker (God) enjoyed making us! In our Vacation Bible School this year, we’re going to tap into God’s creativity and then discover that He’s made us to be pretty special too. Here’s how our curriculum guide puts it:
“Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God. Spark creativity with interactive decoration and experiences. Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School transforms Pitman UMC into a place buzzing with excitement!”
-Description taken from Group website
We ARE lovingly crafted by God. And, we’re created for a purpose. That is exciting news! So the theme of this year’s VBS is “Maker Fun Factory”.
The Maker Fun Factory will come to PUMC this June. Here are the details…
- WHEN: June 26-30, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- WHO: All nursery through 6th Graders
- WHERE: Each evening will start out in our sanctuary, then we’ll break out into age-specific groups.
- COST: Free!!!
Hey, this is VACATION Bible school! We’re in the summer, done with school, and and we’re celebrating the Fun that our Maker has invested into us. So, there’s something a bit special for the 5th and 6th graders; they will have their sessions at an offsite pool.
So if you’re a 5th or 6th grader, bring your bathing suit and expect to have some good summer fun.
Transportation between the church and the pool location will be provided.
How Do I Join in the Maker Fun???
Just show up! You don’t even have to attend the whole week. Come out on any of the nights and you’ll be welcome to join us (if you haven’t registered yet, please drop by a few minutes early).
But… we’d always appreciate a heads up if possible. So we are looking for pre-registrations, and there are two ways to do that…
- In Person. Pick up a registration form (in the office, Narthex, or bulletin)
- Online. Click this button: VBS Registration
We’re building robots! When we open our Fun Factory, it’s going to be decorated by a small army of “robots” crafted by the people of PUMC. Technical sophistication isn’t necessary (these are decorations, after all). On Sunday June 11, the robots will be on display and congregants will have a chance to vote on the most creative (the winner will receive tickets to the Adventure Aquarium).
In addition to the Robot Contest, we’re in need of a bunch of “VBS type” items. For details on what we’re collecting, check out the gears on the Robot that’s stationed in our Narthex.
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To learn more about out Vacation Bible School at PUMC (and to see pictures from previous years), click this button and look at some of the VBS posts:
VBS at Pitman UMC