Lenten Devotional 2025
Pre-Prayer for this year’s Lenten season by reading a daily devotional article written by local church members. Booklets of these articles will be distributed to churches, and electronic versions of the booklets are available on the PUMC website.
Read MoreNew Small Group to Study “Mere Christianity” (2/10/25)
What is faith? How can finite people even begin to understand the infinite God? This upcoming Small Group will study the book “Mere Christianity”, written by C.S. Lewis. Let’s get together and use our “thinking faith” to encourage each other’s walk with God.
Read MoreWeekly Prayer Guide
Pastor Mike is currently preaching a sermon series on the “Disciplines” of our faith… the tools we can use to grow closer to God. One of those disciplines is Prayer. During this time, a weekly list of specific prayer areas will be provided to every congregant attending the Sunday worship service. These concerns are posted in this page and updated each Sunday.
Read MoreMen Retreat Together to Live Harmoniously (2/21/25)
The men of PUMC will join with the men of the Pitman Church of the Nazarene to focus on a weekend of unity. The pastors of our two churches will team together to lead a retreat with the topic “Harmonious Living in a Hostile World.”
Read MorePUMC To Host Winter Red Cross Blood Drive (1/22/25)
Yep- “Another” Red Cross Blood Drive. People keep getting injured or sick, and the needs for blood are continuous. You can help fill that need (and maybe even save a life) by donating blood. The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at PUMC on 1/22/25. Open this post for details.
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Christmas in Our Hearts All Year Long (Dec. 2024)
Christmas doesn’t end in December! The decorations might come down, but the message lasts throughout the entire year. Celebrate the Good News and persevere in grace throughout the year.
Read More2024 Advent Devotionals (December 2024)
The Devotional Booklet for the 2024 Advent Season has been published! If you don’t have a hardcopy, you can view the booklet in this website post. The devotional contains articles for each day in the Advent Season (starting December 1), and it also includes daily devotionals for the period between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Always be Joyful! (Nov. 2024)
God’s will for us is to be joyful, to pray and always be thankful. When we keep our focus on God when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances, our Thanksgiving be still be filled with hope and joy.
Read MoreChristmas House Tour Opens Doors and Hearts (12/7/24)
The Christmas House Tour is an annual event organized by the Pitman Women’s Club. It raises scholarship funds to help High School Seniors as they prepare for college. This year, PUMC will be one of the stops on the tour. Stop by to see some beautiful decorations and to be inspired by the coming of the Christ. The tour is on Saturday 12/7/24, and it runs from 2-8PM.
Read MoreOpen Wide for Trunk or Treat! (10/26/24)
PUMC will host it’s annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 26, 2024 (6:30-8:30). Drop by for a Fall family celebration. Wander through the parking lot to admire the decorated trunks, then come on in inside to try some of the games. If you’ve got extra energy to work off, there’s even a Bounce House in the Fellowship Hall!
Read MoreChristmas Marketplace to Open (11/9/24)
The Sixth annual Christmas Marketplace will be held in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday 11/9/24 (between 9AM-2PM). The Marketplace raises funds to support a variety of missions projects which feed needy people, provide drinking water, and help families recover from recent storms. Stroll through the tables of crafts, baked goods, and other “attic treasures”. Make some prized purchases and support the missions projects of PUMC’s United Women in Faith.
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: Embrace the Holy Spirit ( Oct. 2024)
It’s the middle of October and Halloween is coming upon us. There are a lot of spooky and mysterious things associated with Halloween. But as Christians, how can we see God in the midst of all of the candy and talk about death and spirits?
Read MoreMembership Class Opens (10/20/24)
A new Small Group is about to begin. It’s called a “Membership Class”, but it’s for anyone who wants to know more abut the United Methodist Church or to know more about the people of PUMC. If you’re new to the church, it will be a great way to meet Pastor Mike and some of the PUMC friends that you don’t know yet. If you want to become an “official member” of PUMC, this class is a requirement.
Read MoreMissionaries Retire… But… (10/6/24)
Missionary friends John and Dasia Abramovich worshipped at PUMC on 10/6/24. They came to worship, to fellowship, and to report on what they’re doing in their “retirement”.
Read MorePUMC to Host Autumn Blood Drive (10/10/24)
PUMC’s Fellowship Hall will once again host the American Red Cross for its Autumn Blood Drive. Emergencies keep happening, and blood is always needed. The drive will be held on Thursday October10 (1-6PM), and registration is necessary (open this post for more details and instructions on how to register).
Read MoreOpen Mic Opens Hearts to God (9/20/24)
On Friday 9/20/24 PUMC held an Open Mic night which was dedicated to bringing Jesus to everyone involved. This Christian Open mic night welcomed musicians from across South Jersey who presented a variety of songs. The music ranged from original, to contemporary, to traditional. The Gospel Message came from guitars, piano, organ, and acapello voices. It was an evening of celebrating Jesus and our relationship with Him.
Read MorePUMC Celebrates Community with a Car Show (9/14/24)
On Saturday 9/14/24, PUMC hosted our “First Annual Car Show.” The parking lot was adorned by 73 classic cars displayed by their skillful owners. During the day, hundreds of people wandered through the display. We wondered at the beauty of restoration and chatted with the skilled car owners who brought these old vehicles to life and keep them running.. It was a party atmosphere on a beautiful day with neighbors, food, and music.
Read MoreBible Study Connects Malachi to Matthew (9/11/24)
Beginning on 9/11/24, Pastor Mike will start a new weekly Bible Study that will connect the Old Testament to the New Testament. Yes, Jesus is in the Old Testament too! The study will be held twice on Wednesdays. The morning session will be on Zoom and the evening session will meet in the church.
Read MorePastor’s Ponderings: New & Old, As Long as it’s About Jesus! (Sept. 2024)
Times change. Sometimes we’re in familiar territory. Sometimes we’re “traditional”, sometimes we’re “contemporary”. Even Jesus changed the way He healed people depending on the circumstances. But the eternal constant is that we always point people to Jesus.
(Note: This is Pastor Mike’s first “Ponderings” article.)
Wild Ride? Hang on to Jesus! (Camp Meeting, 8/18/24)
Pastor Mike made his Pitman Camp Meeting debut on 8/18/24 as PUMC hosted the service. In his message, he pointed out that life is like a wild ride in an amusement park. We need to hang on to something that’s secure, strong, and eternal. The only way to have that security is to hold on to Jesus.
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