Preschool and Elderberries Bridge Generations (11/18/15)
The Our Father’s House held our annual Thanksgiving Program on the morning of Wed. Nov.19. The sanctuary was packed with proud parents and grandparents watching their children do… well…what kids do best: being kids! After a lot of rehearsal, the classes of our preschool pulled off a delightful selection of short songs (complete with motions, laughter, and even a few moments where the “performers” yelled out to get their parents’ attention). About 40...
Read MoreElderberries Celebrate Turkey Time! (11/18/15)
On Wednesday Nov. 18 at 11:15 AM the Elderberries (our Seniors group) will be joined by the children of Our Father’s House for a special time of singing and turkey in our Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy a turkey luncheon complete with turkey and “the fixins’. ” Turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes will be provided. If you can, bring your covered dish specialty. After the lunch, the 4 year old class from our Preschool will provide some...
Read MoreElderberries Bloom at Longwood Gardens (5/29/15)
Seniors Group Visits Longwood Gardens… The Elderberries and Elderberry-want-to-be’s went to Longwood Gardens on Friday, May 29. Longwood Gardens is a landmark of beauty along route 1. Its grounds display God’s beauty in a variety of ways. As we strolled through Longwood’s greenhouses, outdoor gardens, and water displays we were reminded of the wonder of God’s awesome creation. ———————– Here are a few pictures...
Read MoreElderberries Are Really Cooking!!! (6/1/15)
“Oldies but Goodies” The Elderberries (our “seniors” fellowship group) have compiled a cookbook of some of our favorite recipes from the past. Our families and friends have enjoyed them for years, and they are the highlights of many a covered dish supper or family gathering. The cookbook will be available for a donation, and the proceeds will go towards the payment of our shared ministries obligation. The cookbooks can be obtained from Maureen Kier or Marshall Genter. ...
Read MoreElderberries to Go Cruising! (6/26/15)
Come and join us for a relaxing and informative cruise on the Maurice River. The Elderberries will spend the afternoon cruising on Friday, June 26. We will meet at the church at 11:45 for a departure out of Millville at 1:00 to 3:00 PM and then travel to the Maurice River Diner for an early dinner. The total cost will be $12.00 for the cruise plus the cost of your meal. There are a limited number of places on the boat (about 18), so be sure to sign up early on the river cruise sheet on the...
Read MoreElderberries are Springing Out! (4/15/15)
The Eldeberries will go to a movie on Wednesday April 15! We’re going to see “Second Best Marigold Hotel,” and then we’ll go to the Lamppost Diner for a meal (we’ll call it late lunch / early dinner). We’ll meet at the church at 12:45 for the 1:30 PM show. + + + + + + + + + For more information about our Elderberries group, Click Here. ...
Read MoreElderberries set to Enjoy Pasta and Movie (3/18/15)
Our Elderberries Seniors group is holding a “Lunch / Movie” gathering on Wednesday March 18 at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have baked ziti with meat sauce, salad, rolls, and dessert. Then we’ll watch the movie God is Not Dead. The cost is $5.00. Please make your reservation on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex by Sunday, March 15 so we can prepare. Also, mark your calendars and save the date! We will have our annual Easter-egg-stuffing party on Thursday, April 2nd at 1 PM...
Read MoreElderberries to Enjoy Pitman Middle School Concert (12/17/14)
On December 17 at 11:15, the Elderberries will be treated to a concert and luncheon. The concert will be given by the Pitman Middle School Chorus, under the direction of Sue Crispin . Besides teaching at the Middle school, Sue also serves as PUMC’s organist / music director. Following the concert, a lunch will be served. Save the date and look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. + + + + + + + + + + For more information on the...
Read MoreOur Fathers House & Elderberries Sing and Feast! (11/19/14)
On the morning of November 19 2024, the children from Our Father’s House presented a musical program in the sanctuary; the kids were “Marching in the Lord’s Army” and “Making Us Fishers of Men.” The energy the kids presented while singing this whole series of short “Sunday School” songs was inspiring and entertaining. The sanctuary was filled with not only camera toting parents, but also with seniors from our church. This event bridged young...
Read MoreOur Father’s House Kids to Join with Seniors for Thanksgiving Feast! (11/19/14)
Our church hosts the Our Father’s House Preschool (for kids as young as 2 1/2 years old) and we also have a group known as the Elderberries (for “kids” as old as ___).On Wednesday November 19, these two groups will join together over music and food. Dinner Theater??? Well, actually, it will be a “luncheon” and “program.” The OFH kids will provide the program in the Sanctuary, and then the Elderberries will treat everyone to a Thanksgiving Feast in...
Read MoreElderberries to Take Flight! (10/17/14)
Come Fly With Us! The Elderberries (our Seniors fellowship group) will visit the Wildwood Naval Air Museum on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th. We will be leaving the church at 9:30AM, and plan to stop at the Maurice River Diner for a late lunch or early dinner on the way home. The museum will take you back to the 1940’s and has interesting aircraft, stories, and hands on exhibits. The cost of the trip is $8.00 and the cost of your meals and gas. Sign up on the Elderberries clipboard on the...
Read MoreElderberries to Watch the Movie “Heaven is For Real” (9/17/14)
Welcome Back Elderberries! Come and join our group of seniors (50+) for lunch, a movie, and a discussion on future plans on Wednesday, September 17 at the church. We will meet for lunch at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall and then see the movie, “Heaven is for Real.” (Read a review for more information about this film). This is the story of a 4-year-old boy who had a near-death experience. Please make your reservations on the clipboard in the Narthex and note that there will be...
Read MoreElderberries to Take a Walk on the Boardwalk (6/18/14)
By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea… The Elderberries are taking a trip to Ocean City on Wednesday, June 18th. We’ll leave the church at noon and walk or sit on the Ocean City boardwalk. Dinner will be at the Crab Trap Restaurant in Somers Point. Cost will be your dinner and transportation. See Marshall Genter or Maureen Kier. + + + + + + + + + To learn more about the Elderberries group for seniors, check out the Elderberries Page....
Read MoreElderberries Surprise Event! (5/28/14)
Our Senior Adults group, the Elderberries, will hold an event on Wednesday May 28 at 11:30AM. Where are we going? What are we doing? Put your faith in the Spirit and don’t miss out! There is a signup sheet in the Narthex. For more information about the Elderberries, click here. For more information about this event… show up!
Read MoreElderberries- Maderine Court Lunch (2/19/14)
Lunch at the Manderine Court The Elderberries will celebrate the Chinese New Year with lunch at the Mandarin Court on Wednesday, February 19th. Meet at the church at 11:30 AM or at the restaurant at noon. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.
Read MoreElderberries Octoberfest (Wed. 10/16/13)
The Elderberries will have an October Fest celebration in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, October 16th at noon. We will have a German-style meal, music, activities, and will plan for the rest of the year. There is a nominal cost for the meal, and you need to make a reservation on the clipboard in the Narthex by Sunday, October 13th. Also, feel free to bring a friend!
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