Missionaries Retire… But… (10/6/24)
Missionary friends John and Dasia Abramovich worshipped at PUMC on 10/6/24. They came to worship, to fellowship, and to report on what they’re doing in their “retirement”.
Read MorePUMC’s Rays of Life Arrive in Ukraine! (3/14/24)
In April of 2023, Pastor Jim alerted us to an article he had read about a project to deliver emergency lights to the people in Ukraine. The Missions Team latched on to the idea of sponsoring some of these lights. Nearly a year later, the lights we funded have been handed to the Ukrainian people who desperately need a “ray of life” to shine in their lives.
Read MorePUMC to Help Earthquake Relief Effort (2/19/23)
In response to the tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we will hold a special offering on 2/19/23 and 2/26/19 to help UMCOR with the relief efforts.
Read MoreNate Steury Returns to PUMC! (11/6/22)
Rev. Nate Steury, a missionary from Zambia, will return to PUMC on Sunday 11/6/22 to update us on the work of the Kafakumba Transformational Outreach and to inspire us with his witness.
Read MoreUnited Methodists to Provide Relief after Attack in Ethiopia (7/31/22)
Thousands of people are caught in the crossfire of a conflict between separatists and the Ethiopian government. During an attack last month, 37 people were killed. PUMC will hold a special offering on Sunday July 31 to support relief efforts.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Continue to Stand with Ukraine (July 2022)
The war in Ukraine may have faded from our own front pages, but the United Methodist Church is still there. Methodists (and the global church) continue to care for displaced refugees.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Help Immigrants (June 2022)
Many in Central America are living in desperate situations surrounded by crime, violence, and poverty. To save their families, they are migrating north, through Mexico, and sometimes continuing to the USA. This UM News article describes what United Methodists are doing to answer Jesus’ call to help the the needy and to reflect the limitless love of God.
Read MoreUnited Methodists Stand with Ukraine (May 2022)
Since February 2022, we have endured constant barrage of news describing the destruction and suffering in Ukraine. But there are glimmers of light. The United Methodist News Service recently posted a series of photos showing how Ukrainian refugees are finding tastes of “normalcy” as they are cared for by United Methodists in the surrounding countries.
Read MoreMissionary Joy Phillips to Visit PUMC (4/24/22)
Missionary Joy Phillips will visit PUMC on Sunday April 24. Joy is a long time friend of PUMC, and we have supported her ministry in Africa, most recently in South Sudan. During our 10:15 AM service, Joy will update us on how God has been using her to build His kingdom.
Read MoreSpecial Offerings to be taken for Ukraine (March 6 & 13, 2022)
A special offering will be taken during the March 6 and 13 services to support the efforts of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to supply humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine.
Read MoreMethodists Respond to Earthquake in Haiti (8/22/21)
A major earthquake recently struck the island nation of Haiti. United Methodists are responding by sending relief help, and that help is funded by a special offering which will be taken on Sunday 8/22/21.
Read MoreMissionaries Forge Ahead Despite Pandemic (Dec. 2020)
As advent approaches, missionaries around the world don’t take a vacation. Even amidst this global pandemic, these dedicated servants find new ways to use what they have to share the gospel with a world that needs Jesus. Our Missions Team compiled this “global tour” of updates on the Missionaries that we support.
Read MoreChristmas Updates from World-Wide Missionaries (December 2019)
PUMC supports missionaries located all over the globe. Here’s an update on some of them. During this Advent season, be inspired by their faith and pray for them.
Read MoreKafakumba Pastors School is 55 Years Old!
In the Great Commission, Jesus tells His followers to Go- make disciples. All over the World. Years ago, Americans Ken and Lorraine Enright took that command to heart and did more than just think or talk about it. They went to Africa, and eventually established a Pastor’s School on the shores of Lake Kafakumba (in what is now the Congo). The Kafakumba Pastor’s School is now 55 years old. For a background on what the Kafakumba Pastor’s School is, check out their video...
Read MorePraise Band Concert Connects with La Palmilla (3/24/19)
On 3/24/19 four churches joined with PUMC to celebrate the gift of music and to help our friends in La Palmilla Mexico. The offering raised for construction, but the evening sharpened our connections with each other and with God.
Read MoreMissions Updates (Dec. 2018)
Emmanuel- God is with us. He’s with us through the hands and feet of His children, some of whom are global missionaries whom we’ve been supporting. Here’s an update on their missions. During this Advent season (and throughout the year), be in prayer for and with them.
Read MorePUMC Planning Missions Trip to Mexico! (10/24/18)
We’re returning to La Palmilla during the summer of 2019 to help convert the old sanctuary into a new kitchen and social hall! Are you interested in joining the team? An informational meeting will be held on 10/24/18, 7PM.
Read MorePUMC Helps Send Mexican Kids to School
One of the ministries we support is a United Methodist Church in La Palmilla, Mexico. They are a growing church without the financial means to provide the resources needed by their ministry. For years, we have raised money and sent mission teams to La Palmilla to help them build a new sanctuary. The construction has finally been completed, and the church dedicated their new sanctuary in 2016. But sending their children to school is another difficulty they have. In the US we take it for...
Read MorePUMC to Remember the Least of These on World Communion Sunday (10/7/18)
World Communion Sunday is one of six United Methodist church wide special Sundays. Christians around the world set this day as a way to recognize and celebrate missions and ministries empowered by God throughout His Church. On October 7, we will join thousands of other Christian congregations as we receive the sacraments of Holy Communion. During this service, our prayers will focus on “the least of these” throughout the world. We will lift up those devoted missionaries who are the hands and...
Read MoreTanzania Testimony (9/16/18)
Where’s Tanzania? Are there United Methodists there? What are they doing and why should we care? During our annual Conference in 2018, Greater New Jersey committed to a relationship with the United Methodist Conference of Tanzania. Their bishop, Bishop Mande Muyombo, was a guest at our conference in May and helped preside over our service of ordination. In June, our own bishop (Bishop John Schol) traveled to Tanzania with at team from New Jersey. Rev. David LeDuc and the...
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