PUMC Musicians Use Guitars to Fight Cancer! (6/3/17)

Posted by on Jun 5, 2017 in Choirs (Music), EventReport, Mission: Beyond our Community | 0 comments

Cancer.  It has affected, it is affecting, and it will affect many different people in many different ways.  For surviving family, it creates mourning,  To victims, it creates pain.  And to survivors, it creates celebration.  But for all of us, it’s something that needs to be eliminated.  We need a cure.

Every year, the American Cancer Society sponsors what it calls a “Relay for Life” event.  A “Relay” event was recently held at the Washington Lake Park, in nearby Washington Township.  Cancer never stops, and so groups filled the entire afternoon walking around the paths that wind around the park.  There were games, food, and information booths.

And there was music!  Our praise team was asked to fill a 1 hour slot of music on the stage of the main amphitheater.  We added to the festivities, and hopefully added a few spiritual moments with our music.

Fourteen members of our church’s “Music Family” took the stage and gave our renditions of the following…

Days of Elijah…
We Want to See Jesus Lifted High…
Power in the Blood…
I’ll Fly Away…
Victory in Jesus…
Mighty to Save.

PUMC Praise Team at Washington Lake Park

In between these “standards” from the full band, Lee Whittaker preformed his song “The Winds of Pentecost,” Ann Downham and Mary Shipley sang “Better than a Hallelujah”, and Chris Valianti teamed with signer Jennifer Andrade to sing “O Glorious Day.”

Yes, there’s nothing “glorious” about cancer, but it is a powerful thing when people can get together and make music against a common foe and for our loving God.

Here are a few more photos…



For more  information on the Relay for Life, here’s the post that announced this event…

Relay for Life Announcement

The American Cancer Society is holding a Relay for Life event at the Washington Lake Park, and our Praise Team is going to be part of it.  Yep- we’ll be on the big stage, stirring up the crowd with some of our greatest hits!  Of course, anything that gets you thinking and moving for God is a “great hit”!

The event will feature several musical groups.  We’re scheduled to be on stage between 1:30 – 2:30 PM.  Look for us on the main outdoor amphitheater stage.  Bring some lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy an hour of inspiration.

Here are directions to Washington Lake Park: Map to Washington Lake Park


Relay for Life

Here’s the description of a Relay for Life from the American Cancer Society website…

Relay is a team fundraising event where team members take turns walking around a track or designated path. Each event is 6 to 24 hours in length and each team is asked to have a member on the track at all times to signify that cancer never sleeps. Cancer patients don’t stop because they’re tired, and for one night, neither do we.

Each team sets up a themed campsite at the event and continues their fundraising efforts by collecting donations for food, goods, games, and activities. This money will count towards their overall team fundraising goal.


The day at the Washington Lake Park will feature the following activities:

  1. 12:00 Noon- Opening Ceremony
  2. 12:30 PM-  Survivors Lap
  3. 12:45 PM-  Caregivers Lap
  4. 10:00 PM-  Luminaria Ceremony (light a candle for lost loved ones)
  5. 12:00 Midnight- Closing Ceremony

Check the Event Website for more information…

Throughout the afternoon, “teams” will set up games and other events.  Part of the happenings will be the music at the main amphitheater (which is what our Praise Team is participating in).



In Methodist “churchy lingo”, what we’re doing is called “Acts of Mercy.”  Healing the sick and preventing disease is part of what God is calling us to do.  Below is a video from the American Cancer Society You-Tube channel that shows how the Relay for Life can make a difference:



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To learn more about our Music Ministry, click this button:  Choirs and Praise Team  







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