On Wednesday October 19, the Elderberries (our Seniors group) will travel to the Sight and Sound Theater (in Strasburgh, PA) to witness the production of “Samson.” Yes, that’s currently a long time off, but reservations are needed by June 15. A deposit of $50 will secure your spot.
The total price will be $95; that includes a bus, the tickets, and a huge dinner afterwards at Hershey Farms.
We have purchased 55 tickets… first come first served. Anyone interested should make use of the sign up sheet for this trip which is in the Narthex. Checks should be made payable to “Pitman United Methodist Church.”
To learn more about this production, click this button: Samson
To learn more about Samson, read Judges chapters 13-15.
If interested, see Sue and/or Marshall Genter.
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Click this button to learn more about the Elderberries: Elderberries