How Much Do You Know About General Conference?

Posted by on Apr 30, 2016 in EventReminder, Training | 0 comments

The General Conference of The United Methodist Church is set to meet in Portland, Oregon from May 10 through May 20.

General Conference?  Didn’t he serve with Lee???

Nah.  The “General Conference” is the ruling body of the entire United Methodist Church. It meets once every four years to revise church law and to consider resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for church-wide programs.

Last May, our Greater New Jersey Annual Conference elected a slate of delegates to this upcoming General Conference,and they will join with delegates from all over the world.


Read More…

The United Methodist Church has posted a website article describing the basics of the General Conference, and it also provides some insight on the issues they’ll consider this year.

Read all about it by clicking this button:  Conference

Try the Quiz!

The United Methodist Church recently put out a quiz (only 10 questions… no report cards issued) about the General Conference.

Sharpen your “pencil” and try it out:      Quiz


Greater New Jersey Annual Conference

The “General Conference” (i.e., all of the United Methodists in the world) is composed of many “Annual Conferences.”  PUMC is a member of the “Greater New Jersey Annual Conference,” and our Annual Conference will hold its “yearly meeting” in a few weeks.  Our “Annual Conference” will meet in Wildwood NJ from Sunday May 22 through Tuesday May 24.  This happens to occur right after the General Conference ends, so we’ll be able to hear some fresh reports from our delegates.

Our annual conference will be simulcast, so you’ll be able to watch the whole thing.

Be on the lookout for a button on the PUMC website’s home page which will take you to this simulcast.


If this Conference stuff is confusing or if you didn’t do very well on the above quiz, consider trying one of the free courses offered by the Church.  The Church’s organization called “United Methodist Communications” provides these learning resources.  The two courses shown below are ongoing (you can join in any time and have access for a year), and… they’re FREE!

  1. What does it mean to be a United Methodist
  2. Connectional Giving  (Just what is “shared ministry” anyway????
  3. Exploring General Conference  (not available after June 30)


To take advantage of the many courses offered by United Methodist Communications, visit their site, select a course and register. If you haven’t done this before, you’ll have to set up an account… but don’t let that scare you off!  It’s pretty painless.   Just give them your name, email address, make up a password, and skip most of the other optional information (up to you). You can come back at any time to log in with your email address and the password you made up for United Methodist  Communications Training.

Click this button to log in to your existing account or to set a new one up for yourself: UM Communications Login



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To learn more about learning, click this button: Training





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